Partilhar via

Incoming bid request from SSPs


This describes Xandr's integration with the OpenRTB 2.4 protocol.

This Bid Request is sent by SSPs and contains information on which advertisers and creatives are allowed to win an auction. Xandr will produce a Bid Response that contains a bid price and a creative to serve.



You will receive one or more endpoints that you can use to POST bid requests. Contact your Xandr representative to receive your endpoints. Endpoints will generally look like the following:
  • member_id is required; this is your member ID on the Xandr platform. This ID will be provided by Xandr during integration.
  • You will receive one endpoint for each region in which you operate. Possible regions include: us-east, us-west, emea, and apac.

Any other query string value will be ignored.

Bid request object


The tmax field is not supported. Speak with your Integrations Consultant to configure auction timeout limits. Multi-format impressions are not supported. The format's precedence if we receive multi-format impression is as following:

  • video
  • audio
  • banner
  • native

Xandr supports the following fields in the top-level bid request object:

Field Type Description
id string (Required) Used to pass back the seller's auction ID in the bid response.
imp array of objects (Required) The impressions offered in this bid request. See Impression Object below.
site object Specifies information about the website or subset of inventory (placement group) for the impressions. Applicable for website impressions. See Site Object below.
app object Specifies information about the app for the impressions. Applicable for app impressions. See App Object below.
device object Specifies information about the user's device to which these impressions will be delivered. See Device Object below.
user object Specifies information about the person to whom the impressions will be delivered. See User Object below.
test integer Indicates that this auction is in test mode and is not billable. If not present, default is used.
0: live mode; billable (default)
1: test mode; not billable
wseat array of strings Specifies an array representing a allowlist of buyer seats allowed to bid on this impression. If omitted, there are no seat restrictions for this impression.
cur array of strings Specifies an array of allowed currencies for bids on this impression. USD is assumed by default.

Note: By default, this field is NOT supported. Speak with your Integrations Consultant if you would like to be enabled for bids non-USD currencies.
bcat array of strings Specifies a list of blocked content categories. Can include both IAB categories (listed in section 5.1 of the specification) and Xandr category ID values. Xandr categories are in this format APN-ID where ID is the Xandr category ID; for example, APN-13.
badv array of strings Specifies a list of blocked top-level advertiser domains that correspond to brand URLs in the Xandr system. For example, ["", ""]. For more information, see the Brand Service.
regs object Specifies information about an industry, legal, or governmental regulation in force for this request. See Regs Object below.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to the OpenRTB bid request. See Bid Request Extension Object below.

Bid request extension object

Xandr supports the follow objects in the ext object to support Xandr-specific extensions as well as supply-chain signals:

Field Type Description
appnexus object Specifies the Xandr-specific extensions to the OpenRTB bid request.
schain object Specifies the SupplyChain fields included in the OpenRTB bid request for supply path transparency. See Schain Object below.

Xandr object

Xandr supports the following fields in the appnexus extension object:

Field Type Description
anid integer Specifies the Xandr User ID. If a value is set here, it overrides the buyeruid in the User Object.
markup_delivery enum Specifies how ad markup will be received. This applies only to banner, video, and audio objects.
0: ADM: markup will be delivered in the adm field of the bid response (default)
1: nurl: markup will be delivered in the winning bid notification

Schain object

Xandr supports the following fields in the schain (Supply Chain) object:

Field Type Description
ver string Version of the supply chain specification in use, in the format of “major.minor”. Currently using version 1.0 of the spec.
complete enum Flag indicating whether the chain contains all nodes involved in the transaction leading back to the owner of the site, app or other medium of the inventory, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
nodes object Array of SupplyChainNode objects in the order of the chain. In a complete supply chain, the first node represents the initial advertising system and seller ID involved in the transaction, i.e. the owner of the site, app, or other medium. In an incomplete supply chain, it represents the first known node. The last node represents the entity sending this bid request, which will be the Xandr node. Xandr supports the following fields in the nodes object.

Note: In order for a node to be considered complete, the following fields must be included in the node object.

