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Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Represents an object that is useful for annotation scenarios where users are not concerned with performing recognition on ink but instead are interested in the size, shape, color, and position of the ink.

Тип InkOverlay предоставляет следующие члены.


  Имя Описание
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif InkOverlay Перегружен. Initializes a new instance of the InkOverlay class.

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  Имя Описание
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Dispose Перегружен. Releases resources used by the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Draw Sets a rectangle in which to redraw the ink within the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Equals Определяет, равен ли заданный объект Object текущему объекту Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Finalize Frees the resources of the current InkOverlay object before it is reclaimed by the garbage collector. (Переопределяет Object.Finalize().)
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetGestureStatus Returns a value that indicates whether the InkOverlay object has interest in a particular application gesture.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetHashCode Играет роль хэш-функции для определенного типа. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetType Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetWindowInputRectangle Gets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif HitTestSelection Returns a value that indicates which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MemberwiseClone Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorButtonDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorButtonDown event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorButtonUp Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorButtonUp event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorDown event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorInRange Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorInRange event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorOutOfRange Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorOutOfRange event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnDoubleClick Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the DoubleClick event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnGesture Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Gesture event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseDown event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseMove Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseMove event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseUp Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseUp event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseWheel Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseWheel event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnNewInAirPackets Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the NewInAirPackets event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnNewPackets Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the NewPackets event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnPainted Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Painted event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnPainting Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Painting event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionChanged Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionChanged event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionChanging Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionChanging event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionMoved Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionMoved event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionMoving Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionMoving event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionResized Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionResized event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSelectionResizing Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SelectionResizing event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnStroke Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Stroke event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnStrokesDeleted Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the StrokesDeleted event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnStrokesDeleting Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the StrokesDeleting event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSystemGesture Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SystemGesture event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnTabletAdded Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the TabletAdded event.
ms583735.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnTabletRemoved Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the TabletRemoved event.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetAllTabletsMode Перегружен. Sets the InkOverlay object to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetGestureStatus Sets whether or not the InkOverlay object has interest in a known application gesture.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Sets the InkOverlay object to collect ink from only one tablet attached to the Tablet PC. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetWindowInputRectangle Sets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn.
ms583735.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ToString Возвращает объект String, который представляет текущий объект Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)

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  Имя Описание
ms583735.pubfield(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ClipInkToMargin Not implemented.
ms583735.pubfield(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DefaultMargin Returns the default margin used by the MarginX and MarginY properties.

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  Имя Описание
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AttachedControl Gets or sets the control to which the InkOverlay object is attached.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AttachMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object is attached behind or in front of the known window.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object repaints the ink when the window is invalidated.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that appears when the mouse pointer is over the InkPicture control.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Cursors Gets the Cursors collection that is available for use in the inking region.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default DrawingAttributes object, which specifies the drawing attributes that are used when drawing and displaying ink.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets interest in aspects of the packets associated with ink drawn on the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DynamicRendering Gets or sets a value that indicates whether ink is rendered as it is drawn.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif EditingMode Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the InkOverlay is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object collects pen input.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif EraserMode Gets or sets a value that indicates whether ink is erased by stroke or by point.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif EraserWidth Gets or sets a value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Handle Gets or sets the handle of the window to which the InkOverlay object is attached.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Ink Gets or sets the Ink object that is associated with the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MarginX Gets or sets the margins along the x-axis, in pixels.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MarginY Gets or sets the margins along the y-axis, in pixels.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Renderer Gets or sets the Renderer object that is used to draw ink.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Selection Gets or sets the Strokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay control.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode.
ms583735.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Tablet Gets the tablet device that the InkOverlay object is currently using to collect input.

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  Имя Описание
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorButtonDown Occurs when the InkOverlay object detects a CursorButton object that is down.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorButtonUp Occurs when the InkOverlay object detects a CursorButton object that is up.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorDown Occurs when the cursor tip contacts the digitizing tablet surface.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorInRange Occurs when a cursor enters the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorOutOfRange Occurs when a cursor leaves the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DoubleClick Occurs when a user double-clicks a InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Gesture Occurs when an application gesture is recognized.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the InkOverlay object and the user presses a mouse button.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseMove Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer over the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseUp Occurs when a user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the InkOverlay object.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseWheel Occurs when a user moves the mouse wheel while the InkOverlay object has focus.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif NewInAirPackets Occurs when the InkOverlay object detects an in-air packet.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif NewPackets Occurs when the InkOverlay receives packets.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Painted Occurs when the InkOverlay object has completed redrawing itself.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Painting Occurs before the InkOverlay object redraws itself.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionChanged Occurs when the selection of ink within the InkOverlay object has changed, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionChanging Occurs when the selection of ink within the control is about to change, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionMoved Occurs when the position of the current selection has changed, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionMoving Occurs when the position of the current selection is about to change, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionResized Occurs when the size of the current selection has changed, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelectionResizing Occurs when the size of the current selection is about to change, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Stroke Occurs when the user finishes drawing a new stroke on any tablet.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif StrokesDeleted Occurs after one or more Stroke objects have been deleted from the InkOverlay.Ink property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif StrokesDeleting Occurs before strokes are deleted from the Ink property.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SystemGesture Occurs when a system gesture is recognized.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif TabletAdded Occurs when a Tablet object is added to the system.
ms583735.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif TabletRemoved Occurs when a Tablet object is removed from the system.

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См. также


InkOverlay Класс

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен