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Work with solutions


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

This topic presents specific programming tasks included in Sample: Work with solutions and Sample: Detect solution dependencies.

In This Topic

Create a publisher

Retrieve the default publisher

Create a solution

Retrieve a solution

Add a new solution component

Add an existing solution component

Remove a solution component

Export or package a solution

Install or upgrade a solution

Delete a solution

Detect solution dependencies

Create a publisher

Every solution requires a publisher, represented by the Publisher entity. A solution cannot use the Microsoft Corporation publisher but it can use the Default publisher for the organization or a new publisher

A publisher requires the following:

  • A customization prefix

  • A unique name

  • A friendly name

The following sample first defines a publisher and then checks to see whether the publisher already exists based on the unique name. If it already exists, the customization prefix may have been changed, so this sample seeks to capture the current customization prefix. The PublisherId is also captured so that the publisher record can be deleted. If the publisher is not found, a new publisher is created using the IOrganizationService. Create method

//Define a new publisher
Publisher _crmSdkPublisher = new Publisher
    UniqueName = "sdksamples",
    FriendlyName = "Microsoft CRM SDK Samples",
    SupportingWebsiteUrl = "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm/default.aspx",
    CustomizationPrefix = "sample",
    EMailAddress = "someone@microsoft.com",
    Description = "This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"

//Does publisher already exist?
QueryExpression querySDKSamplePublisher = new QueryExpression
    EntityName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("publisherid", "customizationprefix"),
    Criteria = new FilterExpression()

querySDKSamplePublisher.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, _crmSdkPublisher.UniqueName);
EntityCollection querySDKSamplePublisherResults = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySDKSamplePublisher);
Publisher SDKSamplePublisherResults = null;

//If it already exists, use it
if (querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities.Count > 0)
    SDKSamplePublisherResults = (Publisher)querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities[0];
    _crmSdkPublisherId = (Guid)SDKSamplePublisherResults.PublisherId;
    _customizationPrefix = SDKSamplePublisherResults.CustomizationPrefix;
//If it doesn't exist, create it
if (SDKSamplePublisherResults == null)
    _crmSdkPublisherId = _serviceProxy.Create(_crmSdkPublisher);
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created publisher: {0}.", _crmSdkPublisher.FriendlyName));
    _customizationPrefix = _crmSdkPublisher.CustomizationPrefix;

'Define a new publisher
Dim _crmSdkPublisher As Publisher =
 New Publisher With {
  .UniqueName = "sdksamples",
  .FriendlyName = "Microsoft CRM SDK Samples",
  .SupportingWebsiteUrl = "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm/default.aspx",
  .CustomizationPrefix = "sample",
  .EMailAddress = "someone@microsoft.com",
  .Description = "This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"

'Does publisher already exist?
Dim querySDKSamplePublisher As QueryExpression =
 New QueryExpression With {
  .EntityName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
  .ColumnSet = New ColumnSet("publisherid", "customizationprefix"),
  .Criteria = New FilterExpression()

Dim querySDKSamplePublisherResults As EntityCollection =
Dim SDKSamplePublisherResults As Publisher = Nothing

'If it already exists, use it
If querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities.Count > 0 Then
 SDKSamplePublisherResults = CType(querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities(0), Publisher)
 _crmSdkPublisherId = CType(SDKSamplePublisherResults.PublisherId, Guid)
 _customizationPrefix = SDKSamplePublisherResults.CustomizationPrefix
End If
'If it doesn't exist, create it
If SDKSamplePublisherResults Is Nothing Then
 _crmSdkPublisherId = _serviceProxy.Create(_crmSdkPublisher)
 Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created publisher: {0}.", _crmSdkPublisher.FriendlyName))
 _customizationPrefix = _crmSdkPublisher.CustomizationPrefix
End If

Retrieve the default publisher

This sample shows how toretrieve the default publisher. The default publisher has a constant GUID value: d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f.