- asi (mandatory string): The canonical domain name of the SSP, Exchange, Header Wrapper, etc system that bidders connect to. This should be the same value as used to identify sellers in an ads.txt file if one exists.
- sid (mandatory string): The identifier associated with the seller or reseller account within the advertising system.
- rid (optional string): The OpenRTB RequestId of the request as issued by the seller.
- hp (mandatory integer): Indicates whether this node will be involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. For version 1.0 of SupplyChain, this property should always be 1.

Impression object

Xandr supports the following fields in the imp object, which describe the impression being auctioned. A single bid request may contain an array with multiple imp objects.

Field Type Description
id string (Required) Specifies a unique identifier for this impression within the context of the bid request.
banner object Required if this impression is offered as a banner ad. See Banner Object below.
video object Required if this impression is offered as a video ad. See Video Object below.
audio object Required if this impression is offered as an audio ad. See Audio Object below.
native object Required if this impression is offered as a native ad. See Native Object below.
displaymanagerver string Specifies the version of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering the ad (typically video or mobile).
instl integer Indicates whether the impression is interstitial or full screen.
0: the impression is not interstitial or full screen (default)
1: the impression is interstitial or full screen
tagid string Specifies an identifier for the specific ad placement or ad tag that was used to initiate the auction. If set, this is the Xandr placement code. Omitted when sending to buyers if seller visibility settings prohibit sharing.
secure integer Indicates whether the impression requires secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup. If omitted, the secure state is unknown but non-secure HTTP support can be assumed.
0: the impression is not secure
1: the impression is secure
bidfloor float Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM.

Note: The bidfloor field should be the publisher's net CPM floor price on incoming ad requests. This floor price must be greater than the existing hard floor, set on the platform, in order to override it for the given auction.
bidfloorcur string Specifies the currency for this bid using ISO-4217 alphabetic codes. Defaults to USD if not specified.
pmp object Specifies information about a private marketplace deal that is in effect for this impression. See Private Marketplace Object below.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to the impression object. See Impression Extension Object below.

Impression extension object

Xandr supports a single object in the impression object's ext object to support Xandr-specific extensions:

Field Type Description
appnexus object Specifies the Xandr-specific extensions to the impression object.

Xandr object

Xandr supports the following field in the appnexus extension object:

Field Type Description
predicted_view_rate double Specifies the probability that the impression will be viewable by the user, based on historical data.

For banner impressions, Xandr supports the following fields:

Field Type Description
w integer (Recommended) Specifies the exact width of the banner in pixels. Must be set if the placement object in Xandr does not have a width set.
h integer (Recommended) Specifies the exact height of the banner in pixels. Must be set if the placement object in Xandr does not have a height set.
btype array of integers Specifies the banner creative types to block. Refer to section 5.2 of the IAB specification for a list of types.
battr array of integers Specifies the banner creative attributes to block. Refer to section 5.3 of the IAB specification for a list of attributes.
pos integer Specifies the position of the banner on the screen. Currently supported values are:
0: Unknown (default)
1: Above the fold
3: Below the fold
api array of integers Specifies the supported API frameworks for this impression. Parsed, but not used. If an API is not explicitly listed, vpaid support is deduced from mime types sent: VPAID 1 and 2 would be allowed for javascript and flash mimes. Refer to section 5.6 of the IAB specification for a list of API frameworks.
format object array Array of format objects representing the banner sizes permitted. If none are specified, then use of the h and w attributes is highly recommended.

Format object


The banner.w and banner.h fields are still required when using the format object, which should be used to specify additional sizes.

Xandr supports the following field in the format object of the banner object:

Field Type Description
w integer Specifies the width of the creative, in pixels.
h integer Specifies the height of the creative, in pixels.

Video object

For video impressions, Xandr supports the following fields:

Field Type Description
mimes array of strings (Required) Specifies the video content MIME types supported; for example, video/x-ms-wmv and video/x-flv. If not specified, any MIME type is allowed.

