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Prepared Property

Specifies whether to prepare SQL statements for subsequent REQUERY( ) function calls. You can use REQUERY( ) to retrieve data again for an SQL view. When handling this property for regular cursors, use the CURSORSETPROP( ) and CURSORGETPROP( ) functions. Read/write.


Setting Prepared for CursorAdapter objects overrides the property setting of a cursor when it is attached to a CursorAdapter object. That is, changing the settings on the cursor using CURSORSETPROP( ) has no effect.

For more information, see REQUERY( ) Function and SQLPREPARE( ) Function.

CursorAdapter.Prepared [= lValue]

Return Value

  • lValue
    Logical data type. The following table lists the values for lValue.

    lValue Description

    True (.T.)

    Prepare SQL statements for subsequent REQUERY( ) function calls. (Default)

    False (.F.)

    Do not prepare SQL statements for subsequent REQUERY( ) function calls.


Applies To: CursorAdapter Class

See Also


CursorAdapter Object Properties, Methods, and Events

Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)