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AssemblyInstaller Constructors


Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class.



Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class.

AssemblyInstaller(Assembly, String[])

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class, and specifies both the assembly to install and the command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object.

AssemblyInstaller(String, String[])

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class, and specifies both the file name of the assembly to install and the command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object for the assembly's installation.


Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class.

public AssemblyInstaller ();
Public Sub New ()


The following example demonstrates the AssemblyInstaller constructor and the Install and Commit methods of the AssemblyInstaller class.

An AssemblyInstaller is created by invoking the AssemblyInstaller constructor. The properties of this object are set and the Install and Commit methods are called to install the MyAssembly_Install.exe assembly.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Configuration.Install.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Configuration::Install;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
void main()
   IDictionary^ mySavedState = gcnew Hashtable;
   Console::WriteLine( "" );
      // Set the commandline argument array for 'logfile'.
      array<String^>^myString = {"/logFile=example.log"};
      // Create an Object* of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
      AssemblyInstaller^ myAssemblyInstaller = gcnew AssemblyInstaller;

      // Set the properties to install the required assembly.
      myAssemblyInstaller->Path = "MyAssembly_Install.exe";
      myAssemblyInstaller->CommandLine = myString;
      myAssemblyInstaller->UseNewContext = true;
      // Clear the 'IDictionary' Object*.
      // Install the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
      myAssemblyInstaller->Install( mySavedState );
      // Commit the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
      myAssemblyInstaller->Commit( mySavedState );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e );
using System;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

class MyInstallClass
   static void Main()
      IDictionary mySavedState = new Hashtable();

      Console.WriteLine( "" );

         // Set the commandline argument array for 'logfile'.
         string[] myString = new string[ 1 ];
         myString[ 0 ] = "/logFile=example.log";

         // Create an object of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
         AssemblyInstaller myAssemblyInstaller = new AssemblyInstaller();

         // Set the properties to install the required assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller.Path = "MyAssembly_Install.exe";
         myAssemblyInstaller.CommandLine = myString;
         myAssemblyInstaller.UseNewContext = true;

         // Clear the 'IDictionary' object.

         // Install the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller.Install( mySavedState );

         // Commit the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller.Commit( mySavedState );
      catch( Exception )
Imports System.Configuration.Install
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Class MyInstallClass
   Shared Sub Main()
      Dim mySavedState = New Hashtable()

         ' Set the commandline argument array for 'logfile'.
         Dim myString(0) As String
         myString(0) = "/logFile=example.log"
         ' Create an object of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
         Dim myAssemblyInstaller As New AssemblyInstaller()
         ' Set the properties to install the required assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller.Path = "MyAssembly_Install.exe"
         myAssemblyInstaller.CommandLine = myString
         myAssemblyInstaller.UseNewContext = True
         ' Clear the 'IDictionary' object.
         ' Install the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
         ' Commit the 'MyAssembly_Install' assembly.
      End Try

   End Sub
End Class

Applies to

AssemblyInstaller(Assembly, String[])

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class, and specifies both the assembly to install and the command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object.

 AssemblyInstaller(System::Reflection::Assembly ^ assembly, cli::array <System::String ^> ^ commandLine);
public AssemblyInstaller (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, string[] commandLine);
new System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller : System.Reflection.Assembly * string[] -> System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller
Public Sub New (assembly As Assembly, commandLine As String())



The Assembly to install.


The command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object for the assembly's installation. Can be a null value.

See also

Applies to

AssemblyInstaller(String, String[])

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyInstaller class, and specifies both the file name of the assembly to install and the command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object for the assembly's installation.

 AssemblyInstaller(System::String ^ filename, cli::array <System::String ^> ^ commandLine);
 AssemblyInstaller(System::String ^ fileName, cli::array <System::String ^> ^ commandLine);
public AssemblyInstaller (string filename, string[] commandLine);
public AssemblyInstaller (string fileName, string[] commandLine);
new System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller : string * string[] -> System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller
new System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller : string * string[] -> System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller
Public Sub New (filename As String, commandLine As String())
Public Sub New (fileName As String, commandLine As String())



The file name of the assembly to install.


The command line to use when creating a new InstallContext object for the assembly's installation. Can be a null value.


In the following example, an AssemblyInstaller is created by invoking the AssemblyInstaller constructor with the assembly to install and the command line argument array as parameters.

array<String^>^myStringArray = {"/logFile=example.log"};
String^ myString = "MyAssembly_Uninstall.exe";

// Create an object of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
AssemblyInstaller^ myAssemblyInstaller =
   gcnew AssemblyInstaller( myString,myStringArray );
string[] myStringArray = new string[ 1 ];
string myString;

// Set the commandline argument array for 'logfile'.
myStringArray[ 0 ] = "/logFile=example.log";

// Set the name of the assembly to install.
myString = "MyAssembly_Uninstall.exe";

// Create an object of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
AssemblyInstaller myAssemblyInstaller = new
         AssemblyInstaller( myString , myStringArray );
Dim myStringArray(0) As String
Dim myString As String

' Set the commandline argument array for 'logfile'.
myStringArray(0) = "/logFile=example.log"

' Set the name of the assembly to install.
myString = "MyAssembly_Uninstall.exe"

' Create an object of the 'AssemblyInstaller' class.
Dim myAssemblyInstaller As New AssemblyInstaller(myString, myStringArray)

See also

Applies to