Note: application/x-shockwave-flash and application/javascript are VPAID formats. You should select these MIME types only if your placement supports VPAID.
minduration integer (Recommended) Specifies the minimum video ad duration, in seconds.
maxduration integer (Recommended) Specifies the maximum video ad duration, in seconds.
w integer (Recommended) Specifies the width of the video player, in pixels.
h integer (Recommended) Specifies the height of the video player, in pixels.
startdelay integer (Recommended) Specifies the start delay of the video:
> 0: For values greater than zero, the delay before video start, in seconds.
0: Pre-roll
-1: Generic mid-roll
-2: Generic post-roll
battr array of integers Specifies the video creative attributes to block. Refer to section 5.3 of the IAB specification for a list of attributes.
minbitrate integer Specifies the minimum bit rate, in kilobytes per second. If specified, only return creatives having at least one media file within the appropriate bit range.
maxbitrate integer Specifies the maximum bit rate, in kilobytes per second. If specified, only return creatives having at least one media file within the appropriate bit range.
playbackmethod array of integers Specifies the allowed playback methods. If not specified, all are assumed to be allowed. Currently supported values are:
1: Autoplay, sound on
2: Autoplay, sound off
3: Click to play
4: Mouse over to play
pos integer Specifies the position of the video on the screen. Currently supported values are:
0: Unknown (default)
1: Above the fold
3: Below the fold
companionad array of objects Specifies an array of banner objects if companion ads are available. See Banner Object above.
api array of integers Specifies the supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. Currently supported values are:
1: VPAID 1.0
2: VPAID 2.0
3: MRAID-1
5: MRAID-2
6: MRAID-3
7: OMID-1
companiontype array of integers Specifies the VAST companion ad types. Recommended if one or more companionad objects are included. Currently supported values are:
1: Static resource
2: HTML resource
3: iframe resource
protocols array of integers Array of supported video protocols of the creative types that are eligible. Following are the currently supported values:
1: VAST 1.0
2: VAST 2.0
3: VAST 3.0
4: VAST 1.0 Wrap per
5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper
6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper
7: VAST 4.0
8: DAAST 1.0

Warning: As Xandr does not verify DAAST compliance in creatives, requests that exclusively support DAAST values in protocols will not result in any bids.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to the video object. See Video Extension Object below.

Video extension object

Xandr supports a single object in the video object's ext object to support Xandr-specific extensions:

Field Type Description
appnexus object Specifies the Xandr-specific extensions to the video object.

Xandr object

Xandr supports the following field in the appnexus extension object:

Field Type Description
context integer Specifies the video context:
0: Unknown
1: Pre-roll
2: Mid-roll
3: Post-roll
4: Outstream

Audio object

Field Type Description
mimes array of strings (Required) Specifies the audio content MIME types supported; for example, audio/vnd.wav, audio/mpeg, audio/mp4, audio/ogg, or audio/mp2.
minduration integer (Recommended) Specifies the minimum audio ad duration, in seconds.
maxduration integer (Recommended) Specifies the maximum audio ad duration, in seconds.
startdelay integer (Recommended) Specifies the start delay of the audio ad:
> 0: For values greater than zero, the delay before audio start, in seconds.
0: Pre-roll
-1: Generic mid-roll (delay unknown)
-2: Generic post-roll
battr array of integers Specifies the audio creative attributes to block. Xandr supports:
11: Surveys
16: Ad Provides Skip Button
minbitrate integer The minimum bit rate, in kilobytes per second.
maxbitrate integer The maximum bit rate, in kilobytes per second.
companionad array of objects Specifies an array of banner objects if companion ads are available. See Banner Object above.
api array of integers Specifies the supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. Currently supported values are:
1: VPAID 1.0
2: VPAID 2.0
3: MRAID-1
5: MRAID-2
companiontype array of integers Specifies the DAAST companion ad types. Recommended if one or more companion ad banner objects are included. Currently supported values are:
1: Static resource
2: HTML resource
3: iframe resource
protocols array of integers Array of supported audio protocols. Currently supported values are:
1: VAST 1.0
2: VAST 2.0
3: VAST 3.0
4: VAST 1.0 Wrapper
5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper
6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper
7: VAST 4.0
8: DAAST 1.0

Warning: As Xandr does not verify DAAST compliance in creatives, requests that exclusively support DAAST values in protocols will not result in any bids.

