StackOverflowInfo Structure

Stores the type of overflow that occurred and information on the exception that was thrown due to the overflow.


typedef struct _StackOverflowInfo {  
    StackOverflowType   soType;  
    EXCEPTION_POINTERS  *pExceptionInfo;  
} StackOverflowInfo;  


Member Description
soType A value of the StackOverflowType enumeration that specifies the type of overflow.
pExceptionInfo A pointer to a Win32 EXCEPTION_POINTERS object, which contains an exception record with a machine-independent description of an exception and a context record with a machine-dependent description of the processor context at the time of the exception.


A StackOverflowInfo object is passed to the IActionOnCLREvent::OnEvent method for Event_StackOverflow events.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MSCorEE.idl

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also