List<T>.Find(Predicate<T>) Метод


Выполняет поиск элемента, удовлетворяющего условиям указанного предиката, и возвращает первое найденное вхождение в пределах всего списка List<T>.

 T Find(Predicate<T> ^ match);
public T Find (Predicate<T> match);
public T? Find (Predicate<T> match);
member this.Find : Predicate<'T> -> 'T
Public Function Find (match As Predicate(Of T)) As T



Делегат Predicate<T>, определяющий условия поиска элемента.

Возвращаемое значение


Первый элемент, удовлетворяющий условиям указанного предиката, если такой элемент найден; в противном случае — значение по умолчанию для типа T.


match имеет значение null.


В следующем примере демонстрируется Find метод в объекте List<T> , который содержит простой сложный объект.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Simple business object. A PartId is used to identify a part
// but the part name can change.
public class Part : IEquatable<Part>
    public string PartName { get; set; }
    public int PartId { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return "ID: " + PartId + "   Name: " + PartName;
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null) return false;
        Part objAsPart = obj as Part;
        if (objAsPart == null) return false;
        else return Equals(objAsPart);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return PartId;
    public bool Equals(Part other)
        if (other == null) return false;
        return (this.PartId.Equals(other.PartId));
    // Should also override == and != operators.
public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Create a list of parts.
        List<Part> parts = new List<Part>();

        // Add parts to the list.
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "crank arm", PartId = 1234 });
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "chain ring", PartId = 1334 });
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "regular seat", PartId = 1434 });
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "banana seat", PartId = 1444 });
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "cassette", PartId = 1534 });
        parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "shift lever", PartId = 1634 }); ;

        // Write out the parts in the list. This will call the overridden ToString method
        // in the Part class.
        foreach (Part aPart in parts)

        // Check the list for part #1734. This calls the IEquatable.Equals method
        // of the Part class, which checks the PartId for equality.
        Console.WriteLine("\nContains: Part with Id=1734: {0}",
            parts.Contains(new Part { PartId = 1734, PartName = "" }));

        // Find items where name contains "seat".
        Console.WriteLine("\nFind: Part where name contains \"seat\": {0}",
            parts.Find(x => x.PartName.Contains("seat")));

        // Check if an item with Id 1444 exists.
        Console.WriteLine("\nExists: Part with Id=1444: {0}",
            parts.Exists(x => x.PartId == 1444));

        /*This code example produces the following output:

        ID: 1234   Name: crank arm
        ID: 1334   Name: chain ring
        ID: 1434   Name: regular seat
        ID: 1444   Name: banana seat
        ID: 1534   Name: cassette
        ID: 1634   Name: shift lever

        Contains: Part with Id=1734: False

        Find: Part where name contains "seat": ID: 1434   Name: regular seat

        Exists: Part with Id=1444: True
Imports System.Collections.Generic

' Simple business object. A PartId is used to identify a part 
' but the part name can change. 
Public Class Part
    Implements IEquatable(Of Part)
    Public Property PartName() As String
            Return m_PartName
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            m_PartName = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private m_PartName As String
    Public Property PartId() As Integer
            Return m_PartId
        End Get
        Set(value As Integer)
            m_PartId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private m_PartId As Integer

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return Convert.ToString("ID: " & PartId & "   Name: ") & PartName
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        If obj Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If
        Dim objAsPart As Part = TryCast(obj, Part)
        If objAsPart Is Nothing Then
            Return False
            Return Equals(objAsPart)
        End If
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return PartId
    End Function
    Public Overloads Function Equals(other As Part) As Boolean _
        Implements IEquatable(Of Part).Equals
        If other Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If
        Return (Me.PartId.Equals(other.PartId))
    End Function
    ' Should also override == and != operators.
End Class
Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a list of parts.
        Dim parts As New List(Of Part)()

        ' Add parts to the list.
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "crank arm", _
             .PartId = 1234 _
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "chain ring", _
             .PartId = 1334 _
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "regular seat", _
             .PartId = 1434 _
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "banana seat", _
             .PartId = 1444 _
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "cassette", _
             .PartId = 1534 _
        parts.Add(New Part() With { _
             .PartName = "shift lever", _
             .PartId = 1634 _

        ' Write out the parts in the list. This will call the overridden ToString method
        ' in the Part class.
        For Each aPart As Part In parts

        ' Check the list for part #1734. This calls the IEquatable.Equals method
        ' of the Part class, which checks the PartId for equality.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Contains: Part with Id=1734: {0}",
                          parts.Contains(New Part() With { _
             .PartId = 1734, _
             .PartName = "" _

        ' Find items where name contains "seat".
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Find: Part where name contains ""seat"": {0}",
                          parts.Find(Function(x) x.PartName.Contains("seat")))

        ' Check if an item with Id 1444 exists.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Exists: Part with Id=1444: {0}",
                          parts.Exists(Function(x) x.PartId = 1444))

        'This code example produces the following output:
        '        ID: 1234   Name: crank arm
        '        ID: 1334   Name: chain ring
        '        ID: 1434   Name: regular seat
        '        ID: 1444   Name: banana seat
        '        ID: 1534   Name: cassette
        '        ID: 1634   Name: shift lever
        '        Contains: Part with Id=1734: False
        '        Find: Part where name contains "seat": ID: 1434   Name: regular seat
        '        Exists: Part with Id=1444: True 

    End Sub
End Class

В следующем примере показаны методы поиска для List<T> класса . Пример для List<T> класса содержит book объекты класса Book, используя данные из примера XML-файла: книги (LINQ to XML). Метод FillList в примере использует LINQ to XML для синтаксического анализа значений xml до значений book свойств объектов .