Native object

For native impressions, Xandr supports the following fields:


Type: String
Description: The rendered creative markup to be delivered; native creatives can be returned in this field as a JSON-encoded string.

Native 1.0 Example:

"native": {
        "request": "{\"native\":{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"assets\":[{\"id\":3}}]}"

Native 1.1 Example:


The main difference of the two versions is the removal of "native" in the request object.

"native": {
        "request": "{\"ver\":\"1.1\",\"assets\":[{\"id\":3}}]}"

Native 1.2 Example:

"native": {
        "request": "{\"ver\":\"1.2\",\"assets\":[{\"id\":3}}]}"


Type: String
Description: Version of the Native Markup version in use. Xandr currently supports the following native versions:

  • 1.0
  • 1.1
  • 1.2


  • Required if using 1.1 or 1.2. If no version is submitted, then we will default to 1.0.

  • For more information on different OpenRTB Native Ad specifications, go to OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads and refer to specs for v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2.

  • Follow the above specifications and pass the necessary required fields in the mentioned objects such as asset ID (id) in the Asset Object described below.

Request object

Xandr supports the following fields in the request object in the native object:

Field Type Description
ver string Version of the Native Markup version in use.
Xandr currently supports the following native version:

Note: If no version is submitted, then we will default to 1.0.
plcmttype integer The design/format/layout of the ad unit being offered. Xandr supports the following:
0: none
1: In the feed of content
4: Recommendation widget

Note: This field is only for Native version 1.1 and 1.2.
privacy boolean Flag to indicate if the seller supports a buyer-specific privacy notice.
0 or absent: The native ad doesn't support custom privacy links.
1: The native ad supports buyer-specific privacy notice.

Note: If privacy is 0 or absent, then Xandr will not return a privacy link regardless of whether the buyer sent it. If privacy is 1, then Xandr will only send the privacy link if the buyer provides it.
assets array of objects An array of Asset Objects.

Asset object

Xandr supports the following fields to define one or more asset objects in the native object:

Field Type Description
id integer Specifies a unique identifier for the asset in this bid request. Â Typically, the first asset in the array is 1 and subsequent assets increment from there.
required integer Specifies if the asset is required:
0: Asset is optional
1: Asset is required
title object Specifies information about the title of the asset. See Title Object below.
img object Specifies information about the image for the asset. See Image Object below.
data object Specifies information about data for the asset. See Assets Data Object below.
video object Specifies information about the video asset. See Video Object below.

Title object

Xandr supports the following fields in the title object in the assets object:

Field Type Description
len integer Maximum length of the text in the title.

Image object

Xandr supports the following fields in the img object of the assets object:

Field Type Description
type integer Specifies the type ID of the image element requested by the publisher. Supported values are:
1: Icon image for use on smaller screen sizes (icon_img_url)
3: Large image preview of the ad for use on larger screen sizes (main_media)
w integer Specifies the exact width of the image, in pixels. Either w or wmin must be included.
wmin integer Specifies the minimum requested width of the image, in pixels. If included, this value should be used for any rescaling of images by the client. Either w or wmin must be included. If both are included, we will first try to find a creative that matches the exact width. If no creative matches the exact width, we will then use the minimum width.
h integer Specifies the height of the image, in pixels. Either h or hmin must be included.
hmin integer Specifies the minimum requested height of the image, in pixels. If included, this value should be used for any rescaling of images by the client. Either h or hmin must be included. If both are included, we will first try to find a creative that matches the exact height. If no creative matches the exact height, we will then use the minimum height.
mimes array of strings Specifies the image content MIME types supported. Should be empty, as all image types are supported.

Assets data object

Xandr supports the following fields in the data object of the assets object:

Field Type Description
type integer Specifies the type ID of the element supported by the publisher. The publisher can display this information in an appropriate format. Supported values are:
1: sponsored - "Sponsored By" message, where the the response contains the brand name of the sponsor
2: desc - Descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised
3: rating - Rating of the product being offered to the user. For example, an app's rating in an app store from 0 to 5.
12: ctatext - Descriptive text for a "call to action" button for the destination URL
len integer Maximum length of the text in the element's response.

