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SET Command Overview

Opens the Data Session window.



The Data Session window provides an easy way to open tables, establish relations, or set or change many Microsoft Visual FoxPro options.

The following table shows what each SET Command returns:

Function Information returned
Set Alternate Command Directs screen or printer output created with ?, ??, DISPLAY, or LIST to a text file.
SET ANSI Command Determines how comparisons between strings of different lengths are made with the = operator in Visual FoxPro SQL commands.
SET ASSERTS Command Specifies if ASSERT commands are evaluated or ignored.
SET AUTOINCERROR Command Specifies whether attempts to update values in a field using autoincrementing generate an error or fail silently and proceed.
SET AUTOSAVE Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro flushes data buffers to disk when you exit a READ or return to the Command window.
SET BELL Command Turns the computer bell on or off and sets the bell attributes.
SET BLOCKSIZE Command Specifies how Visual FoxPro allocates disk space for the storage of memo fields.
SET BROWSEIME Command Specifies if the Input Method Editor is opened when you navigate to a text box in a Browse window.
SET CARRY Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro carries data forward from the current record to a new record created with INSERT, APPEND, and BROWSE.
SET CENTURY Command Determines whether Microsoft Visual FoxPro displays the century portion of date expressions and how Visual FoxPro interprets dates that specify only 2 digit years.
SET CLASSLIB Command Opens a .vcx visual class library containing class definitions.
SET CLOCK Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro displays the system clock and specifies the clock location on the main Visual FoxPro window.
SET COLLATE Command Specifies a collation sequence for character fields in subsequent indexing and sorting operations.
SET COLOR OF SCHEME Command Specifies the colors of a color scheme or copies one color scheme to another color scheme.
SET COLOR SET Command Loads a previously defined color set.
SET COMPATIBLE Command Controls compatibility with Microsoft FoxBASE+ and other FoxPro languages.
SET CONFIRM Command Specifies whether the user can exit a text box by typing past the last character in the text box.
SET CONSOLE Command Enables or disables output to the main Visual FoxPro window or to the active user-defined window from within programs.
SET COVERAGE Command Turns code coverage on or off, or specifies a text file to which code coverage information is directed.
SET CPCOMPILE Command Specifies the code page for compiled programs.
SET CPDIALOG Command Specifies whether the Code Page dialog box is displayed when a table is opened.
SET CURRENCY Command Defines the currency symbol and specifies its position in the display of numeric, currency, float, and double expressions.
SET CURSOR Command Determines whether the insertion point is displayed when Visual FoxPro waits for input.
SET DATABASE Command Specifies the current database.
SET DATASESSION Command Activates the specified form's data session.
SET DATE Command Specifies the format for the display of Date and DateTime expressions.
SET DEBUG Command Included for backward compatibility. Makes the Debug and Trace windows either available or unavailable from the Visual FoxPro menu system in versions prior to 5.0.
SET DEBUGOUT Command Directs debugging output to a file.
SET DECIMALS Command Specifies the number of decimal places displayed in numeric expressions.
SET DEFAULT Command Specifies the default drive and directory.
SET DELETED Command Specifies whether Visual FoxPro processes records marked for deletion and whether they are available for use in other commands.
SET DEVELOPMENT Command Causes Visual FoxPro to compare the creation date and time of a program with those of its compiled object file when the program is run.
SET DEVICE Command Directs output from @ ... SAY to the screen, a printer, or a file.
SET Display Command Included for backward compatibility.
SET DOHistory Command Included for backward compatibility.
SET ECHO Command Opens the Trace window for program debugging. Included for backward compatibility.
SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR Command Enables SQL data engine compatibility with Visual FoxPro 7.0 or Visual FoxPro 8.0.
SET ESCAPE Command Determines whether pressing the ESC key interrupts program and command execution.
SET EVENTLIST Command Specifies events to track in the Debug Output Window or in a file specified with SET EVENTTRACKING.
SET EVENTTRACKING Command Turns event tracking on or off or specifies a text file to which event tracking information is directed.
SET EXACT Command Specifies the rules Visual FoxPro uses when comparing two strings of different lengths.
SET EXCLUSIVE Command Specifies whether Visual FoxPro opens table files for exclusive or shared use on a network.
SET FDOW Command Specifies the first day of the week.
SET FIELDS Command Specifies which fields in a table can be accessed.
SET FILTER Command Specifies a condition that records in the current table must meet to be accessible.
SET FIXED Command Specifies if the number of decimal places used in the display of numeric data is fixed.
SET FULLPATH Command Specifies if CDX( ), DBF( ), MDX( ), and NDX( ) return the path in a file name.
SET FUNCTION Command Assigns an expression (keyboard macro) to a function key or key combination.
SET FWEEK Command Specifies the requirements for the first week of the year.
SET HEADINGS Command Determines whether column headings are displayed for fields and whether file information is included when TYPE is issued to display the contents of a file.
SET HELP Command Enables or disables Microsoft Visual FoxPro online Help or specifies a Help file.
SET HOURS Command Sets the system clock to a 12- or 24-hour time format.
SET INDEX Command Opens one or more index files for use with the current table.
