Use Content Search to search third-party data imported by a custom partner connector
You can use the Content search eDiscovery tool in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to search for items imported to mailboxes in Microsoft 365 from a third-party data source. You can create a query to search all imported third-party data items or you can create a query to search specific third-party data items. Also, you can also create a query-based retention policy or a query-based eDiscovery hold to preserve third-party data.
The guidance in this article only applies to third-party data that was imported by a custom partner connector. This article doesn't apply to third-party data that is imported by using the third-party data connectors in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
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Creating a query to search all third-party data
To search (or place on hold) any type of third-party data that you've imported to Office 365, you can use the kind:externaldata message property-value pair in the keyword box for a Content Search or when creating a query-based hold. For example, to search for items imported from any third-party data source and contain the word "contoso" in the Subject property of the imported item, you would use the following query:
kind:externaldata AND subject:contoso
The previous keyword query example includes the subject property. For a list of other properties for third-party data items that can include in a keyword query, see the "More information" section in Work with a partner to archive third-party data in Office 365.
When creating queries to search and hold third-party data, you can also use conditions to narrow the search results. For more information about creating Content Search queries, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search.
Creating a query to search specific types of third-party data
Instead of searching all types of third-party data, you can create queries that only search for a specify type of third-party data by using the following message property: value pair in the keyword box for a Content Search:
For example, to search Facebook data that contains the word "contoso" in the Subject property, you would use the following query:
itemclass:ipm.externaldata.Facebook* AND subject:contoso
The following table lists the third-party data types that you can search, and the value to use for the itemclass: message property to specifically search for that type of third-party data. The query syntax isn't case-sensitive.
Learn how to import and archive third-party data from social media platforms, instant messaging platforms, and document collaboration platforms to Microsoft 365 mailboxes.
Learn how Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) in Microsoft 365 supports Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) languages, which use a double-byte character set.
Learn how to access and use statistics and reports for collection estimates and collections that have been committed to a review set in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium).
Microsoft Purview offers three eDiscovery tools that you can use to search for and export content found in different locations such as Exchange mailboxes, SharePoint and OneDrive for Business sites, Microsoft 365 Groups, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for Business conversations. eDiscovery (Standard) and eDiscovery (Premium) provide many additional features to help you manage your investigations.