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Search for Updates

The Search all updates text box in the Updates Overview page and the Search updates text box in the updates list page let you search quickly for specific updates when you know at least part of the name or a keyword that is contained in the update. In the Consola de administrador do Windows Intune™, the specific columns against which the search is made are KB Article (assumes the KB prefix of the Microsoft Knowledge Base article is entered), MSRC number (assumes the MS prefix of the Microsoft security bulletin is entered), Name (full-text search), and Description (full-text search).

Search results provide a list of updates that contain your search parameters in the update title or in the update description. The following is an example of how you might search for an update.


In addition, you can select filters before or after your search to additionally narrow your search results. The last view filter and the last classification node selected in the same session remain selected until you change them. Therefore, you should check these selections when searching for updates, as searches are constrained against the selected view filter and classification node.

To search for an update

  1. Open the Consola de administrador do Windows Intune.

  2. In the workspace shortcuts pane, click the Updates icon.

  3. In the navigation pane, click All Updates.

  4. In the Search updates box, enter the title or part of the title, or a keyword that is contained in the update description for the update that you want.

  5. Click the Search icon.

See Also