DMP Segment Companies


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202309 (Marketing September 2023) and earlier versions (excluding 202306 and 202307) have been sunset. Additionally, the unversioned APIs will be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

Try in Postman

Try in Postman

DMP Segment Companies is a sub-resource of DMP segments and lets you add companies to a DMP Segment.

The use of this API is restricted to those developers approved by LinkedIn and subject to applicable data restrictions in their agreements.


After you create a DMP segment, you must wait 5 seconds for the segment to be available to add companies.


Permission Description
rw_dmp_segments Access an authenticated member's DMP Segments. Can manage and read audience DMP segments. This permission belongs to the Audiences program and is not granted automatically as part of the LinkedIn Marketing API Program.
Managing audiences is restricted to ad accounts in which the authenticated member has a role other than VIEWER.

Rate Limits

Starting October 31, 2022, we will be introducing 1 minute per user (a.k.a member) rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.

For the /companies endpoint, an application will have a 1 minute limit of 200 requests per user. This means, that at any given minute, an application can make up to 200 requests on behalf of a single user.

If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get an HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.

If your application makes a large amount of automated data pushes, you can expect frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

To understand how to handle these rate limits see the FAQ

Add or Remove a Company

Add or remove a single company from a DMP Segment.


Field Name Data Type Description examples
action string The action to take on this entity. ADD or REMOVE
companyName string (optional) String representing the company name of this company. Microsoft
companyWebsiteDomain url (optional) The company website domain string in URL format. e.g.
companyEmailDomain url (optional) The company email domain string in URL format (sometimes different from the website domain).
organizationUrn urn (optional) The LinkedIn company page urn of this particular company. urn:li:organizationUrn:123
companyPageUrl url (optional) The LinkedIn company page url of this particular company with max length 100 characters.
stockSymbol String (optional) The stock symbol of this particular company with max length 5 letters. MSFT
industries List[String] (optional) Max three industry names of this particular company each with max length 50 letters. ["technology", "software"]
city String (optional) The city of this particular company with max length 50 letters. San Francisco
state String (optional) The state or province of this particular company with max length 50 letters. California or CA
country String (optional) ISO standardized two letter country code e.g. US US
postalCode String (optional) The postal code of this particular company with max length 20 letters. 94103

Input data requirements

Input data must provide at least one of the following fields:

  • companyName
  • organizationUrn
  • companyWebsiteDomain or companyEmailDomain
  • companyPageUrl

Sample Request

    "action": "ADD",
    "companyName": "LinkedIn",
    "companyWebsiteDomain": "",
    "companyPageUrl": "",
    "stockSymbol": "MSFT",
    "industries": [
      "information technology",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "country": "US",
    "action": "ADD",
    "companyName": "LinkedIn",
    "companyWebsiteDomain": "",
    "companyPageUrl": "",
    "stockSymbol": "MSFT",
    "industries": [
      "information technology",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "country": "US",

A successful response returns a 201 Created HTTP status code.


A 201 Created HTTP status code is returned if you add the same ID again or remove an already deleted ID. This is by design.

Add or Remove Multiple Companies

Add or remove multiple companies from a DMP Segment by passing the X-RestLi-Method: BATCH_CREATE header.

Sample Request

   "elements": [
            "action": "ADD",
            "companyName": "LinkedIn"
            "action": "ADD",
            "companyName": "Microsoft"
   "elements": [
            "action": "ADD",
            "companyName": "LinkedIn"
            "action": "ADD",
            "companyName": "Microsoft"

A successful response returns a 201 Created HTTP status code.