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GraphicsPathIterator.Enumerate(PointF[], Byte[]) Method


Copies the PathPoints property and PathTypes property arrays of the associated GraphicsPath into the two specified arrays.

 int Enumerate(cli::array <System::Drawing::PointF> ^ % points, cli::array <System::Byte> ^ % types);
public int Enumerate (ref System.Drawing.PointF[] points, ref byte[] types);
member this.Enumerate : PointF[] * Byte[] -> int
Public Function Enumerate (ByRef points As PointF(), ByRef types As Byte()) As Integer



Upon return, contains an array of PointF structures that represents the points in the path.


Upon return, contains an array of bytes that represents the types of points in the path.


The number of points copied.


The following example is designed for use with Windows Forms, and it requires PaintEventArgs e, an OnPaint event object. The code performs the following actions:

  • Creates a graphics path.

  • Populates it with several primitives and some markers.

  • Lists the path data on the left side of the screen.

  • Creates a GraphicsPathIterator and rewinds it.

  • Increments the path data index to the second marker.

  • Calls the Enumerate method to copy the path data to the points and types arrays.

  • Lists this copied data on the right side of the screen.

   void EnumerateExample( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      GraphicsPath^ myPath = gcnew GraphicsPath;
      array<Point>^ myPoints = {Point(20,20),Point(120,120),Point(20,120),Point(20,20)};
      Rectangle myRect = Rectangle(120,120,100,100);
      myPath->AddLines( myPoints );
      myPath->AddRectangle( myRect );
      myPath->AddEllipse( 220, 220, 100, 100 );

      // Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of
      // the  points and types.
      int myPathPointCount = myPath->PointCount;
      array<PointF>^myPathPoints = myPath->PathPoints;
      array<Byte>^myPathTypes = myPath->PathTypes;

      // Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left
      // side of the screen.
      int i;
      float j = 20;
      System::Drawing::Font^ myFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 );
      SolidBrush^ myBrush = gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black );

      // List the set of points and types and types to the left side
      // of the screen.
      e->Graphics->DrawString( "Original Data", myFont, myBrush, 20, j );
      j += 20;
      for ( i = 0; i < myPathPointCount; i++ )
         e->Graphics->DrawString( myPathPoints[ i ].X + ", " + myPathPoints[ i ].Y + ", " + myPathTypes[ i ], myFont, myBrush, 20, j );
         j += 20;

      // Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath.
      GraphicsPathIterator^ myPathIterator = gcnew GraphicsPathIterator( myPath );
      array<PointF>^points = gcnew array<PointF>(myPathIterator->Count);
      array<Byte>^types = gcnew array<Byte>(myPathIterator->Count);

      // int numPoints = myPathIterator->Enumerate(&points, &types);
      // Draw the set of copied points and types to the screen.
      j = 20;
      e->Graphics->DrawString( "Copied Data", myFont, myBrush, 200, j );
      j += 20;
      for ( i = 0; i < points->Length; i++ )
         e->Graphics->DrawString( String::Format( "Point: {0}, Value: {1}, Type: {2}", i, points[ i ], types[ i ] ), myFont, myBrush, 200, j );
         j += 20;
public void EnumerateExample(PaintEventArgs e)
    GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath();
    Point[] myPoints =
                 new Point(20, 20),
                 new Point(120, 120),
                 new Point(20, 120),
                 new Point(20, 20)
    Rectangle myRect = new Rectangle(120, 120, 100, 100);
    myPath.AddEllipse(220, 220, 100, 100);
    // Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of
    // the  points and types.
    int myPathPointCount = myPath.PointCount;
    PointF[] myPathPoints = myPath.PathPoints;
    byte[] myPathTypes = myPath.PathTypes;
    // Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left
    // side of the screen.
    int i;
    float j = 20;
    Font myFont = new Font("Arial", 8);
    SolidBrush myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
    // List the set of points and types and types to the left side
    // of the screen.
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Original Data",
    j += 20;
    for(i=0; i<myPathPointCount; i++)
            ", " + myPathPoints[i].Y.ToString() + ", " +
    // Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath.
    GraphicsPathIterator myPathIterator =
        new GraphicsPathIterator(myPath);
    PointF[] points = new PointF[myPathIterator.Count];
    byte[] types = new byte[myPathIterator.Count];
    int numPoints = myPathIterator.Enumerate(ref points, ref types);
    // Draw the set of copied points and types to the screen.
    j = 20;
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Copied Data",
    j += 20;
    for(i=0; i<points.Length; i++)
        e.Graphics.DrawString("Point: " + i +
            ", " + "Value: " + points[i].ToString() + ", " +
            "Type: " + types[i].ToString(),
Public Sub EnumerateExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim myPath As New GraphicsPath
    Dim myPoints As Point() = {New Point(20, 20), _
        New Point(120, 120), New Point(20, 120), New Point(20, 20)}
    Dim myRect As New Rectangle(120, 120, 100, 100)
    myPath.AddEllipse(220, 220, 100, 100)

    ' Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of the
    ' points and types.
    Dim myPathPointCount As Integer = myPath.PointCount
    Dim myPathPoints As PointF() = myPath.PathPoints
    Dim myPathTypes As Byte() = myPath.PathTypes

    ' Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left side
    ' of the screen.
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Single = 20
    Dim myFont As New Font("Arial", 8)
    Dim myBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black)

    ' List the set of points and types and types to the left side of
    ' the screen.
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Original Data", myFont, myBrush, 20, j)
    j += 20
    For i = 0 To myPathPointCount - 1
        e.Graphics.DrawString(myPathPoints(i).X.ToString() & ", " & _
        myPathPoints(i).Y.ToString() & ", " & _
        myPathTypes(i).ToString(), myFont, myBrush, 20, j)
        j += 20
    Next i

    ' Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath.
    Dim myPathIterator As New GraphicsPathIterator(myPath)
    Dim points(myPathIterator.Count) As PointF
    Dim types(myPathIterator.Count) As Byte
    Dim numPoints As Integer = myPathIterator.Enumerate(points, types)

    ' Draw the set of copied points and types to the screen.
    j = 20
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Copied Data", myFont, myBrush, 200, j)
    j += 20
    For i = 0 To points.Length - 1
        e.Graphics.DrawString("Point: " & i & ", " & "Value: " & _
            points(i).ToString() & ", " & "Type: " & _
            types(i).ToString(), myFont, myBrush, 200, j)
        j += 20
    Next i
End Sub

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