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IndentedTextWriter.Indent Property


Gets or sets the number of spaces to indent.

 property int Indent { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int Indent { get; set; }
member this.Indent : int with get, set
Public Property Indent As Integer

Property Value

The number of spaces to indent.


The following code example demonstrates setting the indentation level of an IndentedTextWriter. The indentation level is the number of tab strings to prefix each line with.

// Creates a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
System::IO::StringWriter^ baseTextWriter = gcnew System::IO::StringWriter;

// Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use 
// as the indentation string for each indentation level.
System::CodeDom::Compiler::IndentedTextWriter^ indentWriter = gcnew IndentedTextWriter( baseTextWriter,"    " );
// Creates a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
System.IO.StringWriter baseTextWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();

// Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use
// as the indentation string for each indentation level.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter indentWriter = new IndentedTextWriter(baseTextWriter, "    ");
  ' Create a TextWriter to use as the base output writer.
  Dim baseTextWriter As New System.IO.StringWriter

  ' Create an IndentedTextWriter and set the tab string to use 
  ' as the indentation string for each indentation level.
  Dim indentWriter = New IndentedTextWriter(baseTextWriter, "    ")

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