// Retrieve the Default Publisher

//The default publisher has a constant GUID value;
Guid DefaultPublisherId = new Guid("{d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f}");

Publisher DefaultPublisher = (Publisher)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, DefaultPublisherId, new ColumnSet(new string[] {"friendlyname" }));

EntityReference DefaultPublisherReference = new EntityReference
    Id = DefaultPublisher.Id,
    LogicalName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
    Name = DefaultPublisher.FriendlyName
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the {0}.", DefaultPublisherReference.Name);

' Retrieve the Default Publisher

'The default publisher has a constant GUID value;
Dim DefaultPublisherId As New Guid("{d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f}")

Dim DefaultPublisher As Publisher =
                              New ColumnSet(New String() {"friendlyname"})), 

Dim DefaultPublisherReference As EntityReference = New EntityReference With {
 .Id = DefaultPublisher.Id,
 .LogicalName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
 .Name = DefaultPublisher.FriendlyName
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the {0}.", DefaultPublisherReference.Name)

Create a solution

The following sample shows how to create an unmanaged solution using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK Samples publisher created in Create a publisher.

A solution requires the following:

  • A Publisher

  • A Friendly Name

  • A Unique Name

  • A Version Number

The variable _crmSdkPublisherId is a GUID value representing the publisherid value.

This sample checks whether the Solution already exists in the organization based on the unique name. If the solution does not exist it is created. The SolutionId value is captured so the solution can be deleted.

// Create a Solution
//Define a solution
Solution solution = new Solution
    UniqueName = "samplesolution",
    FriendlyName = "Sample Solution",
    PublisherId = new EntityReference(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, _crmSdkPublisherId),
    Description = "This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples.",
    Version = "1.0"

//Check whether it already exists
QueryExpression queryCheckForSampleSolution = new QueryExpression
    EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(),
    Criteria = new FilterExpression()
queryCheckForSampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solution.UniqueName);

//Create the solution if it does not already exist.
EntityCollection querySampleSolutionResults = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryCheckForSampleSolution);
Solution SampleSolutionResults = null;
if (querySampleSolutionResults.Entities.Count > 0)
    SampleSolutionResults = (Solution)querySampleSolutionResults.Entities[0];
    _solutionsSampleSolutionId = (Guid)SampleSolutionResults.SolutionId;
if (SampleSolutionResults == null)
    _solutionsSampleSolutionId = _serviceProxy.Create(solution);

' Create a Solution
'Define a solution
Dim solution As Solution =
 New Solution With {
  .UniqueName = "samplesolution",
  .FriendlyName = "Sample Solution",
  .PublisherId = New EntityReference(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, _crmSdkPublisherId),
  .Description = "This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples.",
  .Version = "1.0"

'Check whether it already exists
Dim queryCheckForSampleSolution As QueryExpression =
 New QueryExpression With {
  .EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
  .ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(),
  .Criteria = New FilterExpression()

'Create the solution if it does not already exist.
Dim querySampleSolutionResults As EntityCollection =
Dim SampleSolutionResults As Solution = Nothing
If querySampleSolutionResults.Entities.Count > 0 Then
 SampleSolutionResults = CType(querySampleSolutionResults.Entities(0), Solution)
 _solutionsSampleSolutionId = CType(SampleSolutionResults.SolutionId, Guid)
End If
If SampleSolutionResults Is Nothing Then
 _solutionsSampleSolutionId = _serviceProxy.Create(solution)
End If

Retrieve a solution

To retrieve a specific solution you can use the solution’s UniqueName. Each organization will have a default solution with a constant GUID value: FD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238.

This sample shows how to retrieve data for a solution with the unique name ”samplesolution”. A solution with this name is created in Create a solution.

// Retrieve a solution
String solutionUniqueName = "samplesolution";
QueryExpression querySampleSolution = new QueryExpression
    EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "publisherid", "installedon", "version", "versionnumber", "friendlyname" }),
    Criteria = new FilterExpression()

querySampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solutionUniqueName);
Solution SampleSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySampleSolution).Entities[0];

' Retrieve a solution
Dim solutionUniqueName As String = "samplesolution"
Dim querySampleSolution As QueryExpression =
 New QueryExpression With {
  .EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
  .ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(New String() {"publisherid",
  .Criteria = New FilterExpression()

querySampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solutionUniqueName)
Dim SampleSolution As Solution =
 CType(_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySampleSolution).Entities(0), Solution)

Add a new solution component

This sample shows how to create a solution component that is associated with a specific solution. If you don’t associate the solution component to a specific solution when it is created it will only be added to the default solution and you will need to add it to a solution manually or by using the code included in the Add an existing solution component.

This code creates a new global option set and adds it to the solution with a unique name equal to _primarySolutionName.