Video object (assets object)

Xandr supports the following fields in the video object of the assets object:

Field Type Description
mimes array of strings Content MIME types supported. If mimes are not specified in the bid request, then we will default to “video/mp4” for regular video and “video/x-flv” for mobile.
minduration integer Minimum video ad duration in seconds.
maxduration integer Maximum video ad duration in seconds.
protocols array of integers An array of video protocols the publisher can accept in the bid response.
Currently supported values are:
1: VAST 1.0
2: VAST 2.0
3: VAST 3.0
4: VAST 1.0 Wrapper
5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper
6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper
7: VAST 4.0
8: DAAST 1.0

Private marketplace object

Xandr supports the following fields in the pmp object of the imp object to support private marketplaces (deals) between buyers and sellers that may apply to this impression:

Field Type Description
private_auction integer Indicates the auction eligibility for seats named in the deals object.
0: All bids are accepted
1: Only bids for specified deals are accepted
deals array of objects Specifies information about the deals for this bid. See Deal Object below.

Deal object

Xandr supports the following fields in the deal object of the pmp object:

Field Type Description
id string (Required) Specifies a unique identifier for the deal.

Note: The id must match the deal.code you registered using the Deal Service. See Selling Deals for more details. The inclusion of a deal ID on the bid request implies that the buyer permitted to buy that deal is permitted to bid in the auction, even if that buyer is not included the bidrequest.wseat field.
bidfloor float Specifies the minimum bid price for the deal, in CPM using the default currency (USD). This field is only respected if the Deal object has configured with a floor_price and use_deal_floor is true. If so, this overrides imp.bidfloor for deal bids.
bidfloorcur string Specifies the currency for this bid using ISO-4217 alphabetic codes. Defaults to USD if not specified.

Site object


The bid object must not include both a site object and an app object. Only one is allowed, not both.

Xandr supports the following fields in the site object:

Field Type Description
id string (Recommended) The seller's site ID. If set, this should equal the Xandr placement code.
domain string Specifies the domain of the site (for example, ) where the impression will be shown. Set as the referrer domain on the impression if available, or extracted from the page field.
cat array of strings Specifies a list of IAB content categories (listed in section 5.1 of the specification) and Xandr category ID values. Xandr categories are in this format APN-ID where ID is the Xandr category ID; for example, APN-13.
page string Specifies the full URL of the page where the impression will be shown (for example, This should be the referrer URL and is preferred over the domain field.
publisher object Specifies information about the publisher. See Publisher Object below.
keywords string Comma separated list of keywords about the site. Keywords are global to the request and apply to all imp objects.

In this example, we look for
- a querystring mapping segment for car_make and set the value to ford (based on the segment's settings).
- a querystring key/value segment for car_make=ford.
- a querystring mapping segment with my_other_value as the key and set no value.

Note: The keywords feature is not available by default. Contact your Xandr representative to enable this feature.
content object Details about the Content within the site. See Content Object below.

App object


Only one of site and app objects are allowed in an imp object.

Xandr supports the following fields in the app object:

Field Type Description
id string Specifies the seller's app ID, used to look up an Xandr tinytag ID by tinytag code.
bundle string Specifies the application bundle or package name (e.g., This is intended to be a unique ID across multiple exchanges.
domain string Specifies the domain of the app (for example, where the impression will be shown. Set as the referrer domain on the impression if available.
cat array of strings Specifies a list of IAB content categories (listed in section 5.1 of the specification) and Xandr category ID values. Xandr categories are in this format APN-ID where ID is the Xandr category ID; for example, APN-13.
publisher object Specifies information about the publisher. See Publisher Object below.
name string The full name of the app (i.e. Angry Birds). (This value may be aliased at the publisher's request.)
keywords string Comma separated list of keywords about the app. Keywords are global to the request and apply to all imp objects.

In this example, we look for
- a querystring mapping segment for car_make and set the value to ford (based on the segment's settings).
- a querystring key/value segment for car_make=ford.
- a querystring mapping segment with my_other_value as the key and set no value.

Note: The keywords feature is not available by default. Contact your Xandr representative to enable this feature.
content object Details about the Content within the site. See Content Object below.

