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Managing your inventory reselling exposure

As a seller, you may want to allow other platform members to target some of your managed inventory. Our system makes a distinction between making inventory targetable and making it buyable by other members. This page describes how to expose your inventory for resale to other members.

You can control which other platform members can target your inventory. See Edit Buyer Eligibility, Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access for more information.

Expose your inventory to third-party buyers

If you have inventory you'd like to resell to buyers on the platform, you'll probably want to be able to pick and choose which inventory you make available for targeting by other members' campaigns. The Reselling Exposure screen allows you to do just that.

Targetable vs. Buyable Inventory: Exposing your inventory makes it targetable. Enabling individual placements for resale makes them buyable. For more information about this distinction, see Reselling Managed Inventory.

Getting there

To get to the Reselling Exposure screen, select Network > Tools > General from the top navigation menu. The Reselling Exposure tab will be displayed by default.

Reselling priority

For each impression on a managed publisher, if there is a campaign from a managed advertiser with a priority at or above this number, do not resell the impression to an external buyer. This lets you create a priority "waterfall" where your own advertisers' campaigns are given preference over campaigns run by external buyers.


You can ignore this setting if you don't have both managed supply and demand.

Publisher reselling exposure

In this section, you can expose one or more of your publishers' inventory for targeting by other platform members' campaigns.

  • In the Private Publishers box, click Add next to each publisher you want to expose. This will move that publisher to the Exposed Publishers box, making it visible for targeting by other platform members.
  • To return a publisher to private exposure, click Remove next to the publisher's name in the Exposed Publishers box.