OptionSetMetadata optionSetMetadata = new OptionSetMetadata()
    Name = _globalOptionSetName,
    DisplayName = new Label("Example Option Set", _languageCode),
    IsGlobal = true,
    OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist,
    Options =
    new OptionMetadata(new Label("Option 1", _languageCode), 1),
    new OptionMetadata(new Label("Option 2", _languageCode), 2)
CreateOptionSetRequest createOptionSetRequest = new CreateOptionSetRequest
    OptionSet = optionSetMetadata                

createOptionSetRequest.SolutionUniqueName = _primarySolutionName;

Dim optionSetMetadata As New OptionSetMetadata() With {
 .Name = _globalOptionSetName,
 .DisplayName = New Label("Example Option Set", _languageCode),
 .IsGlobal = True,
 .OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist
  New OptionMetadata(New Label("Option 1", _languageCode), 1),
  New OptionMetadata(New Label("Option 2", _languageCode), 2)
Dim createOptionSetRequest As CreateOptionSetRequest =
 New CreateOptionSetRequest With {
  .OptionSet = optionSetMetadata

createOptionSetRequest.SolutionUniqueName = _primarySolutionName

Add an existing solution component

This sample shows how to add an existing solution component to a solution.

The following code uses the AddSolutionComponentRequest to add the Account entity as a solution component to an unmanaged solution.

// Add an existing Solution Component
//Add the Account entity to the solution
RetrieveEntityRequest retrieveForAddAccountRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
    LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveForAddAccountResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForAddAccountRequest);
AddSolutionComponentRequest addReq = new AddSolutionComponentRequest()
    ComponentType = (int)componenttype.Entity,
    ComponentId = (Guid)retrieveForAddAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId,
    SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName

' Add an existing Solution Component
'Add the Account entity to the solution
Dim retrieveForAddAccountRequest As New RetrieveEntityRequest() With {
 .LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
Dim retrieveForAddAccountResponse As RetrieveEntityResponse =
Dim addReq As New AddSolutionComponentRequest() With {
 .ComponentType = componenttype.Entity,
 .ComponentId = CType(retrieveForAddAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId, Guid),
 .SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName

Remove a solution component

This sample shows how to remove a solution component from an unmanaged solution. The following code uses the RemoveSolutionComponentRequest to remove an entity solution component from an unmanaged solution. The solution.UniqueName references the Solution created in the Create a solution.

// Remove a Solution Component
//Remove the Account entity from the solution
RetrieveEntityRequest retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
    LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest);

RemoveSolutionComponentRequest removeReq = new RemoveSolutionComponentRequest()
    ComponentId = (Guid)retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId,
    ComponentType = (int)componenttype.Entity,
    SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName

' Remove a Solution Component
'Remove the Account entity from the solution
Dim retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest As New RetrieveEntityRequest() With {
 .LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
Dim retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse As RetrieveEntityResponse =
 CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest), RetrieveEntityResponse)

Dim removeReq As New RemoveSolutionComponentRequest() With {
 .ComponentId = CType(retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId, Guid),
 .ComponentType = componenttype.Entity,
 .SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName

Export or package a solution

This sample shows how to export an unmanaged solution or package a managed solution. The code uses ExportSolutionRequest to export a compressed file representing an unmanaged solution. The option to create a managed solution is set using the Managed property. This sample saves a file named samplesolution.zip to the c:\temp\ folder.

// Export or package a solution
//Export an a solution

ExportSolutionRequest exportSolutionRequest = new ExportSolutionRequest();
exportSolutionRequest.Managed = false;
exportSolutionRequest.SolutionName = solution.UniqueName;

ExportSolutionResponse exportSolutionResponse = (ExportSolutionResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(exportSolutionRequest);

byte[] exportXml = exportSolutionResponse.ExportSolutionFile;
string filename = solution.UniqueName + ".zip";
File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir + filename, exportXml);

Console.WriteLine("Solution exported to {0}.", outputDir + filename);

' Export or package a solution
'Export an a solution
Dim outputDir As String = "C:\temp\"

Dim exportSolutionRequest As New ExportSolutionRequest()
exportSolutionRequest.Managed = False
exportSolutionRequest.SolutionName = solution.UniqueName

Dim exportSolutionResponse As ExportSolutionResponse =
 CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(exportSolutionRequest), ExportSolutionResponse)

Dim exportXml() As Byte = exportSolutionResponse.ExportSolutionFile
Dim filename As String = solution.UniqueName & ".zip"
File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir & filename, exportXml)

Console.WriteLine("Solution exported to {0}.", outputDir & filename)

Install or upgrade a solution

This sample shows how to install or upgrade a solution using the ImportSolutionRequest message.