Publisher object

Xandr supports the following field in the publisher object:

Field Type Description
id string Specifies the seller's publisher ID. If set, this should equal the Xandr publisher code. Used to set a default placement ID in the auction if tagid,, or are not provided.

Content object

Xandr supports the following fields in the Content object:

Field Type Description
genre string Genre that best describes the content (e.g., rock, pop, etc).
id string ID uniquely identifying the content.
language string Content language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2.
ext object Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.
episode integer Episode number.
title string Content title.

Video Examples: "Search Committee" (television), "A New Hope" (movie), or "Endgame" (made for web).

Non-Video Example: "Why an Antarctic Glacier is Melting So Quickly" (Time magazine article).
series string Video Examples: "The Office" (television), "Star Wars" (movie), or "Arby 'N' The Chief" (made for web).

Non-Video Example: "Ecocentric" (Time Magazine blog).
season string Content season (e.g., "Season 3").
artist string Artist credited with the content.
album string Album to which the content belongs; typically for audio.
isrc string International Standard Recording Code conforming to ISO-3901.
producer object Details about the content Producer. Refer to section 3.2.12 in the IAB specification.
url string URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review.
cat string array Array of IAB content categories that describe the content producer. Refer to list 5.1 in the IAB specification.
prodq integer Production quality. Refer to List 5.11 in the IAB specification.
videoquality integer; DEPRECATED Deprecated in favor of prodq. Video quality. Refer to List 5.11 in the IAB specification.
context integer Type of content (game, video, text, etc.). Refer to List 5.16 in the IAB specification.
contentrating string Content rating (e.g., MPAA).
userrating string User rating of the content (e.g., number of stars, likes, etc.).
qagmediarating integer Media rating per IQG guidelines. Refer to List 5.17 in the IAB specification.
keywords string Comma separated list of keywords describing the content.
livestream integer 0 = not live
1 = content is live (e.g., stream, live blog).
sourcerelationship integer 0 = indirect
1 = direct.
len integer Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio.
data object array Additional content data. Each Data object represents a different data source. Refer to Section 3.2.16 in the IAB specification.

Content extension object

Xandr supports the following fields in the ext object:

Field Type Description
network String The top-level parent company or, where relevant, a sub-brand which owns multiple TV-like channels, d2c content brands, or digital properties on which the content is being viewed
channel String Name of channel the content is airing on
appnexus object Specifies the Xandr-specific extensions to the OpenRTB bid request.

Xandr supports the following fields in the appnexus extension object of the content object

Field Type Description
airtime String Original airtime, for time-shifted content
program_type String Type of program (e.g. movie, event, episode, etc.)

Device object

Xandr supports the following fields in the device object. Note that the device IDs in this object should override any device IDs in the Bid Request Extension Object.

Field Type Description
ua string (Recommended) Specifies the user agent string from the browser. User agent often identifies such information as the application, operating system, and software vendor acting on behalf of the user, e.g., "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4".
geo object Specifies the location of the device, as derived from the device's location services (such as cell tower triangulation or GPS) or IP address. See Geo Object for details.
dnt integer Specifies the Do Not Track setting:
0: Do Not Track is set to false in browser (tracking is allowed)
1: Do Not Track is set to true in browser (user has opted out of tracking)
ip string Specifies the IPv4 address closest to the device. Omitted when sent to buyers if seller visibility settings prohibit sharing.
ipv6 string Specifies the IPv6 address closest to the device. Used only for geolocation for buyer targeting.
devicetype integer Specifies the type of device, using IAB values:
1: Mobile/Tablet
2: Personal Computer
3: Connected TV
4: Phone
5: Tablet
6: Connected Device
7: Set Top Box
Only used if not supported via the ua field
make string Specifies the make of the device. Only used if not supported via the ua field.
model string Specifies the model of the device. Only used if not supported via the ua field.
os string This is the code field that you obtain from operating system code.
carrier string Specifies carrier for the device. Only used if not supported via the ua field.
language string Specifies the browser language; use ISO 639-1 or ISO 3166 alpha-2.
ifa_type string Identify the source of the IFA, whether that is device-generated (and therefore used across apps) or whether it is a publisher-provided IFA, or a temporary/session IFA. (e.g., dpid, ppid, sspid, sessionid, idfa, aaid, rida, afai, tifa, vida, lgudid).
ifa string The "identifier for advertising" is an unhashed device ID sanctioned for advertiser use. This will be the IDFA on iOS or AAID on Android.
Example: "ifa": "AA000DFE74168477C70D291f574D344790E0BB12".
didsha1 string Specifies the SHA1-encrypted unique identifier for the mobile device.
didmd5 string Specifies the MD5-encrypted unique identifier for the mobile device.
dpidsha1 string Specifies the SHA1-encrypted, platform-specific (e.g., ANDROID_ID or UDID for iOS) unique identifier for the mobile device.
dpidmd5 string Specifies the MD5-encrypted, platform-specific (e.g., ANDROID_ID or UDID for iOS) unique identifier for the mobile device.
lmt integer "Limit Ad Tracking" signal commercially endorsed (e.g., iOS, Android), where 0=tracking is unrestricted, 1=tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines.

