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Nouveautés, principes, évolution, trucs et astuces - News, principles, evolution, tips and tricks

Exchange 2013 – Paging File size guidance (Bookmark from Exchange Team Group)

Just pasting the new Paging File size guidance on Exchange 2013 OS because we tend to forget the...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 06/18/2014

Exchange 2013 Mailflow – complement to Richard Schwendiman’s schema : Get-ReceiveConnector and GUI correspondings – showing Exchange 2013 Receive Connectors and their default configuration values…

  Hey,   Just taking Richard Schwendiman’s awesome Mail Flow schema and put the...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 06/17/2014

MSExchange RPCCLientAccess / MSExchangeIS –> RPC Averaged Latency – it’s always in milliseconds, not in seconds

  Here I’ll just show a few examples just to make it sure if you have a doubt, that RPC...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 06/13/2014

Quick perfmon check to detect potential memory leak in Windows

The below counters are just to be taken as indicators if you suspect a memory leak on your machine;...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 05/28/2014

Outlook Shared calendars quick note – cache mode and online mode for Shared folders

Q: What’s the impact of a user having lots of Shared calendars opened or just configured in his...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 05/28/2014

Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 on Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2 – Updated TCP Chimney and RSS settings experience

See info below, and let me know what you...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 05/27/2014

Exchange 2013 Tip – Limitation on receive connector’s IP address list

Exchange 2013 has a 1300-ish limit on the number of allowed IPs we can set in the list (the limit is...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 05/25/2014

Powershell – exporting multivalued properties (Draft)

This one is just for me to remember; more explanations later onget-service | `select...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 05/05/2014

Exchange (2007-2010-2013) – Error when trying to Enable-ExchangeCertificate: PrivateKeyMissing – or – how to ensure that when you import an issued certificate you get the private key generated

This post is more a reminder on the main rule on what not to do when installing a certificate that...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 04/15/2014

Bookmark – Where is the Cluster Log in Windows 2008 R2 ?

Disclaimer: ---------------------------------------------------------Thanks to Symon Perriman MSFT...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 04/03/2014

Determine the file encoding of a file - CSV file with French accents or other exotic characters that you’re trying to import in Powershell

Bernie and I had an issue today trying to import a CSV file using Import-CSV in Powershell V2.0, as...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 03/26/2014

Exchange 2010/2013 – Using Get-MailboxFolderPermissions to export MAPI permissions of folders for a given mailbox

EDIT : This does NOT work with Exchange 2007 as "Get-MailboxFolderPermissions" is not an available...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 03/06/2014

Exchange 2010 - Production : Public Folder replication messages stuck in the queue

Context :You noticed more than 300 system messages stuck in some HUB transport servers queues with...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/12/2014

Exchange 2013 – Memory (RAM) allocation by the store with an example

First, a reminder of the theory: Exchange store is comprised of 3 services: msexchangerepl.exe =...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/03/2014

First configure Autoreseed for your...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/02/2014

by Steve GoodmanIntroducing Load Balancing in Exchange Server 2013 (Part...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/02/2014

What are CTS and IMS as referred in the Exchange 2013 architecture slides ? (XSO = Exchange Server...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/02/2014

FOPE and EOP differences

Here is what I put together some time ago around internal Microsoft discussions to highlight the key...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/31/2014

Spam Confidence Levels / Seuils de probabilité de courrier indésirable


Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/31/2014

Exchange Online Protection - EOP/ExO Datacenter location


Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/31/2014

Bookmark - SMTP NDR CODEs (Technet)

4.3.1Out-of-memory or out-of-disk space condition on the Exchange server. Potentially also means...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 12/09/2013

How to take Exchange traces and dumps for Microsoft Engineers – Example for STORE and MSExchange Transport components

Prerequisites We’ll use the ExTra.exe (Exchange 2007/2010 only, not available anymore on...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 12/02/2013

Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013 on Windows 2008 / 2008 R2 – Check TCP Chimney Windows settings and status

Hey,If you ever encounter some messages that takes time to be delivered from HUB servers to Mailbox...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 12/02/2013

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 and above – Error putting 2 servers at a time in maintenance mode using StartDagMaintenance.ps1 script

The StartDagMaintenance.ps1 script pauses servers cluster node and blocks chosen servers and...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 10/07/2013

Exchange 2010/2013 – How to give permissions to users to manage Universal Security Distribution Lists (must use RBAC)

Users on Exchange 201x who try to update or create a Distribution List may get the following error...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 10/01/2013

Windows – 2003 to 2012 – Monitoring replication (without SCOM)

Choice of two useful Tools to monitor AD replication. First is Active Directory Replication Status...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 09/23/2013

Aide-Mémoire – Converting ExTra ETL trace to CSV

Just a reminder for me (Extrace.exe is an internal tool used for deep debugging). extrace.exe -c -v...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 09/13/2013

Exchange Server 2010 – If search fails after upgrading to SP3 (RU2 as well in this case)

First, as my colleague Rhoderick wrote in a nice and easy-to-read “Troubleshooting Content...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 09/03/2013

Exchange 2007/2010/2013 – Gather email statistics like Exchange Profile Analyzer used to give in the past, but now using Powershell !

