Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric


Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric reduce time to insights by enabling organizations to better manage and prepare their data for holistic analysis. The solution offers an expansive ESG data model with more than 400 tables covering carbon, water, waste, social, governance, biodiversity, and general business areas. With these solutions, organizations can build a comprehensive data estate, centralizing and transforming data from across business units and supply chains into a standard schema that’s ready for advanced analytics and reporting.

Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric capabilities

Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric offer unique capabilities to ingest, harmonize, and process disparate ESG data for specific sustainability scenarios. With this solution, organizations can build a comprehensive data estate, centralizing and transforming data from across business units and supply chains into a standard schema. Organizations can use this data estate for advanced analytics and reporting. For more information, see Get started with Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric.

With Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric, you can:

  • Ingest ESG data from data sources such as business systems, unstructured data, semi-structured data, sensor data, and non-Microsoft datasets into your ESG data estate.

  • Incorporate your Microsoft-related emissions data from services like Azure and Microsoft 365. You can then use Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric’s transformation framework to prepare for analytics and reporting.

  • Enrich your ESG data using external datasets across various sustainability categories like biodiversity, climate risk, energy, and ESG.

  • Use the standardized data in Microsoft Fabric, a unified analytics platform, for AI-powered insights.

  • Connect your ESG data with Power BI reporting templates aligned to ESG data models and customize the Power BI reports focusing on specific metrics and targets.

  • Connect your ESG data to reporting templates aligned to Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) for faster insights and reporting on CSRD metrics.

Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric have the following capabilities:

  • ESG data estate - This capability allows you to combine ESG data from various sources into a standard schema that provides data models for environmental, social, and governance records. For more information, see ESG data estate.

  • Microsoft Azure emissions insights - This capability helps you centralize, query, and analyze your Azure emissions data. For more information, see Microsoft Azure emissions insights.

  • Environmental metrics and analytics - This capability helps you directly connect your environmental data from Microsoft Sustainability Manager to the data lake as tables without the need to reingest it. For more information, see Environmental metrics and analytics.

  • Social and governance metrics and reports - This capability allows you to combine disparate data from various sources into a standard schema that provides data models for social and governance records. For more information, see Social and governance metrics and reports.

Data model

Bringing ESG data together from multiple systems and applications is complex. Microsoft developed a system to simplify this process by providing shared data language for business and analytical applications to use. The data model constitutes over 400 tables covering various ESG areas including water, waste, and product carbon footprint. This model helps organizations in centralizing data that can help streamline data ingestion, sharing, calculations, and reporting. Organizations can select tables based on their specific needs.

Data integration

Sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric allow you to import environmental data from our primary tools, such as Microsoft Sustainability Manager, and data about your use of Azure and Microsoft 365, into your own data lake in your own tenant subscription. Additionally, you can create your framework to integrate and transform data from other external sources.


Combine your emissions data from Azure and Microsoft 365 with your other ESG information. Use a standard format with the help of Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability API and Microsoft’s transformation pipelines.


Access non-Microsoft ESG datasets for data enrichment and driving actionable insights. These datasets cover data for ESG indicators, emissions, biodiversity risks, and more. This data could help, for instance, in identifying endangered species by country/region.


Reporting templates provide insight into how your organization is performing on ESG factors and in streamlining regulatory report preparation. These reports cover all the key ESG areas like carbon, water, waste, governance, and more. You can customize these templates to improve upon ESG metrics.


Governance ensures data security and integrity. You can grant specific access permissions to data sources and manage data policies using tools like Microsoft Purview.