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Network site domain performance

The Network Site Domain Performance report can be used to view performance and optimization data by domain for all of a network's advertisers.


To view performance and optimization data by domain for a specific advertiser, filter this report by advertiser_id, or use the Site Domain Performance Report report.

For instructions on retrieving a report, please see Report Service or the example below.

Time frame

The report_interval field can be set to one of the following:

  • yesterday
  • last_7_days
  • month_to_yesterday
  • month_to_date

If you use the start_date and end_date fields to define the time range, the start_date must not be more than 30 days in the past. Since hourly data is not available for this report, the start_date and end_date cannot be identical and must be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD" rather than "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".

Data retention period

Data retention period for this report is 45 days.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
month date yes 11/1/11 The month and year (with the first day of the month).
day date yes 11/16/11 The day, month, and year.
site_domain string no
- or -
The domain where the impression occurred. For mobile applications, this can be the URL of the app's location in the app store.
There are two additional values that may appear in place of a domain, specifically: "deals.unknown" or "managed.unknown". These mean that we didn't receive a valid domain as the referrer. For example, the domain may be blank or otherwise malformed.
buyer_member string no MyNetwork (4567) Deprecated.
buyer_member_id int yes 4567 The ID of the buying member.
buyer_member_name string no MyNetwork The name of the buying member.
fold_position_id int Yes 0 The ID of the fold position, i.e. where on the page the placement is located.
Possible values for impressions:
0 = "unknown"
1 = "above"
2 = "below"
fold_position string Yes "Unknown" The fold position, i.e. where on the page the placement is located. For allowed values, see fold_position_id.
campaign string no ExampleCampaign (123456) Deprecated.
campaign_id int yes 123456 The ID of the campaign.
campaign_code string no CampaignCode The custom code for the campaign.
campaign_name string no ExampleCampaign The name of the campaign.
campaign_priority int no 5 The bidding priority of a campaign that targets direct inventory. For more information, see Bidding Priority in the UI documentation.
Possible values: 1-10, where 10 is the highest priority.
line_item string no ExampleLineItem (323) Deprecated.
line_item_id int yes 323 The ID of the line item.
line_item_name string no ExampleLineItem The name of the line item.
campaign_group string no ExampleGroupName(123) Deprecated.
split_id int yes 342 The ID of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. For any reports that contain campaigns, the split_id (if included) will be null.
split_name string yes "Mobile Split A" The name of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. For any reports that contain campaigns, the split_name (if included) will be null.
top_level_category_id int yes 19821 The ID of the top content category assigned to the domain.
top_level_category_name string yes "Shopping" The name of the top content category assigned to the domain.
top_level_category string yes "Shopping (19821)" Deprecated.
second_level_category_id int yes 20129 The ID of the second-level content category assigned to the domain.

If the domain is an a top-level category, you should not request this dimension.
second_level_category_name string yes "Shoes" The name of the second-level content category assigned to the domain.

Note: If the domain is an a top-level category, you should not request this dimension.
second_level_category string yes "Shoes (20129)" Deprecated.
deal_id int Yes 2345 The ID of the deal. For more information about deals you have negotiated with sellers, see Deal Buyer Access Service.
deal_name string No "Private deal for buyer 1085 with floor of $2.50" The name of the deal.
deal string No "Private deal for buyer 1085 with floor of $2.50 (45)" Deprecated.
deal_code string No "External seller deal code" The custom code for the deal. For deals with external supply partners, this is generally the string that you use to identify the deal.
advertiser string no ExampleAdvertiser (123) Deprecated.
campaign_group_name string no ExampleGroupName The name of the campaign group.
advertiser_id int yes 123 The ID of the advertiser.
campaign_group_id int yes 123 The unique identification number of the campaign group.
advertiser_code string no AdvertiserCode The custom code for the advertiser.
advertiser_name string no ExampleAdvertiser The name of the advertiser.
supply_type string Yes mobile_web The seller-classified channel to denominate supply in terms of web, mobile-optimized web, and mobile app impressions. Possible values are
- "web"
- "mobile_app"
- "mobile_web".
mobile_application_id string Yes '343200656' (iOS) or
'com.rovio.angrybirds' (Android)
A targetable Apple App Store ID, Google Play package name, or Windows application ID.
mobile_application_name string Yes Angry Birds The name of the mobile application as it appears in the Apple App and Google Play Stores.
mobile_application string No Angry Birds (com.rovio.angrybirds) Deprecated.
age_bucket string Yes "25-34" The bucket for the age of the user. See Age Buckets below for possible values.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, the age_bucket will be "unknown".
age_bucket_id string No "3" The ID of the age bucket. See Age Buckets below for possible values.

Note: For impressions older than than 100 days, the age_bucket_id will be 0.
gender string Yes "m", "f", "u" The gender of the user.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, gender will be "u".
is_remarketing int Yes 0, 1 If 1, the campaign is remarketing. If 0, the campaign is not remarketing.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, is_remarketing will be -1.
pixel_id int yes 1942 The unique identification number of the conversion pixel.

