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Managing Your MultiPoint Server System

Publicada: Agosto de 2013

Aplica-se a: Windows MultiPoint Server 2012

Windows® MultiPoint® Server 2012 Standard and Windows® MultiPoint® Server 2012 Premium are Microsoft multi-user computing solutions. Unless otherwise noted, all references to MultiPoint Server refer to both Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Standard and Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Premium.

The following illustration shows one example layout of a MultiPoint Server system that contains four stations. Such a setup enables multiple users to use the computer at the same time, and to perform independent work or a group activity.

Imagem do esquema do sistema MultiPoint Server

MultiPoint Server enables multiple stations to be connected to one computer. Multiple users can then share one computer at the same time. Each station consists of a station hub, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Network-connected Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) clients are also supported.

MultiPoint Server includes the Gestor do MultiPoint console, which helps you, as an administrative user, to monitor and manage win8_server_multipoint_3 stations. New to Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 is the Dashboard MultiPoint console, which helps you use MultiPoint Server daily. This Help file describes many of the tasks that you can perform in Gestor do MultiPoint and Dashboard MultiPoint.

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