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Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor Class

Provides the abstract base class from which network executors derive.

Namespace: Sys.Net

Inherits: None

MyExecutor.registerClass('MyExecutor', Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor);




Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor Constructor

Initializes a Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor instance when implemented in a derived class.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor abort Method

Stops additional processing of the current request.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor executeRequest Method

Executes a Web request.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor.getAllResponseHeaders Method

Gets all the response headers for the current request.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor.getResponseHeader Method

Gets the value of a specific response header based on the header's name.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor aborted Property

Gets a value indicating whether the request associated with the executor was aborted.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor object Property

Gets the JSON-evaluated object from the response.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor responseAvailable Property

Gets a value indicating whether the request completed successfully.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor responseData Property

Gets the text representation of the response body.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor started Property

Gets a value indicating whether the executor has started processing the request.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor statusCode Property

Gets a success status code.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor statusText Property

Gets status information about a request that completed successfully.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor timedOut Property

Gets a value indicating whether the request timed out.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor xml Property

Attempts to get the response to the current request as an XMLDOM object.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor webRequest Property

Gets the WebRequest object associated with the executor.


The Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor class is an abstract base class. You cannot instantiate it; instead, you must derive from it by implementing a network executor.

Network requests issued by using the asynchronous communication layer flow through a network executor. Usually, executors interface with the network. However, you could create a storage executor that interacts with a local database instead of the network, or one that performs other work that involves an external resource.

The following example shows how the Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor class derives from the WebRequestExecutor class.


See Also


Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor Class

Sys.Net.WebRequestManager Class

Sys.Net.WebRequest Class