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Microsoft Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings


Xamarin.Forms has evolved into .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI). Existing Xamarin projects should be migrated to .NET MAUI. For more information about upgrading Xamarin projects to .NET, see the Upgrade from Xamarin to .NET & .NET MAUI documentation.

Xamarin support has ended as of May 1, 2024 for all Xamarin SDKs including Xamarin.Forms and Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings. For Intune support on Android and iOS platforms, see Intune App SDK for .NET MAUI - Androidand Microsoft Intune App SDK for MAUI.iOS.


The Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings enable Intune app protection policy in iOS and Android apps built with Xamarin. The bindings allow developers to easily build-in Intune app protection features into their Xamarin-based app.

The Microsoft Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings let you incorporate Intune app protection policies (also known as APP or MAM policies) into your apps developed with Xamarin. A MAM-enabled application is one that is integrated with the Intune App SDK. IT administrators can deploy app protection policies to your mobile app when Intune actively manages the app.

What's supported?

Developer machines

  • Windows (Visual Studio version 15.7+)
  • macOS

Mobile app platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

Intune Mobile Application Management scenarios

  • Intune MAM
  • Intune MDM-enrolled devices
  • Third-party EMM-enrolled devices

Xamarin apps built with the Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings can now receive Intune app protection policies on both Intune mobile device management (MDM) enrolled devices and unenrolled devices.


Review the license terms. Print and retain a copy of the license terms for your records. By downloading and using the Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings, you agree to such license terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software.

The Intune SDK relies on Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for its authentication and conditional launch scenarios, which require apps to be configured with Microsoft Entra ID.

If your application is already configured to use MSAL, and has its own custom client ID used to authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID, ensure the steps to give your Xamarin app permissions to the Intune Mobile Application Management (MAM) service are followed. Use the instructions in the "Give your app access to the Intune Mobile App Management service" section of the getting started with the Intune SDK guide.

Security Considerations

To prevent potential spoofing, information disclosure, and elevation of privilege attacks:

  • Ensure that Xamarin app development is performed on a secure work station.
  • Ensure the bindings are from a valid Microsoft source:
  • Configure your NuGet config for your project to trust signed, unmodified NuGet packages. See installing signed packages for more information.
  • Secure the output directory that contains the Xamarin app. Consider using a user-level directory for the output.

Enabling Intune app protection policies in your iOS mobile app


Intune regularly releases updates to the Intune App SDK. Regularly check the Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings for updates and incorporate into your software development release cycle to ensure your apps support the latest App Protection Policy settings.

  1. Add the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Xamarin.iOS NuGet package to your Xamarin.iOS project.

  2. Follow the general steps required for integrating the Intune App SDK into an iOS mobile app. You can begin with step 3 of the integration instructions from the Intune App SDK for iOS Developer Guide. You can skip the final step in that section of running the IntuneMAMConfigurator, as this tool is included in the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Xamarin.iOS package and will be run automatically at build time. Important: Enabling keychain sharing for an app is slightly different in Visual Studio from Xcode. Open the app's Entitlements plist and make sure the "Enable Keychain" option is enabled and the appropriate keychain sharing groups are added in that section. Then, ensure the Entitlements plist is specified in the "Custom Entitlements" field of the project's "iOS Bundle Signing" options for all the appropriate Configuration/Platform combinations.

  3. Once the bindings are added and the app is properly configured, your app can begin using the Intune SDK's APIs. To do so, you must include the following namespace:

    using Microsoft.Intune.MAM;
  4. To begin receiving app protection policies, your app must enroll in the Intune MAM service. If your app does not use Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to authenticate users, and you'd like the Intune SDK to handle authentication, your app should provide the user's UPN to the IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager's LoginAndEnrollAccount method:

     IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager.Instance.LoginAndEnrollAccount([NullAllowed] string identity);

    Apps might pass in null if the user's UPN is unknown at the time of the call. In this case, users will be prompted to enter both their email address and password.

    If your app already uses MSAL to authenticate users, you can configure a single-sign-on (SSO) experience between your app and the Intune SDK. First, you'll need to override the default Microsoft Entra settings used by the Intune SDK with those of your app. You can do so via the IntuneMAMSettings dictionary in the app's Info.plist, as mentioned in the Intune App SDK for iOS Developer Guide, or you can do so in code via the Microsoft Entra ID override properties of the IntuneMAMSettings class. The Info.plist approach is recommended for applications whose MSAL settings are static while the override properties are recommended for applications that determine those values at runtime. Once all of the SSO settings have been configured, your app should provide the user's UPN to the IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager's RegisterAndEnrollAccount method after it has successfully authenticated:

    IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager.Instance.RegisterAndEnrollAccount(string identity);

    Apps can determine the result of an enrollment attempt by implementing the EnrollmentRequestWithStatus method in a subclass of IntuneMAMEnrollmentDelegate and setting the IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager's Delegate property to an instance of that class.

    Upon a successful enrollment, apps can determine the UPN of the enrolled account (if previously unknown) by querying the following property:

     string enrolledAccount = IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager.Instance.EnrolledAccount;

Enabling Intune app protection policies in your Android mobile app

  1. Add the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Xamarin.Android NuGet package to your Xamarin.Android project.
    1. For a Xamarin.Forms app, add the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Remapper.Tasks NuGet package to your Xamarin.Android project as well.
  2. Follow the general steps required for integrating the Intune App SDK into an Android mobile app while referring to this document for additional details.