You can use the ImportJob entity to capture data about the success of the import.

The following sample shows how to import a solution without tracking the success.

// Install or Upgrade a Solution                  

byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation);

ImportSolutionRequest impSolReq = new ImportSolutionRequest()
    CustomizationFile = fileBytes


Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation);

' Install or Upgrade a Solution                  

Dim fileBytes() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation)

Dim impSolReq As New ImportSolutionRequest() With {
 .CustomizationFile = fileBytes


Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation)

Tracking import success

When you specify an ImportJobId for the ImportSolutionRequest, you can use that value to query the ImportJob entity about the status of the import.

The ImportJobId can also be used to download an import log file using the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest message.

Retrieving import job data

The following sample shows how to retrieve the import job record and the content of the ImportJob.Data attribute.

// Monitor import success
byte[] fileBytesWithMonitoring = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation);

ImportSolutionRequest impSolReqWithMonitoring = new ImportSolutionRequest()
    CustomizationFile = fileBytes,
    ImportJobId = Guid.NewGuid()

Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution with Monitoring from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation);

ImportJob job = (ImportJob)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(ImportJob.EntityLogicalName, impSolReqWithMonitoring.ImportJobId, new ColumnSet(new System.String[] { "data", "solutionname" }));

System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

String ImportedSolutionName = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/UniqueName").InnerText;
String SolutionImportResult = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/result/@result").Value;

Console.WriteLine("Report from the ImportJob data");
Console.WriteLine("Solution Unique name: {0}", ImportedSolutionName);
Console.WriteLine("Solution Import Result: {0}", SolutionImportResult);

// This code displays the results for Global Option sets installed as part of a solution.

System.Xml.XmlNodeList optionSets = doc.SelectNodes("//optionSets/optionSet");
foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node in optionSets)
    string OptionSetName = node.Attributes["LocalizedName"].Value;
    string result = node.FirstChild.Attributes["result"].Value;

    if (result == "success")
        Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1}",OptionSetName, result);
        string errorCode = node.FirstChild.Attributes["errorcode"].Value;
        string errorText = node.FirstChild.Attributes["errortext"].Value;

        Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1} Code: {2} Description: {3}",OptionSetName, result, errorCode, errorText);

' Monitor import success
Dim fileBytesWithMonitoring() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation)

Dim impSolReqWithMonitoring As New ImportSolutionRequest() With {
 .CustomizationFile = fileBytes,
 .ImportJobId = Guid.NewGuid()

Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution with Monitoring from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation)

Dim job As ImportJob =
                              New ColumnSet(New String() {"data", "solutionname"})), 

Dim doc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()

Dim ImportedSolutionName As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/UniqueName").InnerText
Dim SolutionImportResult As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/result/@result").Value

Console.WriteLine("Report from the ImportJob data")
Console.WriteLine("Solution Unique name: {0}", ImportedSolutionName)
Console.WriteLine("Solution Import Result: {0}", SolutionImportResult)

'This code displays the results for Global Option sets installed as part of a solution.
Dim optionSets As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//optionSets/optionSet")
For Each node As System.Xml.XmlNode In optionSets
 Dim OptionSetName As String = node.Attributes("LocalizedName").Value
 Dim result As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("result").Value

 If result = "success" Then
  Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1}", OptionSetName, result)
  Dim errorCode As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("errorcode").Value
  Dim errorText As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("errortext").Value

  Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1} Code: {2} Description: {3}", OptionSetName, result, errorCode, errorText)
 End If
Next node

The contents of the Data property is a string representing an XML file. The following is a sample captured using the code in this sample. This managed solution contained a single global option set called sample_tempsampleglobaloptionsetname.

