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WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler Delegate


Represents the method that will handle the WebPartsConnecting event or WebPartsDisconnecting event of a WebPartManager control.

public delegate void WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, WebPartConnectionsCancelEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler(object sender, WebPartConnectionsCancelEventArgs e);
type WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler = delegate of obj * WebPartConnectionsCancelEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler(sender As Object, e As WebPartConnectionsCancelEventArgs)



The source of the event.


The WebPartsConnecting event is raised by the OnWebPartsConnecting method, and it signals that the connection process has begun (for example, a user has selected a control and clicked a connect verb), but is not yet completed. The event provides an opportunity to cancel a connection before it is complete. If the connection is successfully completed, this event is followed by the WebPartsConnected event.

The WebPartsDisconnecting event is raised by the OnWebPartsDisconnecting method, and it signals the fact that a user has clicked a disconnect verb, or the DisconnectWebParts method has otherwise been called. The event provides an opportunity to cancel the process of ending a connection before it is complete. If the connection is ended successfully, this event is followed by the WebPartsDisconnected event.

The method specified in the WebPartConnectionsCancelEventHandler delegate is called when a WebPartsConnecting or WebPartsDisconnecting event is raised.

Page developers can add custom handlers for the events by adding the OnWebPartsDisconnecting and OnWebPartsConnecting attributes to the <asp:webpartmanager> element, and assigning custom method names to the attributes. A custom handler can also be assigned programmatically. For more information about how to subscribe to an event, see How to: Raise and Consume Events.

Extension Methods


Gets an object that represents the method represented by the specified delegate.

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