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Opens editing windows for general fields in the current record.

MODIFY GENERAL GeneralField1 [, GeneralField2 ...] [NOMODIFY]
   [NOWAIT] [[WINDOW WindowName1] [IN [WINDOW] WindowName2 | IN SCREEN]]


  • GeneralField1 [, GeneralField2 ...]
    Specify the names of the general fields to open. To open an editing window for a general field in a table open in a noncurrent work area, include the table alias with the field name. You can open multiple general fields in the current record by including a list of general fields separated by commas.

    Specifies that the OLE object contained in the general field can't be changed, but can be viewed and copied to the Clipboard.

    Continues program execution after the general field editing window is opened. The program doesn't wait for the editing window to be closed, but continues execution on the program line immediately following the line that contains MODIFY GENERAL NOWAIT. If you omit NOWAIT when MODIFY GENERAL is issued in a program, an editing window is opened and program execution pauses until the editing window is closed.

    NOWAIT is effective only from within a program. It has no effect on MODIFY GENERAL when issued from the Command window.

  • WINDOW WindowName1
    Specifies a window whose characteristics the general field editing window takes on. For example, if the window is created with the FLOAT option of DEFINE WINDOW, the general field editing window can be moved. The window need not be active or visible, but it must be defined.

  • IN [WINDOW] WindowName2
    Specifies a parent window in which the general field editing window is opened. The general field window doesn't assume the characteristics of the parent window and cannot be moved outside the parent window. If the parent window is moved, the general field window moves with it.

    The parent window must first be defined with DEFINE WINDOW, and must be visible, to access the general field window.

    Explicitly opens the general field window in the main Visual FoxPro window, after it has been placed in a parent window. A general field editing window is placed in a parent window by including the IN WINDOW clause.


When an editing window is open, you can insert, modify, or delete an OLE object.

For more information, see Adding OLE Objects to Your Applications.

See Also

@ ... SAY - Pictures & OLE Objects | APPEND GENERAL