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Editing a Setup Configuration File

You create or load Setup configuration files using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Setup. You can directly edit these XML files.

Setup configuration files contain two types of settings.

Setting type Purpose
Component For each component, there are three separate values, all displayed on a single line:

- ShowOptionNode
Specifies whether the component should be displayed in Setup. For silent installs, this parameter is not relevant.
- State
There are two possible values: Local, indicates that the component is included in the install, and Absent indicates that the component is not included.
- Id
Identifies the component

You can change value for State or ShowOptionNode, but not for Id. Also, you cannot add or remove a component.
Parameter These settings contain configuration information for components. As with Components, you can modify a parameter’s Value, but not its Id.

For information about values for pre-configuring Dynamics NAV components using a Setup configuration file, see Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


Dynamics NAV Setup is primarily a tool for installing software, but you can also use it as an editor for creating and modifying Setup configuration files. When you want to edit a Setup configuration file, you have the following options:

  • You can edit the file using an XML editor.
    • You can load it into Setup, make the desired modifications, and then save it. You do not need to install any software during this process.

See Also

How to: Choose Components to Install
How to: Preconfigure Components
How to: Create or Load a Setup Configuration File