SEND Function (Notification)
Sends the notification to the client, where it will display in the UI.
[Ok := ]SEND
Return Value
Type: Code or text
true if the notification was sent; otherwise, false.
If you omit this optional return value and if the notification cannot be sent, then a run-time error occurs that states that the notification cannot be sent. If you include a return value, then it is assumed that you will handle any errors and no run-time error occurs, even though the notification is not sent.
The SEND function displays the content of the notification that is specified by the MESSAGE function.
For more information and a detailed example, see Notifications.
The following code creates a notification and sends it to the client in the local scope.
MyNotification.MESSAGE := 'This is a notification';
MyNotification.SCOPE := NOTIFICATIONSCOPE::LocalScope;
See Also
MESSAGE Function (Notification)
SCOPE Function(Notification)