<importexportxml start="634224017519682730"
  <solutionManifest languagecode="1033"
                    LocalizedName="Sample Solution for Import"
    <LocalizedName description="Sample Solution for Import"
                   languagecode="1033" />
    <Description description="This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples."
                 languagecode="1033" />
     <LocalizedName description="Microsoft CRM SDK Samples"
                    languagecode="1033" />
     <Description description="This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"
                  languagecode="1033" />
      <City />
      <Country />
      <Line1 />
      <Line2 />
      <PostalCode />
      <StateOrProvince />
      <Telephone1 />
   <results />
   <result result="success"
           datetimeticks="634224269520845122" />
 <entities />
 <nodes />
 <settings />
 <dashboards />
 <securityroles />
 <workflows />
 <templates />
  <optionSet id="sample_tempsampleglobaloptionsetname"
             LocalizedName="Example Option Set"
   <result result="success"
           datetimeticks="634224269561025400" />
 <ConnectionRoles />
 <SolutionPluginAssemblies />
 <SdkMessageProcessingSteps />
 <ServiceEndpoints />
 <webResources />
 <reports />
 <FieldSecurityProfiles />
   <result result="success"
           datetimeticks="634224269520092986" />
 <entitySubhandlers />
  <publish processed="false" />
  <rootComponent processed="true">
   <result result="success"
           datetimeticks="634224269608387238" />
  <dependency processed="true">
   <result result="success"
           datetimeticks="634224269609715208" />

Delete a solution

This sample shows how to delete a solution.The following sample shows how to retrieve a solution using the solution uniquename and then extract the solutionid from the results. Use the solutionid with the IOrganizationService. Delete method.

// Delete a solution

QueryExpression queryImportedSolution = new QueryExpression
    EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "solutionid", "friendlyname" }),
    Criteria = new FilterExpression()

queryImportedSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, ImportedSolutionName);

Solution ImportedSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryImportedSolution).Entities[0];

_serviceProxy.Delete(Solution.EntityLogicalName, (Guid)ImportedSolution.SolutionId);

Console.WriteLine("Deleted the {0} solution.", ImportedSolution.FriendlyName);

' Delete a solution

Dim queryImportedSolution As QueryExpression =
 New QueryExpression With {
  .EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
  .ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(New String() {"solutionid", "friendlyname"}),
  .Criteria = New FilterExpression()

queryImportedSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, ImportedSolutionName)

Dim ImportedSolution As Solution =
 CType(_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryImportedSolution).Entities(0), Solution)

_serviceProxy.Delete(solution.EntityLogicalName, CType(ImportedSolution.SolutionId, Guid))

Console.WriteLine("Deleted the {0} solution.", ImportedSolution.FriendlyName)

Detect solution dependencies

This sample shows how to create a report showing the dependencies between solution components.

This code will:

  • Retrieve all the components for a solution.

  • Retrieve all the dependencies for each component.

  • For each dependency found display a report describing the dependency.

// Grab all Solution Components for a solution.
QueryByAttribute componentQuery = new QueryByAttribute
    EntityName = SolutionComponent.EntityLogicalName,
    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("componenttype", "objectid", "solutioncomponentid", "solutionid"),
    Attributes = { "solutionid" },

    // In your code, this value would probably come from another query.
    Values = { _primarySolutionId }

IEnumerable<SolutionComponent> allComponents =

foreach (SolutionComponent component in allComponents)
    // For each solution component, retrieve all dependencies for the component.
    RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest dependentComponentsRequest =
        new RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest
            ComponentType = component.ComponentType.Value,
            ObjectId = component.ObjectId.Value
    RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse dependentComponentsResponse =

    // If there are no dependent components, we can ignore this component.
    if (dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities.Any() == false)

    // If there are dependencies upon this solution component, and the solution
    // itself is managed, then you will be unable to delete the solution.
    Console.WriteLine("Found {0} dependencies for Component {1} of type {2}",
    //A more complete report requires more code
    foreach (Dependency d in dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities)

' Grab all Solution Components for a solution.
Dim componentQuery As QueryByAttribute =
 New QueryByAttribute With {
  .EntityName = SolutionComponent.EntityLogicalName,
  .ColumnSet = New ColumnSet("componenttype", "objectid",
                             "solutioncomponentid", "solutionid")
' In your code, this value would probably come from another query.

