31. 3., 23 - 2. 4., 23
Najväčšia vzdelávacia udalosť pre SQL, Fabric a Power BI. 31. marec – 2. apríl. Pomocou kódu FABINSIDER ušetríte 400 USD.
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Applies to:
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Contains information about each execution plan associated with a query.
Column name | Data type | Description |
plan_id |
bigint | Primary key. |
query_id |
bigint | Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_query (Transact-SQL). |
plan_group_id |
bigint | ID of the plan group. Cursor queries typically require multiple (populate and fetch) plans. Populate and fetch plans that are compiled together are in the same group.0 means plan isn't in a group. |
engine_version |
nvarchar(32) | Version of the engine used to compile the plan in <major>.<minor>.<build>.<revision> format. |
compatibility_level |
smallint | Database compatibility level of the database referenced in the query. |
query_plan_hash |
binary(8) | MD5 hash of the individual plan. |
query_plan |
nvarchar(max) | Showplan XML for the query plan. |
is_online_index_plan |
bit | Plan was used during an online index build. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
is_trivial_plan |
bit | Plan is a trivial plan (output in stage 0 of query optimizer). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
is_parallel_plan |
bit | Plan is parallel. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 1 . |
is_forced_plan |
bit | Plan is marked as forced when user executes stored procedure sys.sp_query_store_force_plan . The forcing mechanism doesn't guarantee that this exact plan will be used for the query referenced by query_id . Plan forcing causes query to be compiled again, and typically produces exactly the same or a similar plan to the plan referenced by plan_id . If plan forcing doesn't succeed, force_failure_count is incremented, and last_force_failure_reason is populated with the failure reason.Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
is_natively_compiled |
bit | Plan includes natively compiled memory optimized procedures. (0 = FALSE , 1 = TRUE ).Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
force_failure_count |
bigint | Number of times that forcing this plan has failed. It can be incremented only when the query is recompiled (not on every execution). Resets to 0 every time is_plan_forced is changed from FALSE to TRUE .Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
last_force_failure_reason |
int | Reason why plan forcing failed. 0: no failure, otherwise error number of the error that caused the forcing to fail 3617: COMPILATION_ABORTED_BY_CLIENT 8637: ONLINE_INDEX_BUILD 8675: OPTIMIZATION_REPLAY_FAILED 8683: INVALID_STARJOIN 8684: TIME_OUT 8689: NO_DB 8690: HINT_CONFLICT 8691: SETOPT_CONFLICT 8694: DQ_NO_FORCING_SUPPORTED 8698: NO_PLAN 8712: NO_INDEX 8713: VIEW_COMPILE_FAILED <other value>: GENERAL_FAILURE Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns 0 . |
last_force_failure_reason_desc |
nvarchar(128) | Textual description of last_force_failure_reason .COMPILATION_ABORTED_BY_CLIENT : client aborted query compilation before it completedONLINE_INDEX_BUILD : query tries to modify data while target table has an index that is being built onlineOPTIMIZATION_REPLAY_FAILED : The optimization replay script failed to execute.INVALID_STARJOIN : plan contains invalid StarJoin specificationTIME_OUT : Optimizer exceeded number of allowed operations while searching for plan specified by forced planNO_DB : A database specified in the plan doesn't existHINT_CONFLICT : Query can't be compiled because plan conflicts with a query hintDQ_NO_FORCING_SUPPORTED : Can't execute query because plan conflicts with use of distributed query or full-text operations.NO_PLAN : Query processor couldn't produce query plan, because forced plan couldn't be verified as valid for the queryNO_INDEX : Index specified in plan no longer existsVIEW_COMPILE_FAILED : Couldn't force query plan because of a problem in an indexed view referenced in the planGENERAL_FAILURE : general forcing error (not covered with other reasons)Note: Azure Synapse Analytics always returns NONE . |
count_compiles |
bigint | Plan compilation statistics. |
initial_compile_start_time |
datetimeoffset | Plan compilation statistics. |
last_compile_start_time |
datetimeoffset | Plan compilation statistics. |
last_execution_time |
datetimeoffset | Last execution time refers to the last end time of the query/plan. |
avg_compile_duration |
float | Plan compilation statistics, in microseconds. Divide by 1,000,000 to get seconds. |
last_compile_duration |
bigint | Plan compilation statistics, in microseconds. Divide by 1,000,000 to get seconds. |
plan_forcing_type |
int | Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later versions Plan forcing type. 0: NONE 1: MANUAL 2: AUTO |
plan_forcing_type_desc |
nvarchar(60) | Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later versions Text description of plan_forcing_type .NONE : No plan forcingMANUAL : Plan forced by userAUTO : Plan forced by automatic tuning. |
has_compile_replay_script |
bit | Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later versions Indicates whether the plan has an optimization replay script associated with it: 0 = No optimization replay script (none or even invalid). 1 = optimization replay script recorded. Not applicable to Azure Synapse Analytics. |
is_optimized_plan_forcing_disabled |
bit | Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later versions Indicates whether optimized plan forcing was disabled for the plan: 0 = disabled. 1 = not disabled. Not applicable to Azure Synapse Analytics. |
plan_type |
int | Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later versions Plan type. 0: Compiled Plan 1: Dispatcher Plan 2: Query Variant Plan Not applicable to Azure Synapse Analytics. |
plan_type_desc |
nvarchar(120) | Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later versions Text description of the plan type. Compiled Plan: Indicates that the plan is a non-parameter sensitive plan optimized plan Dispatcher Plan: Indicates that the plan is a parameter sensitive plan optimized dispatcher plan Query Variant Plan: Indicates that the plan is a parameter sensitive plan optimized query variant plan Not applicable to Azure Synapse Analytics. |
More than one plan can be forced when Query Store for secondary replicas is enabled.
In Azure Synapse Analytics, using columns has_compile_replay_script
, is_optimized_plan_forcing_disabled
, plan_type
, plan_type_desc
results in an Invalid Column Name
error as they aren't supported. See Example B for an example of how to use sys.query_store_plan
in Azure Synapse Analytics.
Query Store has a mechanism to enforce Query Optimizer to use certain execution plan. However, there are some limitations that can prevent a plan to be enforced.
First, if the plan contains following constructions:
Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2019 and later build versions support plan forcing for static and fast forward cursors.
Second, when objects that plan relies on, are no longer available:
Finally, problems with the plan itself:
Pay attention to the last_force_failure_reason_desc
and force_failure_count
FROM sys.query_store_plan p
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query q
ON p.query_id = q.query_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_context_settings c
ON c.context_settings_id = q.context_settings_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query_text t
ON q.query_text_id = t.query_text_id
WHERE p.is_forced_plan = 1
AND p.last_force_failure_reason != 0;
Use the following sample query to find the 100 most recent execution plans in the Query Store in Azure Synapse Analytics.
FROM sys.query_store_plan
ORDER BY last_execution_time DESC;
31. 3., 23 - 2. 4., 23
Najväčšia vzdelávacia udalosť pre SQL, Fabric a Power BI. 31. marec – 2. apríl. Pomocou kódu FABINSIDER ušetríte 400 USD.
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