В следующей таблице описаны примеры методов поиска.

Метод Пример
Find(Predicate<T>) Находит книгу по идентификатору с помощью делегата IDToFind предиката.

В примере C# используется анонимный делегат.
FindAll(Predicate<T>) Найдите все книги со Genre свойством "Computer" с помощью делегата FindComputer предиката.
FindLast(Predicate<T>) Находит последнюю книгу в коллекции с датой публикации до 2001 года с помощью делегата PubBefore2001 предиката.

В примере C# используется анонимный делегат.
FindIndex(Predicate<T>) Находит индекс первой компьютерной книги с помощью делегата FindComputer предиката.
FindLastIndex(Predicate<T>) Находит индекс последней компьютерной книги с помощью делегата FindComputer предиката.
FindIndex(Int32, Int32, Predicate<T>) Находит индекс первой компьютерной книги во второй половине коллекции с помощью делегата FindComputer предиката.
FindLastIndex(Int32, Int32, Predicate<T>) Находит индекс последней компьютерной книги во второй половине коллекции с помощью делегата FindComputer предиката.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace Find
    class Program
        private static string IDtoFind = "bk109";

        private static List<Book> Books = new List<Book>();
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            // Find a book by its ID.
            Book result = Books.Find(
            delegate(Book bk)
                return bk.ID == IDtoFind;
            if (result != null)
                DisplayResult(result, "Find by ID: " + IDtoFind);
                Console.WriteLine("\nNot found: {0}", IDtoFind);

            // Find last book in collection published before 2001.
            result = Books.FindLast(
            delegate(Book bk)
                DateTime year2001 = new DateTime(2001,01,01);
                return bk.Publish_date < year2001;
            if (result != null)
                DisplayResult(result, "Last book in collection published before 2001:");
                Console.WriteLine("\nNot found: {0}", IDtoFind);

            // Find all computer books.
            List<Book> results = Books.FindAll(FindComputer);
            if (results.Count != 0)
                DisplayResults(results, "All computer:");
                Console.WriteLine("\nNo books found.");

            // Find all books under $10.00.
            results = Books.FindAll(
            delegate(Book bk)
                return bk.Price < 10.00;
            if (results.Count != 0)
                DisplayResults(results, "Books under $10:");
                Console.WriteLine("\nNo books found.");

            // Find index values.
            int ndx = Books.FindIndex(FindComputer);
            Console.WriteLine("Index of first computer book: {0}", ndx);
            ndx = Books.FindLastIndex(FindComputer);
            Console.WriteLine("Index of last computer book: {0}", ndx);

            int mid = Books.Count / 2;
            ndx = Books.FindIndex(mid, mid, FindComputer);
            Console.WriteLine("Index of first computer book in the second half of the collection: {0}", ndx);

            ndx = Books.FindLastIndex(Books.Count - 1, mid, FindComputer);
            Console.WriteLine("Index of last computer book in the second half of the collection: {0}", ndx);

        // Populates the list with sample data.
        private static void FillList()

            // Create XML elements from a source file.
            XElement xTree = XElement.Load(@"c:\temp\books.xml");

            // Create an enumerable collection of the elements.
            IEnumerable<XElement> elements = xTree.Elements();

            // Evaluate each element and set set values in the book object.
            foreach (XElement el in elements)
                Book book = new Book();
                book.ID = el.Attribute("id").Value;
                IEnumerable<XElement> props = el.Elements();
                foreach (XElement p in props)

                    if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "author")
                        book.Author = p.Value;
                    else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "title")
                        book.Title = p.Value;
                    else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "genre")
                        book.Genre = p.Value;
                    else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "price")
                        book.Price = Convert.ToDouble(p.Value);
                    else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "publish_date")
                        book.Publish_date = Convert.ToDateTime(p.Value);
                    else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "description")
                        book.Description = p.Value;


            DisplayResults(Books, "All books:");

        // Explicit predicate delegate.
        private static bool FindComputer(Book bk)

            if (bk.Genre == "Computer")
                return true;
                return false;

        private static void DisplayResult(Book result, string title)
            Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", result.ID,
                result.Author, result.Title, result.Genre, result.Price,

        private static void DisplayResults(List<Book> results, string title)
            foreach (Book b in results)

                Console.Write("\n{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", b.ID,
                    b.Author, b.Title, b.Genre, b.Price,

    public class Book
        public string ID { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Genre { get; set; }
        public double Price { get; set; }
        public DateTime Publish_date { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Module Module1