Xamarin.Android integration

A complete overview for integrating the Intune App SDK can be found in the Microsoft Intune App SDK for Android developer guide. As you read through the guide and integrate the Intune App SDK with your Xamarin app the following sections are intended to highlight differences between the implementation for a native Android app developed in Java and a Xamarin app developed in C#. These sections should be treated as supplemental and cannot act as a substitute for reading the guide in its entirety.


Beginning with the 1.4428.1 release, the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Remapper package can be added to a Xamarin.Android application as build tooling to perform the MAM class, method, and systems services replacements. If the Remapper is included, the MAM equivalent replacement portions of the Renamed Methods and MAM Application sections will be automatically performed when the application is built.

To exclude a class from MAM-ification by the Remapper the following property can be added in your projects .csproj file.

    <ExcludeClasses>Semicolon separated list of relative class paths to exclude from MAM-ification</ExcludeClasses>


The Remapper currently prevents debugging in Xamarin.Android apps. Manual integration is recommended to debug your application.

Renamed Methods

In many cases, a method available in the Android class has been marked as final in the MAM replacement class. In this case, the MAM replacement class provides a similarly named method (suffixed with MAM) that you should override instead. For example, when deriving from MAMActivity, instead of overriding OnCreate() and calling base.OnCreate(), Activity must override OnMAMCreate() and call base.OnMAMCreate().

MAM Application

Your app must define an Android.App.Application class. If manually integrating MAM, it must inherit from MAMApplication. Be sure that your subclass is properly decorated with the [Application] attribute and overrides the (IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) constructor.

    class TaskrApp : MAMApplication
    public TaskrApp(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
        : base(handle, transfer) { }


An issue with the MAM Xamarin bindings can cause the application to crash when deployed in Debug mode. As a workaround, the Debuggable=false attribute must be added to the Application class and the android:debuggable="true" flag must be removed from the manifest if it was manually set.

Enable features that require app participation

Example: Determine if PIN is required for the app


Example: Determine the primary Intune user

IMAMUserInfo info = MAMComponents.Get<IMAMUserInfo>();
return info?.PrimaryUser;

Example: Determine if saving to device or cloud storage is permitted

MAMPolicyManager.GetPolicy(currentActivity).GetIsSaveToLocationAllowed(SaveLocation service, String username);

Register for notifications from the SDK

Your app must register for notifications from the SDK by creating a MAMNotificationReceiver and registering it with MAMNotificationReceiverRegistry. This is done by providing the receiver and the type of notification desired in App.OnMAMCreate, as the example below illustrates:

public override void OnMAMCreate()
    // Register the notification receivers
    IMAMNotificationReceiverRegistry registry = MAMComponents.Get<IMAMNotificationReceiverRegistry>();
    foreach (MAMNotificationType notification in MAMNotificationType.Values())
        registry.RegisterReceiver(new ToastNotificationReceiver(this), notification);

MAM Enrollment Manager

IMAMEnrollmentManager mgr = MAMComponents.Get<IMAMEnrollmentManager>();

Xamarin.Forms integration

For Xamarin.Forms applications the Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Remapper package performs MAM class replacement automatically by injecting MAM classes into the class hierarchy of commonly used Xamarin.Forms classes.


The Xamarin.Forms integration must be done in addition to the Xamarin.Android integration detailed above. The Remapper behaves differently for Xamarin.Forms apps, so the manual MAM replacements must still be done.

Once the Remapper is added to your project you will need to perform the MAM equivalent replacements. For example, FormsAppCompatActivity and FormsApplicationActivity can continue to be used in your application provided overrides to OnCreate and OnResume are replaced with the MAM equivalents OnMAMCreate and OnMAMResume respectively.

    public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
        protected override void OnMAMCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
            LoadApplication(new App());

If the replacements are not made then you might encounter the following compilation errors until you make the replacements:

  • Compiler Error CS0239. This error is commonly seen in this form 'MainActivity.OnCreate(Bundle)': cannot override inherited member 'MAMAppCompatActivityBase.OnCreate(Bundle)' because it is sealed. This is expected because when the Remapper modifies the inheritance of Xamarin classes, certain functions will be made sealed and a new MAM variant is added to override instead.
  • Compiler Error CS0507: This error is commonly seen in this form 'MyActivity.OnRequestPermissionsResult()' cannot change access modifiers when overriding 'public' inherited member .... When the Remapper changes the inheritance of some of the Xamarin classes, certain member functions will be changed to public. If you override any of these functions, you will need to change the access modifiers for those overrides to be public as well.


The Remapper re-writes a dependency that Visual Studio uses for IntelliSense auto-completion. Therefore, you might need to reload and rebuild the project when the Remapper is added for IntelliSense to correctly recognize the changes.


  • If you encounter a blank, white screen in your application on launch, then you might need to force the navigation calls to execute on the main thread.
  • The Intune SDK Xamarin Bindings do not support apps that are using a cross-platform framework such as MvvmCross due to conflicts between MvvmCross and Intune MAM classes. While some customers might have had success with integration after moving their apps to plain Xamarin.Forms, we do not provide explicit guidance or plugins for app developers using MvvmCross.

Company Portal app

The Intune SDK Xamarin Bindings rely on the presence of the Company Portal Android app on the device to enable app protection policies. The Company Portal retrieves app protection policies from the Intune service. When the app initializes, it loads policy and code to enforce that policy from the Company Portal. The user does not need to be signed in.


When the Company Portal app is not on the Android device, an Intune-managed app behaves the same as a normal app that does not support Intune app protection policies.

For app protection without device enrollment, the user is not required to enroll the device by using the Company Portal app.


If your organization is an existing Intune customer, please work with your Microsoft support representative to open a support ticket and create an issue on the GitHub issues page. We will help as soon as we can.