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CommandButton Control

Creates a single command button.



A command button is typically used to start an event that performs an action such as closing a form, moving to a different record, printing a report, and so on. Use the CommandGroup control to create a set of command buttons that you can manipulate individually or as a group.

Use the Caption property to specify the text that appears on a command button. Use the Picture property to specify a picture for a command button.

You can choose a command button by clicking it, and, if the Default property is set to True (.T.), by pressing the ENTER key when the command button is selected. If the Cancel property of the command button is set to True (.T.), you can choose the command button by pressing the ESC key.

For additional information about command buttons, see Form Designer and Using Controls.


The following example demonstrates how command buttons can be added to a form. The Caption property is used to specify the text on the command buttons and the text indicating each button's access key sequence. The Cancel property is used to specify a button that is chosen when you press ESC.

The AddObject method is used to add three command buttons to the form, allowing you to change the direction in which a Line control slants or to close the form.

frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form')  && Create a Form
frmMyForm.Closable = .F.  && Disable the Control menu box 

frmMyForm.AddObject('shpLine','Line')  && Add a Line control to the form
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn1','cmdMyCmndBtn1')  && Up Cmnd button
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn2','cmdMyCmndBtn2')  && Down Cmnd button
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn3','cmdMyCmndBtn3')  && Quit Cmnd button

frmMyForm.shpLine.Visible = .T.  && Make Line control visible
frmMyForm.shpLine.Top = 20  && Specify Line control row
frmMyForm.shpLine.Left = 125  && Specify Line control column

frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn1.Visible =.T.  && Up Command button visible
frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn2.Visible =.T.  && Down" Command button visible
frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn3.Visible =.T.  && Quit Command button visible

frmMyForm.SHOW  && Display the form
READ EVENTS  && Start event processing

DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn1 AS CommandButton  && Create Command button
   Caption = 'Slant \<Up'  && Caption on the Command button
   Left = 50  && Command button column
   Top = 100  && Command button row
   Height = 25  && Command button height
      ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .F.  && Hide the Line control
      ThisForm.shpLine.LineSlant ='/'  && Slant up
      ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .T.  && Show the Line control

DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn2 AS CommandButton  && Create Command button
   Caption = 'Slant \<Down'  && Caption on the Command button
   Left = 200  && Command button column
   Top = 100  && Command button row
   Height = 25  && Command button height

      ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .F.  && Hide the Line control
      ThisForm.shpLine.LineSlant ='\'  && Slant down
      ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .T.  && Show the Line control

DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn3 AS CommandButton  && Create Command button
   Caption = '\<Quit'  && Caption on the Command button
   Cancel = .T.  && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
   Left = 125  && Command button column
   Top = 150  && Command button row
   Height = 25  && Command button height

      CLEAR EVENTS  && Stop event processing, close Form

See Also

CommandButton Control Properties, Methods and Events | CommandGroup Control | CREATE CLASS | CREATE FORM | DEFINE CLASS