Business problems solved with AI Builder Text recognition

Completed XP: 100

AI Builder Text recognition provides makers with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities. Being fully integrated with the rest of the business platform means that you can automate a wide range of scenarios that are currently only achieved with human intervention.

First scenario category: Assisted typing

Front line workers will take a picture of a product or an object that contains an identifier or a price. This information can be used to update and/or retrieve information from Microsoft CRM.


A car rental company's employee takes pictures of cars during checkout to report damage. The agent takes the picture, which is then processed by AI Builder to extract the car license plate number. This number is used to get information about the car into CRM and to display it to the agent. The agent records damage on the car, records the returned date, and then updates CRM.

Second scenario category: Person or product presence check

Front line workers take a picture of a person or an object that contains an identifier. This information can be used to confirm the presence.


An airport uses pilots' cards to confirm that they are boarding the correct flight. Airport staff will take a picture of the pilot's card, which is processed by AI Builder to extract the pilot's identifier. This identifier is used to get information about the pilot's incoming flight, check consistency with the pilot's presence, and confirm access.

Third scenario category: Automated data entry

Agents take pictures of paper forms that contain records. This information is automatically entered into CRM.


A public company is auditing pharmacies. The auditors go on site and use a paper form to record results. Afterward, an agent manually enters the results in CRM. The agent takes a picture of each audit record and saves it in a folder. A flow processes all new pictures in the folders, sends them to AI Builder to extract the audited notes, and then saves them in CRM.

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