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TransactedInstaller.Install(IDictionary) Метод


Производит установку.

 override void Install(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ savedState);
public override void Install (System.Collections.IDictionary savedState);
override this.Install : System.Collections.IDictionary -> unit
Public Overrides Sub Install (savedState As IDictionary)



IDictionary, используемый данным методом для сохранения сведений, необходимых для осуществления фиксации, отката или отмены установки.


Параметр savedState имеет значение null.

Не удалось произвести установку, производится откат.


В следующем примере показаны методы TransactedInstallerTransactedInstaller , Install и Uninstall класса .

В этом примере представлена реализация, аналогичная реализации InstallUtil.exe. Он устанавливает сборки с параметрами, предшествующими этой конкретной сборке. Если параметр не указан для сборки, предыдущие параметры сборки принимаются, если в списке есть предыдущая сборка. Если указан параметр "/u" или "/uninstall", сборки удаляются. Если "/?" или предоставляется параметр "/help", после чего справочные сведения выводятся на консоль.

array<String^>^ args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
ArrayList^ myOptions = gcnew ArrayList;
String^ myOption;
bool toUnInstall = false;
bool toPrintHelp = false;
TransactedInstaller^ myTransactedInstaller = gcnew TransactedInstaller;
AssemblyInstaller^ myAssemblyInstaller;
InstallContext^ myInstallContext;

   for ( int i = 1; i < args->Length; i++ )
      // Process the arguments.
      if ( args[ i ]->StartsWith( "/" ) || args[ i ]->StartsWith( "-" ) )
         myOption = args[ i ]->Substring( 1 );
         // Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
         if ( String::Compare( myOption, "u", true ) == 0 ||
            String::Compare( myOption, "uninstall", true ) == 0 )
            toUnInstall = true;
         // Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
         if ( String::Compare( myOption, "?", true ) == 0 ||
            String::Compare( myOption, "help", true ) == 0 )
            toPrintHelp = true;
         // Add the option encountered to the list of all options
         // encountered for the current assembly.
         myOptions->Add( myOption );
         // Determine whether the assembly file exists.
         if (  !File::Exists( args[ i ] ) )
            // If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
            Console::WriteLine( "\nError : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.",
               args[ i ] );
            return 0;
         // Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller =
            gcnew AssemblyInstaller( args[ i ],
               (array<String^>^)( myOptions->ToArray( String::typeid ) ) );
         // Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
         myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Add( myAssemblyInstaller );
   // If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
   // then print help message.
   if ( toPrintHelp || myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Count == 0 )
      return 0;
   // Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
   myInstallContext =
      gcnew InstallContext( "Install.log",
         (array<String^>^)( myOptions->ToArray( String::typeid ) ) );
   myTransactedInstaller->Context = myInstallContext;
   // Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
   if (  !toUnInstall )
      myTransactedInstaller->Install( gcnew Hashtable );
      myTransactedInstaller->Uninstall( nullptr );
catch ( Exception^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "\nException raised : {0}", e->Message );
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.IO;

public class TransactedInstaller_Example
   public static void Main(String[] args)
      ArrayList myOptions = new ArrayList();
      String myOption;
      bool toUnInstall = false;
      bool toPrintHelp = false;
      TransactedInstaller myTransactedInstaller = new TransactedInstaller();
      AssemblyInstaller myAssemblyInstaller;
      InstallContext myInstallContext;

         for(int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            // Process the arguments.
            if(args[i].StartsWith("/") || args[i].StartsWith("-"))
               myOption = args[i].Substring(1);
               // Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
               if(String.Compare(myOption, "u", true) == 0 ||
                  String.Compare(myOption, "uninstall", true) == 0)
                  toUnInstall = true;
               // Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
               if(String.Compare(myOption, "?", true) == 0 ||
                  String.Compare(myOption, "help", true) == 0)
                  toPrintHelp = true;
               // Add the option encountered to the list of all options
               // encountered for the current assembly.
               // Determine whether the assembly file exists.
                  // If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
                  Console.WriteLine("\nError : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.",

               // Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
               myAssemblyInstaller =
                  new AssemblyInstaller(args[i],
                  (string[]) myOptions.ToArray(typeof(string)));
               // Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
         // If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
         // then print help message.
         if(toPrintHelp || myTransactedInstaller.Installers.Count == 0)

         // Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
         myInstallContext =
            new InstallContext("Install.log",
            (string[]) myOptions.ToArray(typeof(string)));
         myTransactedInstaller.Context = myInstallContext;

         // Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
            myTransactedInstaller.Install(new Hashtable());
      catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("\nException raised : {0}", e.Message);

   public static void PrintHelpMessage()
      Console.WriteLine("Usage : TransactedInstaller [/u | /uninstall] [option [...]] assembly" +
         "[[option [...]] assembly] [...]]");
      Console.WriteLine("TransactedInstaller executes the installers in each of" +
         " the given assembly. If /u or /uninstall option" +
         " is given it uninstalls the assemblies.");
Dim options As New ArrayList()
Dim myOption As String
Dim toUnInstall As Boolean = False
Dim toPrintHelp As Boolean = False
Dim myTransactedInstaller As New TransactedInstaller()
Dim myAssemblyInstaller As AssemblyInstaller
Dim myInstallContext As InstallContext

   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 1 To args.Length - 1
      ' Process the arguments.
      If args(i).StartsWith("/") Or args(i).StartsWith("-") Then
         myOption = args(i).Substring(1)
         ' Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
         If String.Compare(myOption, "u", True) = 0 Or _
            String.Compare(myOption,"uninstall", True) = 0 Then
            toUnInstall = True
            GoTo ContinueFor1
         End If
         ' Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
         If String.Compare(myOption, "?", True) = 0 Or _
            String.Compare(myOption, "help", True) = 0 Then
            toPrintHelp = True
            GoTo ContinueFor1
         End If
         ' Add the option encountered to the list of all options
         ' encountered for the current assembly.
         ' Determine whether the assembly file exists.
         If Not File.Exists(args(i)) Then
            ' If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + _
                     "Error : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.", args(i))
         End If

         ' Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller = New AssemblyInstaller(args(i), _
                        CType(options.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()))
         ' Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
      End If
   Next i
   ' If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
   ' then print help message.
   If toPrintHelp Or myTransactedInstaller.Installers.Count = 0 Then
   End If

   ' Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
   myInstallContext = New InstallContext("Install.log", _
               CType(options.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()))
   myTransactedInstaller.Context = myInstallContext

   ' Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
   If Not toUnInstall Then
      myTransactedInstaller.Install(New Hashtable())
   End If
Catch e As Exception
   Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + "Exception raised : {0}", e.Message)
End Try


Этот метод вызывает Install метод каждого установщика, содержащегося в свойстве Installers данного экземпляра. Объект IDictionary , на который savedState ссылается параметр , обновляется с учетом состояния установки после запуска автономных установщиков. Если все Install методы успешно выполнены, Commit вызывается метод . В противном Rollback случае метод вызывается для каждого установщика.

Примечания для тех, кто вызывает этот метод

Объект , IDictionary указанный параметром savedState , должен быть пустым при передаче в Install(IDictionary) метод .

Применяется к

См. также раздел