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Previous updates for Azure AI Language

This article contains a list of previously recorded updates for Azure AI Language. For more current service updates, see What's new.

October 2021

  • Quality improvements for the extractive summarization feature in model-version 2021-08-01.

September 2021

  • Starting with version 3.0.017010001-onprem-amd64 The text analytics for health container can now be called using the client library.

July 2021

  • General availability for text analytics for health containers and API.
  • General availability for opinion mining.
  • General availability for PII extraction and redaction.
  • General availability for asynchronous operation.

June 2021

General API updates

  • New model-version 2021-06-01 for key phrase extraction based on transformers. It provides:
    • Support for 10 languages (Latin and CJK).
    • Improved key phrase extraction.
  • The 2021-06-01 model version for Named Entity Recognition (NER) which provides
    • Improved AI quality and expanded language support for the Skill entity category.
    • Added Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese language support for the Skill entity category

Text Analytics for health updates

  • A new model version 2021-05-15 for the /health endpoint and on-premises container which provides
    • 14 new relation types,
    • Assertion detection expanded for new entity types and
    • Linking support for ALLERGEN entity type
  • A new image for the Text Analytics for health container with tag 3.0.016230002-onprem-amd64 and model version 2021-05-15. This container is available for download from Microsoft Container Registry.

May 2021

  • Custom question answering (previously QnA maker) can now be accessed using a Text Analytics resource.
  • Preview API release, including:
    • Asynchronous API now supports sentiment analysis and opinion mining.
    • A new query parameter, LoggingOptOut, is now available for customers who wish to opt out of logging input text for incident reports.
  • Text analytics for health and asynchronous operations are now available in all regions.

March 2021

  • Changes in the opinion mining JSON response body:

    • aspects is now targets and opinions is now assessments.
  • Changes in the JSON response body of the hosted web API of text analytics for health:

    • The isNegated boolean name of a detected entity object for negation is deprecated and replaced by assertion detection.
    • A new property called role is now part of the extracted relation between an attribute and an entity as well as the relation between entities. This adds specificity to the detected relation type.
  • Entity linking is now available as an asynchronous task.

  • A new pii-categories parameter for the PII feature.

    • This parameter lets you specify select PII entities, as well as those not supported by default for the input language.
  • Updated client libraries, which include asynchronous and text analytics for health operations.

  • A new model version 2021-03-01 for text analytics for health API and on-premises container which provides:

    • A rename of the Gene entity type to GeneOrProtein.
    • A new Date entity type.
    • Assertion detection which replaces negation detection.
    • A new preferred name property for linked entities that is normalized from various ontologies and coding systems.
  • A new text analytics for health container image with tag 3.0.015490002-onprem-amd64 and the new model-version 2021-03-01 has been released to the container preview repository.

    • This container image will no longer be available for download from containerpreview.azurecr.io after April 26th, 2021.
  • Processed Text Records is now available as a metric in the Monitoring section for your text analytics resource in the Azure portal.

February 2021

  • The 2021-01-15 model version for the PII feature, which provides:
    • Expanded support for 9 new languages
    • Improved AI quality
  • The S0 through S4 pricing tiers are being retired on March 8th, 2021.
  • The language detection container is now generally available.

January 2021

  • The 2021-01-15 model version for Named Entity Recognition (NER), which provides
    • Expanded language support.
    • Improved AI quality of general entity categories for all supported languages.
  • The 2021-01-05 model version for language detection, which provides additional language support.

November 2020

  • Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR is now supported in sentiment analysis, starting with model version 2020-04-01. It adds to the existing pt-PT support for Portuguese.
  • Updated client libraries, which include asynchronous and text analytics for health operations.

October 2020

  • Hindi support for sentiment analysis, starting with model version 2020-04-01.
  • Model version 2020-09-01 for language detection, which adds additional language support and accuracy improvements.