Dim allComponents As IEnumerable(Of SolutionComponent) =
 _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(componentQuery).Entities.Cast(Of SolutionComponent)()

For Each component As SolutionComponent In allComponents
    ' For each solution component, retrieve all dependencies for the component.
    Dim dependentComponentsRequest As RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest =
     New RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest With {
      .ComponentType = component.ComponentType.Value,
      .ObjectId = component.ObjectId.Value
    Dim dependentComponentsResponse As RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse =

    ' If there are no dependent components, we can ignore this component.
    If dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities.Any() = False Then
        Continue For
    End If

    ' If there are dependencies upon this solution component, and the solution
    ' itself is managed, then you will be unable to delete the solution.
    Console.WriteLine("Found {0} dependencies for Component {1} of type {2}",
    'A more complete report requires more code
    For Each d As Dependency In dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities
    Next d
Next component

The DependencyReport method is in the following code sample.

Dependency report

The DependencyReport method provides a friendlier message based on information found within the dependency.


In this sample the method is only partially implemented. It can display messages only for attribute and option set solution components.

   /// <summary>
   /// Shows how to get a more friendly message based on information within the dependency
   /// <param name="dependency">A Dependency returned from the RetrieveDependentComponents message</param>
   /// </summary> 
public void DependencyReport(Dependency dependency)
 //These strings represent parameters for the message.
    String dependentComponentName = "";
    String dependentComponentTypeName = "";
    String dependentComponentSolutionName = "";
    String requiredComponentName = "";
    String requiredComponentTypeName = "";
    String requiredComponentSolutionName = "";

 //The ComponentType global Option Set contains options for each possible component.
    RetrieveOptionSetRequest componentTypeRequest = new RetrieveOptionSetRequest
     Name = "componenttype"

    RetrieveOptionSetResponse componentTypeResponse = (RetrieveOptionSetResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(componentTypeRequest);
    OptionSetMetadata componentTypeOptionSet = (OptionSetMetadata)componentTypeResponse.OptionSetMetadata;
 // Match the Component type with the option value and get the label value of the option.
    foreach (OptionMetadata opt in componentTypeOptionSet.Options)
     if (dependency.DependentComponentType.Value == opt.Value)
      dependentComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
     if (dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value == opt.Value)
      requiredComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
 //The name or display name of the compoent is retrieved in different ways depending on the component type
    dependentComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.DependentComponentType.Value, (Guid)dependency.DependentComponentObjectId);
    requiredComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value, (Guid)dependency.RequiredComponentObjectId);

 // Retrieve the friendly name for the dependent solution.
    Solution dependentSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.Retrieve
      new ColumnSet("friendlyname")
    dependentComponentSolutionName = dependentSolution.FriendlyName;

 // Retrieve the friendly name for the required solution.
    Solution requiredSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.Retrieve
       new ColumnSet("friendlyname")
    requiredComponentSolutionName = requiredSolution.FriendlyName;

 //Display the message
     Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} in the {2} depends on the {3} {4} in the {5} solution.",

''' <summary>
''' Shows how to get a more friendly message based on information within the dependency
''' <param name="dependency">A Dependency returned from the RetrieveDependentComponents message</param>
''' </summary> 
Public Sub DependencyReport(ByVal dependency As Dependency)
    'These strings represent parameters for the message.
    Dim dependentComponentName As String = ""
    Dim dependentComponentTypeName As String = ""
    Dim dependentComponentSolutionName As String = ""
    Dim requiredComponentName As String = ""
    Dim requiredComponentTypeName As String = ""
    Dim requiredComponentSolutionName As String = ""

    'The ComponentType global Option Set contains options for each possible component.
    Dim componentTypeRequest As RetrieveOptionSetRequest =
     New RetrieveOptionSetRequest With {
      .Name = "componenttype"

    Dim componentTypeResponse As RetrieveOptionSetResponse =
     CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(componentTypeRequest), RetrieveOptionSetResponse)
    Dim componentTypeOptionSet As OptionSetMetadata =
     CType(componentTypeResponse.OptionSetMetadata, OptionSetMetadata)
    ' Match the Component type with the option value and get the label value of the option.
    For Each opt As OptionMetadata In componentTypeOptionSet.Options
        If dependency.DependentComponentType.Value = opt.Value Then
            dependentComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label
        End If
        If dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value = opt.Value Then
            requiredComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label
        End If
    Next opt
    'The name or display name of the compoent is retrieved in different ways depending on the component type
    dependentComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.DependentComponentType.Value,
    requiredComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value,

