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Advertiser attributed conversions

The Advertiser Attributed Conversions report allows you to view conversion pixel IDs, order IDs, times of attributed clicks or impressions, and other information related to your advertisers' attributed conversions.


Conversion pixels are used to track actions on advertisers' web pages, such as registering or making a purchase. They can be configured to pass dynamic order ID values, which help networks reconcile with advertisers. Once a conversion pixel fires, Xandr determines if the conversion can be attributed (tied to a creative that the user viewed or clicked previously). A post-click conversion is attributed to the last click on a creative associated with the conversion pixel. A post-view conversion is attributed to the last impression of a creative associated with the conversion pixel. For a hybrid pixel, the conversion is attributed to the last click or, if there were no clicks, the last impression of a creative associated with the conversion pixel.

For more details about our attribution process, see Conversion Attribution in the UI documentation.

For instructions on retrieving a report, see the Report Service or the Examples.

This report is filtered by member ID and advertiser ID. The member ID is detected based on the network user's authentication, but the advertiser ID must be specified as part of the URL, for example:

Time frame and time zone

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • current_hour
  • last_hour
  • today
  • yesterday
  • last_48_hours
  • last_7_days
  • last_30_days
  • month_to_yesterday
  • month_to_date
  • last_30_days

Alternately, the start_date and end_date fields can be set to a range within the last 33 days. The timezone field in the JSON request can be set only to UTC, but this is not necessary, as the timezone defaults to UTC if not specified.

Data retention period

This report can retrieve data for the last 90 days and only in UTC timezone.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
month time yes 11/1/11 The month and year when the conversion pixel fired.
day time yes 11/18/11 The day of the year when the conversion pixel fired.
hour time yes 11/18/11 6:00 The hour of the day when the conversion pixel fired.
datetime date yes 11/18/11 6:00 The date and time when the conversion pixel fired.
pixel_id int yes 9012 The ID of the conversion pixel.
pixel_name string no PixelName The name of the conversion pixel.
pixel string no PixelName (9012) Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
order_id int yes 678 The order ID or SKU optionally passed in the conversion pixel. For information about dynamically passing an order ID in a conversion pixel, see Conversion Pixels Advanced in the UI documentation.
external_data string yes New York Additional data optionally passed in the conversion pixel, for example, the conversion geography, an affiliate code, or other information related to the sale or user. For information about dynamically passing external data in a conversion pixel, see Conversion Pixels Advanced in the UI documentation.
post_click_or_post_view_conv enum yes Post Click The type of conversion. If "Post Click", the conversion is attributed to a user clicking a creative. If "Post View", the conversion is attributed to a user viewing a creative. The conversion type is defined when the conversion pixel is assigned to a line item.
user_id int yes 433 The ID of the user that clicked or viewed the creative.

Warning: This field has been deprecated from the API (in compliance with GDPR) and that service has been deprecated.
line_item_id int yes 12345 The ID of the line item to which the conversion pixel is assigned.
line_item_name string no LineItemName The name of the line item.
line_item string no LineItemName (12345) Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
creative_id int yes 890123 The ID of the creative that was clicked or viewed.

Note: For external click or impression trackers, creative_id will be "External Clicks" or "External Imps".
creative_name string no CreativeName The name of the creative.
creative string no CreativeName (890123) Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
campaign_id int yes 456789 The ID of the campaign to which the creative belongs.
campaign_name string no CampaignName The name of the campaign to which the creative belongs.
campaign string no CampaignName (456789) Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
split_id int yes 342 The ID of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. For any reports that contain campaigns, the split_id (if included) will be null.
split_name string yes "Mobile Split A" The name of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. For any reports that contain campaigns, the split_name (if included) will be null.
imp_time date yes 11/17/11 3:00 The date and time of the impression (when the creative was served).
imp_type_id int yes 5 The ID for the type of impression. Possible values (associated types in parentheses):
- 1 ("Blank"): No creative served.
- 2 ("PSA"): A public service announcement served because there were no valid bids and no default creative was available.
- 3 ("Default Error"): A default creative served due to a timeout issue.
- 4 ("Default"): A default creative served because there were no valid bids.
- 5 ("Kept"): Your advertiser's creative served on your publisher's site.
- 6 ("Resold"): Your publisher's impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- 7 ("RTB"): Your advertiser's creative served on third-party inventory.
- 8 ("PSA Error"): A public service announcement served due to a timeout issue or lack of a default creative.
- 9 ("External Impression"): An impression from an impression tracker.
- 10 ("External Click"): A click from a click tracker.
imp_type string yes "Kept" The type of impression. For possible values, see imp_type_id.
advertiser_id int yes 123 The ID of the advertiser.
advertiser_name string no AdvertiserName The name of the advertiser.
advertiser string no AdvertiserName (123) Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
buyer_member_id int yes 4567 The ID of the member that bought the impression.
auction_id int yes 6442894461734786633 The ID of the impression event.

Note: Clients who subscribe to log-level data feeds can use this ID to request additional information about the impression, such as geography and browser.


Column Type Example Description
post_click_or_post_view_revenue money 3.00 The revenue optionally passed in the conversion pixel using the "value" parameter.


Create a JSON-formatted report request

In this example, we set a filter to get information about conversion pixel 9012.

$ cat attributed_conversions  {
        "report_type": "attributed_conversions",
        "columns": [
        "filters": [{"pixel_id": 9012}],
        "report_interval": "last_7_days",
        "emails": [""],
        "format": "csv"

POST the request to the reporting service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @attributed_conversions ''


Use the report ID to retrieve the report data

The standard response includes the report data and a Download URL that you can use to save the data to a file. If you want to get just the Download URL without the report data, pass "without_data" in the query string.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report": {
            "name": null,
            "created_on": "2011-11-22 23:51:22",
            "cache_hit": false,
            "fact_cache_hit": false,
            "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"attributed_conversions\",\"columns\":
            "header_info": "Report type:,conversion_pixel\u000d\u000a,\u000d\u000aRun at:,
             2011-11-22 23:51:22\u000d\u000aStart date:,2011-11-15 00:00:00\u000d\u000aEnd date:,
             2011-11-22 00:00:00\u000d\u000aTimezone:,\u000d\u000aUser:,John Smith (1432)
            "data": "datetime,pixel_id,order_id,post_click_or_post_view_conv,
             123,8.7654A+32,4567,2011-11-18 06:00:13,2011-11-17 03:00:02,5,12345,678,9012,
             Post Click,.3.00\u000d\u000a11704,
        "execution_status": "ready",
        "dbg_info": {

If necessary, use the Lookup Service to map objects IDs to other relevant data, such as names, codes, and statuses.

GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and report ID in the url field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' > /tmp/attributed_conversions.csv 


There is a limit of 100,000 rows per report when you download them as XLSX and Excel file.