Note: This dimension will return a maximum of 10 conversion pixels. Also, you can filter by no more than 10 conversion pixels. Although pixel_id is groupable, we do not recommend that you group by this dimension since doing so will cause conversion events to then be shown in separate rows from impression and click events. We generally assume you want to view all of these events in a single row so as to be able to retrieve accurate and aggregated values for conversion rate and cost-per-conversion calculations. As a result, we instead recommend that you filter by pixel_id so you can retrieve conversion counts and related metrics for your most relevant pixel IDs.
operating_system_id int Yes 24 The ID of the operating system of the device.
- Use the Operating System Family Service to obtain a list of operating system families.
- Use the Operating System Extended Service to look up which operating system versions are within a given operating system family.
operating_system_name string Yes "Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread" The ID of the operating system of the device.
- Use the Operating System Family Service to obtain a list of operating system families.
- Use the Operating System Extended Service to look up which operating system versions are within a given operating system family.
operating_system_family_id int Yes 2 The ID of the operating system of the device.
- Use the Operating System Family Service to obtain a list of operating system families.
- Use the Operating System Extended Service to look up which operating system versions are within a given operating system family.
operating_system_family_name string Yes "Android" The ID of the operating system of the device.
- Use the Operating System Family Service to obtain a list of operating system families.
- Use the Operating System Extended Service to look up which operating system versions are within a given operating system family.
insertion_order_id int Yes 451 ID of the insertion order.
insertion_order_name string No "Q1-2016" Display name for the insertion order.
seller_member_id int Yes 12345 The ID of the seller member associated with the site domain.
seller_member_name string No "BestSellerEver" The name of the seller member associated with the site domain.


Column Type Example Formula Description
booked_revenue money 450.00 booked_revenue The revenue received from the advertiser. For more information, see Network Revenue and Billing Your Clients in the UI documentation.
clicks int 2067 clicks The total number of clicks.
click_thru_pct double 2.756% (clicks / imps) * 100 The rate of clicks to impressions as a percentage.
convs_per_mm double 384.4 (post_click_convs + post_view_convs / imps) * 1,000,000 The number of conversions per million impressions.
convs_rate double 0.0003844 (post_click_convs + post_view_convs) / imps The rate of conversions to impressions.
cost_ecpa money 1.1111 media_cost / (post_click_convs + post_view_convs) The cost per acquisition/conversion.
cost_ecpc money 0.1834 media_cost / clicks The cost per click.
cpm money 5.00 media_cost / imps * 1000 The cost per thousand impressions.
ctr double 0.22756 clicks / imps The rate of clicks to impressions.
imps int 75000 imps The total number of impressions served.
media_cost money 100.00 media_cost The expense for the buying member. For more information, see Network Revenue and Billing Your Clients in the UI documentation.
post_click_convs int 15 post_click_convs The total number of recorded post-click conversions.
post_click_convs_rate double 0.0002 post_click_convs / imps The rate of post-click conversions to impressions.
post_view_convs int 10 post_view_convs The total number of recorded post-view conversions.
post_view_convs_rate double 0.00013 post_view_convs / imps The rate of post-view conversions to impressions.
profit money 0.084102 booked_revenue - total_cost Booked revenue minus total cost.
profit_ecpm money 0.7778 (profit / imps) * 1000 The profit (defined as booked revenue minus total cost) per 1,000 imps.
imps_viewed int 30,450 imps_viewed The number of measured impressions that were viewable, per the IAB Viewability definition, which states that an impression is viewable if 50% of the pixels are in-view during 1 consecutive second.
view_measured_imps int 10,120 view_measured_imps The total number of impressions that were measured for viewability.
view_rate double 58% view_rate The percentage of impressions that were viewable out of the total number of impressions measured for viewability. (Viewed Imps / View Measured Imps)
view_measurement_rate double 45% view_measurement_rate The percentage of impressions measured for viewability out of the total number of impressions. (View Measured Imps / Imps)
total_cost money 123.45 total_cost = media_cost + data_costs + partner_fees + commissions + serving_fees + publisher_revenue The total amount of costs accrued over the reported period of time. This generally includes two types of costs, budgeted costs (media cost, data cost, partner fees, serving fees, commissions) and publisher revenue if you track publisher payouts on the platform.

