Behavior monitoring is a critical detection and protection functionality of Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
Monitors process behavior to detect and analyze potential threats based on the behavior of applications, services, and files. Rather than relying solely on signature-based detection (which identifies known malware patterns), behavior monitoring focuses on observing how software behaves in real-time. Here's what it entails:
Real-Time Threat Detection:
Continuously observe processes, file system activities, and interactions within the system.
Defender Antivirus can identify patterns associated with malware or other threats. For example, it looks for processes making unusual changes to existing files, modifying or creating automatic startup registry (ASEP) keys, and other alterations to the file system or structure.
Dynamic Approach:
Unlike static, signature-based detection, behavior monitoring adapts to new and evolving threats.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses predefined patterns, and observes how software behaves during execution. For malware that doesn't fit any predefined pattern, Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses anomaly detection.
If a program shows suspicious behavior (for example, attempting to modify critical system files), Microsoft Defender Antivirus can take action to prevent further harm, and revert some previous malware actions.
Behavior monitoring enhances Defender Antivirus's ability to proactively detect emerging threats by focusing on real-time actions and behaviors rather than relying solely on known signatures.
The following features depend on behavior monitoring.
Indicators, File hash, allow/block
Network Protection:
Indicators, IP address/URL, allow/block
Web Content Filtering, allow/block
Behavior monitoring is protected by tamper protection.
To temporarily disable behavior monitoring in order to remove it out of the picture, you want to first enable Troubleshooting mode, disable Tamper Protection, and then disable behavior monitoring.
Change the behavior monitoring policy
The following table shows the different ways to configure behavior monitoring.
If the value returned is true, behavior monitoring is enabled.
Query the behavior monitoring status by using Advanced Hunting
You can use Advanced Hunting (AH) to query the status of behavior monitoring.
Requires Microsoft Defender XDR, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2, or Microsoft Defender for Business.
let EvalTable = DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
| where ConfigurationId in ("scid-91")
| summarizearg_max(Timestamp,IsCompliant, IsApplicable) by DeviceId, ConfigurationId,tostring(Context)
| extend Test = case(
ConfigurationId == "scid-91" , "BehaviorMonitoring",
Result = case(IsApplicable == 0,"N/A",IsCompliant == 1 , "Enabled", "Disabled")
| extend packed = pack(Test,Result)
| summarize Tests = make_bag(packed) by DeviceId
| evaluate bag_unpack(Tests);
let DefUpdate = DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
| where ConfigurationId == "scid-2011"// | where isnotnull(Context)
| extend Definition = parse_json(Context[0][0])
| extend LastUpdated = parse_json(Context[0][2])
| project DeviceId,Definition,LastUpdated;
let DeviceInformation = DeviceInfo
| whereisnotempty(OSPlatform)
| summarizearg_max(Timestamp,*) by DeviceId, DeviceName
| project DeviceId, DeviceName, MachineGroup;
let withNames = EvalTable
| joinkind = inner DeviceInformation on DeviceId
| project-away DeviceId1
| project-reorder DeviceName, MachineGroup;
withNames | joinkind = fullouter DefUpdate on DeviceId
| project-away DeviceId1
| sortby BehaviorMonitoring asc
Troubleshooting high CPU usage
Detections related to behavior monitoring start with "Behavior".
When investigating high CPU usage in MsMpEng.exe, you can temporarily disable behavior monitoring to see if the issues continue.
You can use Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus to find \path\process, process and/or file extensions that are contributing to the high cpu utilization. You can then add these items to Contextual Exclusion.
If you're seeing high CPU usage caused by behavior monitoring, continue troubleshooting the issue by reverting each of the following items in order. Re-enable behavior monitoring after reverting each item to identify where the problem might be.
platform update
engine update
security intelligence update.
If you're still encountering high CPU usage issues, contact Microsoft support and have your Client Analyzer data ready.
If behavior monitoring isn't causing the issue, use Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus to collect log information. Collect two different logs using a -c and a -a. Have this information ready when you contact Microsoft support.