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FoxCode Object Reference

Provides meta-data for use by the scripts contained in the Data field used for custom IntelliSense functionality.

FoxCode.PropertyName[ = eValue]


  • PropertyName
    Specifies a property for the object.
  • eValue
    Specifies a value for the property.


Property Description
Abbrev Contents of the Abbrev field
Case Contents of the Case field
Cmd Contents of the Cmd field
CursorLocChar This is a special character denoting the location to place the cursor after script (Default is "~" character)
Data Contents of the Data field
DefaultCase Default Case setting of FoxCode as derived from the Version record (Type = "V")
Expanded Contents of the Expanded field
Filename Name of file being edited
FullLine Full text from the line being typed currently
Icon Icon for use with items array
Items Array for use in populating a dropdown list to be displayed as post script action. Requires ValueType = "L"
Items[1,1] – text to display in list
Items[1,2] – value tip for item

The only required element is the first element for each row in the Items array. By default the array is sorted ascended to allow for incremental seeks. Users can use the ItemSort property to turn this off and use a natural sort of array.

ItemScript Script for use with items array
ItemSort Whether to sort items array (default = .T.)
Location Type of editor being edited:
0 – Command Window
1 – Program
8 – Menu Snippet
10 – Code Snippet
12 – Stored Procedure
Menuitem The menu item selected if user is running script with ValueType="L". Can be used in follow up script.
ParamNum Parameter number of the function for script call made within a function
Save Contents of the Save field
Source Contents of the Source field
Timestamp Contents of the Timestamp field
Tip Contents of the Tip field
Type Contents of the Type field
UniqueId Contents of the UniqueId field
User Contents of the User field
UserTyped Text the user typed. Does not include triggerkey, or any leading spaces or tabs (use FullLine instead for this).
ValueTip Quick Info tip to display when ValueType = "T"
ValueType Handler for post script action
L – displays a drop-down list populated from the Items array
V – displays Value
T – displays a Quick Info tip from ValueTip


The Data field of the FoxCode table generally contains script code to be executed by user-defined IntelliSense scripts. However, it also can be used just to store data used by scripts. This type of metadata is passed automatically to a script by the FoxCode parameter object. This object reference is typically stored in a variable called oFoxcode in IntelliSense scripts.

See Also

Customizing IntelliSense Using FoxCode | Using Scripting in FoxCode.dbf | _FOXCODE System Variable | _Codesense System Variable