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WMI Changes for Speech Server

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The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) namespace for Speech Server contains numerous changes from the previous version of Speech Server.


Due to the changes in the WMI namespace, all scripts that you plan to use from Speech Server 2004 must be revised. At a minimum, you must change the namespace reference. However, many changes have occurred in the WMI classes to improve the manageability of Speech Server deployments. Review the following changes and make necessary revisions to migrate your Speech Server 2004 scripts to Speech Server.

WMI Namespace Change

Speech Server 2004 namespace: \root\mss

Speech Server namespace: \root\mssv2

WMI Class Changes

Speech Server provides several changes to the WMI classes from Speech Server 2004. The following table lists the changes to WMI classes in Speech Server.

WMI Class Change


New class. For more information, see Application Class.


No change.


Obsolete class.


New properties and methods. For more information, see LogSettings Class.


New class. Contains many properties from the obsolete SES and TAS classes. For more information, see MSS Class.


Revised properties. For more information, see Service Class.


Obsolete class. Several properties from this class are included in MSS. For more information, see MSS Class.


New class. For more information, see SIPPeer Class.


Obsolete class. Several properties from this class are included in MSS. For more information, see MSS Class.

The NotificationMessageQueue property is now in the Application Class.


New class. For more information, see TIMC Class.


New class. For more information, see TrustedSIPPeer Class.


Obsolete class.

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Server Administration Through WMI