User Object

Xandr supports the following fields in the user object:

Field Type Description
id string The seller's unique ID for this user.
buyeruid string The Xandr unique ID of this user. If set, this value will overwrite the customdata value.
yob integer Specifies the year of birth as a 4-digit integer. Omitted when sent to buyers if unknown or value set to 0.
gender string Specifies the gender. Set to null if unknown. Omitted when sent to buyers if unknown.
M: male
F: female
O: other
customdata string A properly encoded string that can contain an Xandr user ID. Will be ignored if buyeruid is set.
keywords string Comma separated list of keywords about the user. Keywords are global to the request and apply to all imp objects.

In this example, we look for
- a querystring mapping segment for car_make and set the value to ford (based on the segment's settings).
- a querystring key/value segment for car_make=ford.
- a querystring mapping segment with my_other_value as the key and set no value.

Note: The keywords feature is not available by default. Contact your Xandr representative to enable this feature.
geo object Location of the user’s home base defined by a Geo object. This is not necessarily their current location.

Note: By default, this field is not supported. Contact support or your account representative for more information.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to OpenRTB for the user object.

eid object

Field Type Description
source string Source of technology provider responsible for the set of included IDs.
uids object array; Array of extended ID UID objects from the given source.
ext object Placeholder for vendor specific extensions to this object.

Geo object

Xandr supports the following fields in the geo object:

Field Type Description
lat float Specifies the latitude of the device, as derived from the device's location services (such as cell tower triangulation or GPS) or IP address. This can range from -90 to 90. South is negative.
lon float Specifies the longitude of the device, as derived from the device's location services (such as cell tower triangulation or GPS) or IP address. This can range from -180 to 180. West is negative.
country string Country code using ISO-3166-1-alpha-3.

Note: By default, this field is not supported. Your account can be enabled to add support for this field, in which case country + zip will be used to determine location information. Contact support or your account representative for more information.
zip string Zip or postal code.

Note: By default, this field is not supported. Your account can be enabled to add support for this field, in which case country + zip will be used to determine location information. Contact support or your account representative for more information.

User extension object

Xandr supports the following field in the user.ext object:

Field Type Description
consent string Optional. Contains the data structure developed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Consent Working Group under the auspices of IAB Europe.

Note: The field is not enforced until May 25, 2018.
eids object array This object can contain one or more UIDs from a single source or a technology provider. Extended Identifiers support in OpenRTB allows buyers to use audience data in real time bidding. For more information, see eid Object.

Regs object

Xandr supports the following fields in the regs object:

Field Type Description
coppa integer Indicates if this request is subject to the United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
0: Not subject to COPPA. Treat as a normal auction.
1: Subject to COPPA. Limit what is allowed for targeting and logging as required.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to OpenRTB for the reg object.
gpp Indicates the actual IAB GPP consent string. It implies which vendors are permitted to process personal data and under which conditions.
{ "Regs": { "ext": { "gpp": "DBACNYA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA~1YNN", "gpp_sid": [5]} } }
gpp_sid Optional: indicates which regulations or GPP logics are to be applied, or whether a user is located in a country (EEA country) with a framework that is part of the GPP.
{ "Regs": { "ext": { "gpp": "DBACNYA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA~1YNN", "gpp_sid": [5]} } }

Regs extension object

Xandr supports the following field in the regs.ext object:

Field Type Description
gdpr integer Optional. Indicates whether the request is subject to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations. Possible values:
0: No, the request is not subject to GDPR regulations.
1: Yes, the request is subject to GDPR regulations.