    Private IDToFind As String = "bk109"

    Public Books As New List(Of Book)

    Sub Main()


        ' Find a book by its ID.
        Dim result As Book = Books.Find(AddressOf FindID)
        If result IsNot Nothing Then
            DisplayResult(result, "Find by ID: " & IDToFind)

            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Not found: " & IDToFind)
        End If

        ' Find last book in collection that has a publish date before 2001.
        result = Books.FindLast(AddressOf PubBefore2001)
        If result IsNot Nothing Then
            DisplayResult(result, "Last book in collection published before 2001:")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Not found: " & IDToFind)
        End If

        ' Find all computer books.
        Dim results As List(Of Book) = Books.FindAll(AddressOf FindComputer)
        If results.Count <> 0 Then
            DisplayResults(results, "All computer books:")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "No books found.")
        End If

        ' Find all books under $10.00.
        results = Books.FindAll(AddressOf FindUnderTen)
        If results.Count <> 0 Then
            DisplayResults(results, "Books under $10:")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "No books found.")
        End If

        ' Find index values.
        Dim ndx As Integer = Books.FindIndex(AddressOf FindComputer)
        Console.WriteLine("Index of first computer book: " & ndx)
        ndx = Books.FindLastIndex(AddressOf FindComputer)
        Console.WriteLine("Index of last computer book: " & ndx)

        Dim mid As Integer = Books.Count / 2
        ndx = Books.FindIndex(mid, mid, AddressOf FindComputer)
        Console.WriteLine("Index of first computer book in the second half of the collection: " & ndx)

        ndx = Books.FindLastIndex(Books.Count - 1, mid, AddressOf FindComputer)
        Console.WriteLine("Index of last computer book in the second half of the collection: " & ndx)

    End Sub

    Private Sub FillList()

        ' Create XML elements from a source file.
        Dim xTree As XElement = XElement.Load("c:\temp\books.xml")

        ' Create an enumerable collection of the elements.
        Dim elements As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xTree.Elements

        ' Evaluate each element and set values in the book object.
        For Each el As XElement In elements
            Dim Book As New Book()
            Book.ID = el.Attribute("id").Value
            Dim props As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = el.Elements
            For Each p As XElement In props
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "author" Then
                    Book.Author = p.Value
                End If
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "title" Then
                    Book.Title = p.Value
                End If
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "genre" Then
                    Book.Genre = p.Value
                End If
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "price" Then
                    Book.Price = Convert.ToDouble(p.Value)
                End If
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "publish_date" Then
                    Book.Publish_date = Convert.ToDateTime(p.Value)
                End If
                If p.Name.ToString.ToLower = "description" Then
                    Book.Description = p.Value
                End If

        DisplayResults(Books, "All books:")

    End Sub

    ' Predicate delegates for
    ' Find and FindAll methods.
    Private Function FindID(ByVal bk As Book) As Boolean
        If bk.ID = IDToFind Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function FindComputer(ByVal bk As Book) As Boolean
        If bk.Genre = "Computer" Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function FindUnderTen(ByVal bk As Book) As Boolean
        Dim tendollars As Double = 10.0
        If bk.Price < tendollars Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function PubBefore2001(ByVal bk As Book) As Boolean
        Dim year2001 As DateTime = New DateTime(2001, 1, 1)
        Return bk.Publish_date < year2001
    End Function
    Private Sub DisplayResult(ByVal result As Book, ByVal title As String)
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & result.ID & vbTab & result.Author & _
                          vbTab & result.Title & vbTab & result.Genre & _
                          vbTab & result.Publish_date & vbTab & result.Price)
    End Sub
    Private Sub DisplayResults(ByVal results As List(Of Book), ByVal title As String)
        For Each b As Book In results
            Console.Write(vbLf & b.ID & vbTab & b.Author & _
                              vbTab & b.Title & vbTab & b.Genre & _
                              vbTab & b.Publish_date & vbTab & b.Price)
    End Sub

    Public Class Book
        Public ID As String
        Public Author As String
        Public Title As String
        Public Genre As String
        Public Price As Double
        Public Publish_date As DateTime
        Public Description As String
    End Class

End Module


Является Predicate<T> делегатом метода, который возвращает true , если переданный ему объект соответствует условиям, определенным в делегате. Элементы текущего List<T> элемента передаются делегату по отдельности Predicate<T> , перемещаясь вперед в List<T>, начиная с первого элемента и заканчивая последним элементом. Обработка останавливается при обнаружении совпадения.


При поиске списка, содержащего типы значений, убедитесь, что значение по умолчанию для типа не соответствует предикату поиска. В противном случае невозможно различить значение по умолчанию, указывающее, что совпадение не найдено, и элемент списка, который имеет значение по умолчанию для типа. Если значение по умолчанию удовлетворяет предикату поиска, используйте FindIndex вместо него метод .

Этот метод выполняет линейный поиск; поэтому этот метод является операцией O(n), где n — .Count

Применяется к

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