Note: We have added logic to prevent double counting third-party fees during the breaking change period.
total_cost_ecpm money 123.45 (total_cost/imps) * 1,000 The total cost per 1,000 imps.
total_cost_ecpc money 123.45 total_cost/clicks The total cost per click.
total_cost_ecpa money 123.45 total_cost/conversions The total cost per conversion.
profit_ecpc money 123.45 (booked_revenue - total_cost)/clicks Profit per click.
profit_ecpa money 123.45 (booked_revenue - total_cost)/conversions Profit per conversion.
profit_margin money 123.45 (booked_revenue - total_cost)/booked_revenue Buyer profit margin.
media_cost_buying_currency money 100.0 media_cost_buying_currency The cost to the buying member for the media in the currency which the buyer has set (i.e. the buying currency).
profit_buying_currency money 0.084102 booked_revenue - total_cost The booked revenue minus total cost in the buying currency.
revenue_ecpa_buying_currency money 123.45 booked_revenue/conversions The revenue per conversion in the buying currency.
revenue_ecpc_buying_currency money 123.45 booked_revenue /clicks The revenue per click in the buying currency.
revenue_ecpm_buying_currency money 123.45 (booked_revenue/imps) * 1,000 The booked revenue per 1,000 impressions in the buying currency.
revenue_ecpa money 123.45 booked_revenue/conversions The revenue per conversion in currency set as per Currency 2.0 parameter.
revenue_ecpc money 123.45 booked_revenue /clicks The revenue per conversion in currency set as per Currency 2.0 parameter.
revenue_ecpm money 123.45 (booked_revenue/imps) * 1,000 The booked revenue per 1,000 imps in currency set as per Currency 2.0 parameter.


Currency 2.0 - As per Currency 2.0 parameter, currency is an input variable to the reports. Users can use a currency dropdown in the UI and report processor take the currency input and return all monetary fields of the report in the applicable currency. Users can select from the below options to select a currency :

  • Member Currency: This is the currency defined at the member level which is at the top. Though advertisers and other objects can be set in different currencies under a member, reports can be generated in this currency.
  • Advertiser Currency: This is the currency in which the advertiser operates in. While creating the advertiser, the operating currency of it is set and reports can be generated in that currency.
  • Publisher Currency: This is the currency in which the publisher sells their inventory in. All child objects such as placement groups/placements under the publisher inherit this currency.
  • Line Item Currency: This is the currency in which the budget is set in at the line item level.
  • Billing Currency: This is the currency in which billing parameters is set at the insertion order level.

Age buckets

Bucket ID Bucket Name
0 "unknown"
1 "13-17"
2 "18-24"
3 "25-34"
4 "35-44"
5 "45-54"
6 "'55-64"
7 "65+"

Custom viewable definition metrics

Column Type Example Formula Description
viewdef_viewed_imps int 4399 viewdef_viewed_imps The number of measured impressions that were viewable, per the member-level custom definition configuration (for more details, contact your Xandr account representative).
viewdef_viewed_rate double 96% viewdef_viewed_imps / view_measured_imps The percentage of impressions that were viewable, per the member-level custom definition configuration, out of the total number of impressions measured for viewability.


Create a JSON formatted report request

$ cat network_site_domain_performance
    "report_type" : "network_site_domain_performance",
    "report_interval": "last_7_days",
    "emails": [""],
    "format": "csv"

POST the request to the reporting service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @network_site_domain_performance ''


Use the report ID to retrieve the report data

The standard response includes the report data and a Download URL that you can use to save the data to a file. If you want to get just the Download URL without the report data, pass "without_data" in the query string.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report": {
            "name": null,
            "created_on": "2011-12-06 23:24:34",
            "cache_hit": false,
            "fact_cache_hit": false,
            "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"network_site_domain_performance\",\"columns\":[\"day\",\"advertiser_id\",
            "header_info": "Report type:,member_site_domain_performance\u000d\u000a,\u000d\u000aRun at:,2011-12-06 23:24:34\u000d
             \u000aStart date:,2011-11-29 00:00:00\u000d\u000aEnd date:,2011-12-06 00:00:00\u000d\u000aTimezone:,\u000d\u000aUser:,
             John Smith (10055)\u000d\u000a",
            "data": "day,advertiser_id,site_domain,campaign,line_item,booked_revenue,imps,clicks,click_thru_pct,post_click_convs,
             post_view_convs\u000d\u000a2011-12-05,33347,,Fall 2011 C2 - targeted inv (145034),Fall 2011 Revenue CPM (61047),
             .003000,1,0,.000000000000000000%,0,0\u000d\u000a2011-12-05,33347,,Fall 2011 C2 - targeted inv (145034),
             Fall 2011 Revenue CPM (61047),.006000,2,0,.000000000000000000%,0,0\u000d\u000a2011-12-05,55672,,
             Fall 2011 C2 - targeted inv (145034),Fall 2011 Revenue CPM (61047),.003000,1,0,.000000000000000000%,0,0\u000d\u000a2011-12-05,
             55672,,Fall 2011 C2 - targeted inv (145034),Fall 2011 Revenue CPM (61047),1.251000,417,0,.000000000000000000%,0,0\
             u000d\u000a2011-12-05,55672,,Fall 2011 C2 - targeted inv (145034),Fall 2011 Revenue CPM (61047),.003000,1,0,
             .000000000000000000%,0,0\u000d\u000a" ...,
            "url": "report-download?id=c52347fdcaabbb669b18f55c05698422"
        "execution_status": "ready"

Use the download URL to save the report data to a file

You use the "url" field in the response to save the report data to a file. Simply make another GET call and identify the location and file that you want to save to. Be sure to use the file the extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST request.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' > /tmp/network_site_domain_performance.csv


There is a limit of 100,000 rows per report when you download them as XLSX and Excel file.