17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdajTa brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers
The set-header
policy assigns a value to an existing HTTP response and/or request header or adds a new response and/or request header.
Use the policy to insert a list of HTTP headers into an HTTP message. When placed in an inbound pipeline, this policy sets the HTTP headers for the request being passed to the target service. When placed in an outbound pipeline, this policy sets the HTTP headers for the response being sent to the gateway’s client.
Set the policy's elements and child elements in the order provided in the policy statement. To help you configure this policy, the portal provides a guided, form-based editor. Learn more about how to set or edit API Management policies.
<set-header name="header name" exists-action="override | skip | append | delete">
<value>value</value> <!--for multiple headers with the same name add additional value elements-->
Name | Description | Required | Default |
exists-action | Specifies action to take when the header is already specified. This attribute must have one of the following values. - override - replaces the value of the existing header.- skip - does not replace the existing header value.- append - appends the value to the existing header value.- delete - removes the header from the request.When set to override , enlisting multiple entries with the same name results in the header being set according to all entries (which will be listed multiple times); only listed values will be set in the result. Policy expressions are allowed. |
No | override |
name | Specifies name of the header to be set. Policy expressions are allowed. | Yes | N/A |
Name | Description | Required |
value | Specifies the value of the header to be set. Policy expressions are allowed. For multiple headers with the same name, add additional value elements. |
No |
Multiple values of a header are concatenated to a CSV string, for example:
headerName: value1,value2,value3
Exceptions include standardized headers whose values:
, WWW-Authenticate
, Proxy-Authenticate
, Set-Cookie
, Warning
, Expires
, If-Modified-Since
, If-Unmodified-Since
, Last-Modified
, Retry-After
).In case of those exceptions, multiple header values won't be concatenated into one string and will be passed as separate headers, for example:
User-Agent: value1
User-Agent: value2
User-Agent: value3
The following limitations apply:
header isn't supported.Connection
, ContentLength
, KeepAlive
, TransferEncoding
cannot be modified or deleted.<set-header name="some header name" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="some header name" exists-action="delete" />
This example shows how to apply policy at the API level to supply context information to the backend service.
<!-- Copy this snippet into the inbound element to forward some context information, user id and the region the gateway is hosted in, to the backend service for logging or evaluation -->
<set-header name="x-request-context-data" exists-action="override">
For more information, see Policy expressions and Context variable.
For more information about working with policies, see:
17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdaj