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XmlDocumentType.Notations Property


Gets the collection of XmlNotation nodes present in the document type declaration.

 property System::Xml::XmlNamedNodeMap ^ Notations { System::Xml::XmlNamedNodeMap ^ get(); };
public System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap Notations { get; }
member this.Notations : System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap
Public ReadOnly Property Notations As XmlNamedNodeMap

Property Value

An XmlNamedNodeMap containing the XmlNotation nodes. The returned XmlNamedNodeMap is read-only.


The following example displays information about the notations declared in the XML document.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
void DisplayNotations( XmlNamedNodeMap^ nMap )
   for ( int i = 0; i < nMap->Count; i++ )
      XmlNotation^ note = dynamic_cast<XmlNotation^>(nMap->Item( i ));
      Console::Write( " {0} ", note->NodeType );
      Console::Write( " {0} ", note->Name );
      Console::Write( " {0} ", note->PublicId );
      Console::Write( " {0} ", note->SystemId );


int main()
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   doc->Load( "doment.xml" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Display information on all notations..." );
   XmlNamedNodeMap^ nMap = doc->DocumentType->Notations;
   DisplayNotations( nMap );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample
  private const String filename = "doment.xml";

  public static void Main()
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

    Console.WriteLine("Display information on all notations...");
    XmlNamedNodeMap nMap = doc.DocumentType.Notations;

  public static void DisplayNotations(XmlNamedNodeMap nMap)
     for (int i=0; i < nMap.Count; i++)
        XmlNotation note = (XmlNotation) nMap.Item(i);
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.NodeType);
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.Name);
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.PublicId);
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.SystemId);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

public class Sample

  private const filename as String = "doment.xml"
  public shared sub Main()
    Dim doc as XmlDocument = new XmlDocument()

    Console.WriteLine("Display information on all notations...")     
    Dim nMap as XmlNamedNodeMap = doc.DocumentType.Notations
  end sub
  public shared sub DisplayNotations(nMap as XmlNamedNodeMap)
     Dim i as integer   
     for i = 0 to nMap.Count - 1
        Dim note as XmlNotation = CType(nMap.Item(i), XmlNotation)
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.NodeType)
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.Name)
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.PublicId)
        Console.Write("{0} ", note.SystemId)
  end sub            
end class

The example uses the file doment.xml as input.

<!DOCTYPE doc [

  <!ELEMENT doc ANY>
  <!NOTATION w SYSTEM "wine.exe">
  <!NOTATION v PUBLIC "vine.exe">

  <!NOTATION jpg PUBLIC "Jpeg picture format">
  <!NOTATION gif SYSTEM "Gif picture format">

  <!ENTITY wn PUBLIC "http://www.cohowinery.com" "coho.exe" NDATA w>
  <!ENTITY vn SYSTEM "http://www.cohovineyard.com" NDATA v>
  <!ENTITY mytxt "Text Sample">

  <!ATTLIST doc 
        src     ENTITY         #IMPLIED
        srcs    ENTITIES       #IMPLIED
        jpgPic  NOTATION (jpg) #IMPLIED
        gifPic  NOTATION (gif) #REQUIRED>

<doc jpgPic="jpg" gifPic="gif" srcs="vn wn">


The order in which the notations are returned is not based on the order in which these items may appear in the document. The order is also not guaranteed to be the same between similar documents, or between different implementations or versions of the class.

Applies to

See also