    ' Retrieve the friendly name for the dependent solution.
    Dim dependentSolution As Solution =
                                  CType(dependency.DependentComponentBaseSolutionId, Guid),
                                  New ColumnSet("friendlyname")), 
    dependentComponentSolutionName = dependentSolution.FriendlyName

    ' Retrieve the friendly name for the required solution.
    Dim requiredSolution As Solution =
                                  New ColumnSet("friendlyname")), 
    requiredComponentSolutionName = requiredSolution.FriendlyName

    'Display the message
    Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} in the {2} depends on the {3} {4} in the {5} solution.",
End Sub

Detect whether a solution component may be deleted

Use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest message to identify any other solution components which would prevent a given solution component from being deleted. The following code sample looks for any attributes using a known global optionset. Any attribute using the global optionset would prevent the global optionset from being deleted.

// Use the RetrieveOptionSetRequest message to retrieve  
// a global option set by it's name.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest retrieveOptionSetRequest =
    new RetrieveOptionSetRequest
     Name = _globalOptionSetName

// Execute the request.
RetrieveOptionSetResponse retrieveOptionSetResponse =
_globalOptionSetId = retrieveOptionSetResponse.OptionSetMetadata.MetadataId;
if (_globalOptionSetId != null)
 //Use the global OptionSet MetadataId with the appropriate componenttype
 // to call RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest
 RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest retrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest = new RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest 
 ComponentType = (int)componenttype.OptionSet,
 ObjectId = (Guid)_globalOptionSetId

 RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse =
 foreach (Dependency d in retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse.EntityCollection.Entities)

  if (d.DependentComponentType.Value == 2)//Just testing for Attributes
   String attributeLabel = "";
   RetrieveAttributeRequest retrieveAttributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
    MetadataId = (Guid)d.DependentComponentObjectId
   RetrieveAttributeResponse retrieveAttributeResponse = (RetrieveAttributeResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveAttributeRequest);

   AttributeMetadata attmet = retrieveAttributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;

   attributeLabel = attmet.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;

    Console.WriteLine("An {0} named {1} will prevent deleting the {2} global option set.", 

' Use the RetrieveOptionSetRequest message to retrieve  
' a global option set by it's name.
Dim retrieveOptionSetRequest_Renamed As RetrieveOptionSetRequest =
    New RetrieveOptionSetRequest With {.Name = _globalOptionSetName}

' Execute the request.
Dim retrieveOptionSetResponse_Renamed As RetrieveOptionSetResponse =
    CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveOptionSetRequest_Renamed), RetrieveOptionSetResponse)
_globalOptionSetId = retrieveOptionSetResponse_Renamed.OptionSetMetadata.MetadataId
If _globalOptionSetId IsNot Nothing Then
    'Use the global OptionSet MetadataId with the appropriate componenttype
    ' to call RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest
    Dim retrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest_Renamed As RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest =
        New RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest With
            .ComponentType = CInt(Fix(componenttype.OptionSet)),
            .ObjectId = CType(_globalOptionSetId, Guid)

    Dim retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse_Renamed As RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse =
    For Each d As Dependency In retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse_Renamed _

        If d.DependentComponentType.Value = 2 Then 'Just testing for Attributes
            Dim attributeLabel As String = ""
            Dim retrieveAttributeRequest_Renamed As RetrieveAttributeRequest =
                New RetrieveAttributeRequest With
                    .MetadataId = CType(d.DependentComponentObjectId, Guid)
            Dim retrieveAttributeResponse_Renamed As RetrieveAttributeResponse =

            Dim attmet As AttributeMetadata = retrieveAttributeResponse_Renamed.AttributeMetadata

            attributeLabel = attmet.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label

            Console.WriteLine("An {0} named {1} will prevent deleting the {2} global option set.",
                              CType(d.DependentComponentType.Value, componenttype),
                              attributeLabel, _globalOptionSetName)
        End If
    Next d
End If

See Also

Package and distribute extensions using solutions
Introduction to solutions
Plan for solution development
Dependency tracking for solution components
Create, export, or import an unmanaged solution
Create, install, and update a managed solution
Uninstall or delete a solution
Solution entities
Sample: Work with solutions
Sample: Detect solution dependencies

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