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Netherlands citizens service (BSN) number


eight or nine digits containing optional spaces


eight-nine digits:

  • three digits
  • a space (optional)
  • three digits
  • a space (optional)
  • two-three digits



Keyword Highlighting


When keyword highlighting is supported in the contextual summary for a sensitive information type or a trainable classifier, in the Contextual Summary view of activity explorer, the keywords in a document that were matched to a policy are highlighted.


A DLP policy has high confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:

  • The function Func_netherlands_bsn finds content that matches the pattern.
  • A keyword from Keyword_netherlands_bsn is found.
  • The checksum passes.
      <!-- Netherlands Citizen's Service (BSN) Number -->
      <Entity id="c5f54253-ef7e-44f6-a578-440ed67e946d" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
        <Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
          <IdMatch idRef="Func_netherlands_bsn" />
          <Match idRef="Keywords_netherlands_eu_national_id_card" />



  • bsn#
  • bsn
  • burgerservicenummer
  • citizen service number
  • person number
  • personal number
  • personal numeric code
  • person-related number
  • persoonlijk nummer
  • persoonlijke numerieke code
  • persoonsgebonden
  • persoonsnummer
  • sociaal-fiscaal nummer
  • social-fiscal number
  • sofi
  • sofinummer
  • uniek identificatienummer
  • uniek identiteitsnummer
  • unique identification number
  • unique identity number
  • uniqueidentityno#