Want to pull out statistics from Exchange such as :· messages sent per mailbox per day...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/17/2013

Windows 2008 R2 – WMI Quota issue caused by either a WMI leak or an application overallocating WMI memory

I- Default WMI memory quotas for Windows 2008 R2: Memory Per Host: 536870912 Handles Per Host: 4096...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/16/2013

Exchange 2010 - Enabling an Autoreply Message (Out Of Office) using the Exchange Management Shell (Powershell)

  Here is how to test it on a user first. 1> Using powershell, do a $objMailbox =...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/15/2013

How-to procedure – Exchange 2010 SP1+ – Enabling and Troubleshooting Calendar Repair Assistant

  Did you ever have users complaining that meetings didn’t show up for some attendees ? Or a...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/13/2013

How-To procedure – Exchange 2010 SP1+ - repair a corrupted mailbox without dismounting a database

    Remeber ISINGEG ? The Exchange tool to repair logical corruptions in databases ?...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/13/2013

How-To procedure – Exchange 2010 SP1 and up (including Exchange 2013) – How to update your DAG members

When you install patches, RollUps, Update Intérims, Cumulative Updates, use the Powershell scripts...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/13/2013

How-To procedure – Exchange 2010 – > SP1 (as well as Exchange 2013 !!) – DAC mode and new DR commandlets … activate DAC mode and update your DR procedures !

  Since Exchange 2010 SP1, you can enable DAC mode (Datacenter Activation Coordination) even if...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/13/2013

How-To procedure – Exchange 2010 – all SPs – After CAS array setup : do not forget to update this Database property !

Even if you have your CAS Array already established, double check the RPCClientAccessServer...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/13/2013

Next : Exchange how-to procedures

Hello all, From now on, and before moving on to Exchange 2013, I will post a series of common...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 07/07/2013

Exchange 2010–(really) quick note about some logs useful to collect

CAS : RCA logs (for RPC Client Access logs) Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14LoggingRPC...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 06/06/2013

Temporary post

Gc servers.txt | % {&"c:utilsexperfwizexperfwiz.ps1" -quiet -server $_ -interval 5 –Begin...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 04/03/2013

Exchange 2010 and BES server Throttling Policy settings - What Client Throttling Policy Blackberry recommends for the BES Admin Account.

To avoid BES connection latencies and connectivity issues, the Client Access Throttling Policy...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 03/27/2013

The first article is Exchange 2010 counters information from the Technet.The principle described in...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 03/27/2013

Windows 2012–Uninstalling AD DS services (demoting GC)–copied Powershell script from the setup

# Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment #Import-Module ADDSDeployment...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/10/2013

UNSUPPORTED and DRAFT post - but just to play in a Lab for fun–Installing Exchange system Manager 2003 and Exmerge on a Windows 7 computer to export Exchange 2007 mailbox data to PST files

Installing ExMerge:ExMerge download link...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/08/2013

Exchange 2007–A Queue Monitoring Console simply built

  Using my DTW (Document-Tool-Walkthru) Excel based tool that you can download through :...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 02/07/2013

Performance Analysis–Excel (2010) automation : how to create graphs from a Perfmon-generated CSV file–Essay#1

  Hi all, Today I’m concentrating my efforts into generating graphs as painless as possible for...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/28/2013

Exchange 2010–Dumpster V2.0 questions and answers

  Ø Does the archive database has a separate dumpster with a separate retention ? Remember in...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/17/2013

Exchange 2007–Event ID 9786 potentially followed by Event ID 623 possible causes

Authors : Levon Kohoutek (for the question) and Nagesh Mahadev (for the answer)Question :Exchange...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 01/11/2013

LogParser or ExRAP tools “Log row too long” issue

Bookmark to Rhoderick’s blog...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 12/11/2012

Exchange 2010 DAG–Collapse the MAPI networks in a DAG

To avoid DAG switchover issues, you should always collapse the MAPI networks in a DAG.The following...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 12/04/2012

QuickRef–Powershell-Get Exchange services except IMAP4 and POP3

get-service Exchange | ? {-not ($.name -like "IMAP4") -and -not ($.name -like "POP")}...

Author: SammyKrosoft Date: 11/23/2012

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