SET KEY Command Specifies access to a range of records based on their index keys.
SET KEYCOMP Command Controls Visual FoxPro keystroke navigation.
SET LIBRARY Command Opens an external API (application programming interface) library file.
SET LOCK Command Enables or disables automatic file locking in certain commands.
SET LOGERRORS Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro sends compilation error messages to a text file.
SET MACKEY Command Specifies a key or key combination that displays the Macro Key Definition dialog box.
SET MARGIN Command Sets the left printer margin and affects all output directed to the printer.
SET MARK OF Command Specifies a mark character for menu titles or menu items, or displays or clears the mark character.
SET MARK TO Command Specifies a delimiter for the display of date expressions.
SET MEMOWIDTH Command Specifies the displayed width of memo fields and character expressions.
SET MESSAGE Command Defines a message for display in the main Visual FoxPro window or in the graphical status bar, or specifies the location of messages for user-defined menu bars and menu commands.
SET MULTILOCKS Command Determines whether you can lock multiple records using LOCK( ) or RLOCK( ).
SET NEAR Command Determines where the record pointer is positioned after FIND or SEEK unsuccessfully searches for a record.
SET NOCPTRANS Command Prevents translation to a different code page for selected fields in an open table.
SET NOTIFY Command Enables or disables the display of certain system messages.
SET NULL Command Determines how null values are supported by the ALTER TABLE, CREATE TABLE and INSERT - SQL commands.
SET NULLDISPLAY Command Specifies the text displayed for null values.
SET ODOMETER Command Specifies the reporting interval of the record counter for commands that process records.
SET OLEOBJECT Command Specifies whether Visual FoxPro searches the OLE Registry when an object cannot be located.
SET OPTIMIZE Command Enables or disables Rushmore Query Optimization.
SET ORDER Command Designates a controlling index file or tag for a table.
SET PALETTE Command Specifies whether the Visual FoxPro default color palette is used.
SET PATH Command Specifies a path for file searches.
SET PDSETUP Command Loads a printer driver setup or clears the current printer driver setup.
SET POINT Command Determines the decimal point character used in the display of numeric and currency expressions.
SET PRINTER Command Enables or disables output to the printer, or routes output to a file, port, or network printer.
SET PROCEDURE Command Opens a procedure file.
SET READBORDER Command Determines whether borders are placed around text boxes created with @ ... GET.
SET REFRESH Command Determines whether and how often a Browse window is updated with changes made to records by other users on the network.
SET RELATION Command Establishes a relationship between two open tables.
SET RELATION OFF Command Breaks an established relationship between the parent table in the currently selected work area, and a related child table.
SET REPROCESS Command Specifies how many times and for how long Visual FoxPro attempts to lock a file or record after an unsuccessful locking attempt.
SET RESOURCE Command Updates or specifies a resource file.
SET SAFETY Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro displays a dialog box before overwriting an existing file, or whether table or field rules, default values, and error messages are evaluated when changes are made in the Table Designer or with ALTER TABLE.
SET SECONDS Command Specifies whether seconds are displayed in the time portion of a DateTime value.
SET SKIP Command Creates a one-to-many relationship among tables.
SET SKIP OF Command Enables or disables a menu, menu bar, menu title, or menu item for user-defined menus or the Microsoft Visual FoxPro system menu.
SET SPACE Command Determines whether a space is displayed between fields or expressions when you use the ? or ?? command.
SET STATUS Command Displays or removes the character-based status bar.
SET STATUS BAR Command Displays or removes the graphical status bar.
SET STEP Command Opens the Trace window and suspends program execution for debugging.
SET STRICTDATE Command Specifies if ambiguous Date and DateTime constants generate errors.
SET SYSFORMATS Command Specifies whether Visual FoxPro for Windows system settings are updated with the current Microsoft Windows system settings.
SET SYSMENU Command Enables or disables the Visual FoxPro system menu bar during program execution, and allows you to reconfigure it.
SET TABLEVALIDATE Command Specifies the level of table validation to perform.
SET TALK Command Determines whether Visual FoxPro displays command results.
SET TEXTMERGE Command Enables or disables the evaluation of fields, variables, array elements, functions, or expressions that are surrounded by text-merge delimiters, and lets you specify text-merge output.
SET TEXTMERGE DELIMITERS Command Specifies the text-merge delimiters.
SET TOPIC Command Specifies the Help topic or topics to open when you invoke the Visual FoxPro Help system.
SET TOPIC ID Command Specifies the Help topic to display when you invoke the Visual FoxPro Help system. The Help topic is based on the topic's context ID.
SET TRBETWEEN Command Enables or disables tracing between breakpoints in the Trace Window.
SET TYPEAHEAD Command Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the type-ahead buffer.
SET UDFPARMS Command Specifies if Microsoft Visual FoxPro passes parameters to a user-defined function (UDF) by value or by reference.
SET UNIQUE Command Specifies whether records with duplicate index key values are maintained in an index file.
SET VIEW Command Opens or closes the Data Session window or restores the Visual FoxPro environment from a view file.
SET VOLUME Command Maps MS-DOS drive designators (A:, B:, C:, and so on) to volumes or folders in FoxPro for Macintosh.
SET WINDOW of Memo Command Included for backward compatibility.

See Also

SET VIEW | Data Session Window | SET ALTERNATE Command