No value indicates Unknown.
us_privacy string Optional. Indicates whether the request complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulations. This field complies with the IAB US Privacy specification. Refer to the IAB's string specifications for possible values; for example:
{ "Regs": { "ext": { "us_privacy": "1YNN" } } }
gpp Indicates the actual IAB GPP consent string. It implies which vendors are permitted to process personal data and under which conditions.
{ "Regs": { "ext": { "gpp": "DBACNYA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA~1YNN", "gpp_sid": [5]} } }
gpp_sid Optional: indicates which regulations or GPP logics are to be applied, or whether a user is located in a country (EEA country) with a framework that is part of the GPP.
{ "Regs": { "ext": { "gpp": "DBACNYA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA~1YNN", "gpp_sid": [5]} } }
dsa { dsarequired: 1, pubrender: 0, transparency: [ { domain: '', dsaparams: [ 1 ] },{ domain: '', dsaparams: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }],datatopub: 1 }

Example bid requests

    "id": "3456789098765432",
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                "id": "123456789"
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            "w": 750
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        "id": "5a123e7a-e72e-4503-912e-03fdad931da4",
        "pmp": {
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                "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                "id": "654321234"
            "private_auction": 1
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        "banner": {
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            "w": 468
        "bidfloor": 0.0779016539,
        "bidfloorcur": "USD",
        "id": "912308dd-6643-4bfd-8ff6-4b14f8799dad",
        "pmp": {
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                "bidfloor": 1.03868878,
                "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                "id": "432123456"
            "private_auction": 1
    }, {
        "banner": {
            "h": 250,
            "w": 970
        "bidfloor": 0.0779016539,
        "bidfloorcur": "USD",
        "id": "1123c57b-464e-4b6d-87ce-89f501dadfb9",
        "pmp": {
            "deals": [{
                "bidfloor": 1.03868878,
                "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                "id": "543234567"
            "private_auction": 1
    "site": {
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Video bid request

    "id": "951_1470171234556050-40",
    "imp": [{
        "bidfloor": 13.768,
        "bidfloorcur": "USD",
        "displaymanager": "DisplayManager",
        "displaymanagerver": "1.0",
        "id": "1",
        "pmp": {
            "deals": [{
                "bidfloor": 4.3506,
                "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                "id": "STI-VER-00004"
            "private_auction": 0
        "secure": 0,
        "video": {
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    "user": {
        "buyeruid": "87654332122234",
        "id": "5123dab34d2fe47f225b2fd8dad97ec"

Native 1.1 bid request

    "id": "333a8888abcd47e98cb69de19999egad",
    "imp": [{
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        "native": {
            "request": "{\"ver\":\"1.1\",\"context\":1,\"contextsubtype\":10,\"plcmttype\":11,\"plcmtcnt\":1,\"assets\":[{\"id\":1,\"required\":1,\"video\":{\"minduration\":10,\"maxduration\":60,\"protocols\": [2],\"mimes\":[\"video/mp4\"]}},{\"id\":2,\"required\":0,\"title\":{\"len\":140}},{\"id\":3,\"required\":1,\"img\":{\"w\":428,\"h\":240,\"type\":3}}]}",
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    "user": {
        "id": "1234567899B74ABCDEFB783E2BE0987653DF70D0"
    "ext": {
        "appnexus": {
            "ext_inv_code": "100"

Mobile bid request

    "id": "05FD4E3A-BFCB-4E5E-8D63-14DB77250C32",
    "imp": [
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            "tagid": "987654",
            "banner": {
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                "h": 250,
                "pos": 3,
                "topframe": 1,
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    "app": {
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Outstream bid request

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