A configuration defines a machine in a Cord script, describing the exploration task that you want to perform. It contains actions of the model, bounds, and switches. Configurations can inherit from other configurations, potentially overriding some of their aspects.
Syntax Definition
Configuration ::= config Ident [: ConfigList ] { { ConfigClause ; } } .
ConfigClause ::= ActionClause | DomainClause | BoundClause | SwitchClause .
ConfigList ::= ConfigId { , ConfigId } . // List of ancestor configurations
ConfigId ::= Ident .
Configuration Clauses
- ActionClause
Describes an activity of the system being modeled or tested. This clause encompasses ImportActions that are imported from existing implementation types or a DeclaredAction that is explicitly declared.
- DomainClause
Defines a set of possible values for a specified type.
- BoundClause
Used to set bounds on instance counts of implementation types.
- SwitchClause
Affects exploration, testing, and other aspects of tool operation. There is a set of predefined switches, which can be extended.