Classic DirectX Graphics
This section describes Microsoft DirectX graphics technologies that are minimally supported. This information is provided to support existing applications. We do not recommend using these technologies in new applications.
For information about getting started with DirectX graphics, see Getting Started with DirectX Graphics.
Topic | Description |
Direct3D 10 Graphics |
Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 10. |
Direct3D 9 Graphics |
Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 9. |
DirectDraw |
Provides information about programming with DirectDraw. |
Technical Articles |
Provides a series of technical articles about developing games for Windows. |
Where is the DirectX SDK? |
Provides information about where to find DirectX technologies, tools, and documentation that the DirectX SDK formerly provided. |
DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code |
Provides information about programming with DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code. |