Insights and detailed reports on earnings and payments.
Associated reconciliation details for all incentive programs, marketplace, and store programs.
Revenue and usage eligibility outcomes for Microsoft commerce incentives.
Earnings page
The Earnings page provides:
One-stop view for partners to see information about earnings and payments, instead of transaction history and payment pages.
Rich filter set with the ability to dissect earnings data by payment month, solution area, partner association and what's available in the current experience.
View earnings organized by most earning top 50 customers and search by any customer.
View earnings organized by most earning top 50 program, engagement, and lever.
Instant data downloads of UI views.
Detailed earnings report download for Incentives, both standard and growth reports; Store; marketplace. No changes to export schema or APIs.
Revenue page
The Revenue page provides:
Insight into the eligibility of revenue or usage evaluated for Microsoft Commerce Incentives only.
Insight into the top 50 customer by eligible and ineligible revenue and usage. Also, robust search results for any customer.
Insight into customer, subscription, product level revenue, or usage metrics with ineligibility reason code. Also, the capability to search at the customer or subscription level.
Sectional instant downloads and detailed reports of ineligible revenue and usage details.
Reports page
The Reports page provides:
Central reports download hub for everything within the earnings workspace.
Downloads for Earnings-Default, Earnings-Growth, Earnings-Store, Earnings-Marketplace, Payments, Ineligible revenue, and usage.
Related content
Manage earnings API for information about the earnings, payouts, and the corresponding transactional details. This API provides csv downloads.
Partner Center announcements provide new feature additions and information on changes to the pages and workspace.
Learn how to get a summary of earnings and payments in Partner Center through the Earnings page, details on features, and information on downloadable reports.