September 2020

  • PII now includes the new redactedText property in the response JSON where detected PII entities in the input text are replaced by an * for each character of those entities.
  • Entity linking endpoint now includes the bingID property in the response JSON for linked entities.
  • The following updates are specific to the September release of the text analytics for health container only.
    • A new container image with tag 1.1.013530001-amd64-preview with the new model-version 2020-09-03 has been released to the container preview repository.
    • This model version provides improvements in entity recognition, abbreviation detection, and latency enhancements.

August 2020

  • Model version 2020-07-01 for key phrase extraction, PII detection, and language detection. This update adds:
    • Additional government and country/region specific entity categories for Named Entity Recognition.
    • Norwegian and Turkish support in Sentiment Analysis.
  • An HTTP 400 error will now be returned for API requests that exceed the published data limits.
  • Endpoints that return an offset now support the optional stringIndexType parameter, which adjusts the returned offset and length values to match a supported string index scheme.

The following updates are specific to the August release of the Text Analytics for health container only.

  • New model-version for Text Analytics for health: 2020-07-24

The following properties in the JSON response have changed:

  • type has been renamed to category
  • score has been renamed to confidenceScore
  • Entities in the category field of the JSON output are now in pascal case. The following entities have been renamed:
    • EXAMINATION_RELATION has been renamed to RelationalOperator.
    • EXAMINATION_UNIT has been renamed to MeasurementUnit.
    • EXAMINATION_VALUE has been renamed to MeasurementValue.
    • ROUTE_OR_MODE has been renamed MedicationRoute.
    • The relational entity ROUTE_OR_MODE_OF_MEDICATION has been renamed to RouteOfMedication.

The following entities have been added:

  • Named Entity Recognition

    • AdministrativeEvent
    • CareEnvironment
    • HealthcareProfession
    • MedicationForm
  • Relation extraction

    • DirectionOfCondition
    • DirectionOfExamination
    • DirectionOfTreatment

May 2020

  • Model version 2020-04-01:

    • Updated language support for sentiment analysis
    • New "Address" entity category in Named Entity Recognition (NER)
    • New subcategories in NER:
      • Location - Geographical
      • Location - Structural
      • Organization - Stock Exchange
      • Organization - Medical
      • Organization - Sports
      • Event - Cultural
      • Event - Natural
      • Event - Sports
  • The following properties in the JSON response have been added:

    • SentenceText in sentiment analysis
    • Warnings for each document
  • The names of the following properties in the JSON response have been changed, where applicable:

  • score has been renamed to confidenceScore

    • confidenceScore has two decimal points of precision.
  • type has been renamed to category

  • subtype has been renamed to subcategory

  • New sentiment analysis feature - opinion mining

  • New personal (PII) domain filter for protected health information (PHI).

February 2020

Additional entity types are now available in the Named Entity Recognition (NER). This update introduces model version 2020-02-01, which includes:

  • Recognition of the following general entity types (English only):

    • PersonType
    • Product
    • Event
    • Geopolitical Entity (GPE) as a subtype under Location
    • Skill
  • Recognition of the following personal information entity types (English only):

    • Person
    • Organization
    • Age as a subtype under Quantity
    • Date as a subtype under DateTime
    • Email
    • Phone Number (US only)
    • URL
    • IP Address

October 2019

  • Introduction of PII feature

  • Model version 2019-10-01, which includes:

    • Named entity recognition:
      • Expanded detection and categorization of entities found in text.
      • Recognition of the following new entity types:
        • Phone number
        • IP address
    • Sentiment analysis:
      • Significant improvements in the accuracy and detail of the API's text categorization and scoring.
      • Automatic labeling for different sentiments in text.
      • Sentiment analysis and output on a document and sentence level.

    This model version supports: English (en), Japanese (ja), Chinese Simplified (zh-Hans), Chinese Traditional (zh-Hant), French (fr), Italian (it), Spanish (es), Dutch (nl), Portuguese (pt), and German (de).

Next steps

See What's new for current service updates.