Read-only. App name. |
Read-only. Azure resource group name that contains the app resource. |
Read-only. Contains the Azure subscription ID that owns the app, the resource group, and the webspace. |
Read-only. Region name of the app. |
Read-only. App Service platform version. |
Read-only. Path to the home directory (for example, D:\home for Windows). |
Read-only. The port the app should listen to. |
A relative path to ping to warm up the app, beginning with a slash. The default is /robots933456.txt . Whenever the platform starts up a container, the orchestrator makes repeated requests against this endpoint. The platform considers any response from this endpoint as an indication that the container is ready. Once the platform considers the container to be ready, it starts forwarding organic traffic to the newly started container. Unless WEBSITE_WARMUP_STATUSES is configured, the platform will consider any response from the container at this endpoint - even error codes such as 404 or 502 - as an indication that the container is ready. Note that this appsetting doesn't change the path used by AlwaysOn. |
A comma-delimited list of HTTP status codes that will be considered successful when the platform makes warmup pings against a newly started container. Used in conjunction with WEBSITE_WARMUP_PATH . By default, any status code is considered an indication that the container is ready for organic traffic. This appsetting can be used to require a specific response before organic traffic is routed to the container. Example: 200,202 . If pings against the app's configured warmup path receive a response with a 200 or 202 status code, organic traffic will be routed to the container. If a status code that is not in the list is received (such as 502), the platform will continue making pings until (1) a 200 or 202 is received, or (2) the container startup timeout limit is reached (see WEBSITES_CONTAINER_START_TIME_LIMIT ). Note that if the container doesn't respond with an HTTP status code that is in the list, the platform will eventually fail the startup attempt and retry, which will result in 503 errors. |
Read-only. Specifies whether app runs on dedicated (Dedicated ) or shared (Shared ) VM/s. |
Read-only. SKU of the app. Possible values are Free , Shared , Basic , and Standard . |
Read-only. Shows whether the app is 32-bit (x86 ) or 64-bit (AMD64 ). |
Read-only. Primary hostname for the app. Custom hostnames aren't accounted for here. |
Read-only. Shows the storage volume type currently in use. |
Default npm version the app is using. |
Read-only. Limit for websocket's concurrent requests. For Standard tier and above, the value is -1 , but there's still a per VM limit based on your VM size (see Cross VM Numerical Limits). |
Set to 0 to disable the use of private site extensions. |
By default, the time zone for the app is always UTC. You can change it to any of the valid values that are listed in Default Time Zones. If the specified value isn't recognized, UTC is used. |
Atlantic Standard Time |
After slot swaps, the app may experience unexpected restarts. This is because after a swap, the hostname binding configuration goes out of sync, which by itself doesn't cause restarts. However, certain underlying storage events (such as storage volume failovers) may detect these discrepancies and force all worker processes to restart. To minimize these types of restarts, set the app setting value to 1 on all slots (default is0 ). However, don't set this value if you're running a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application. For more information, see Troubleshoot swaps |
By default, a VM instance is proactively "autohealed" when it's using more than 90% of allocated memory for more than 30 seconds, or when 80% of the total requests in the last two minutes take longer than 200 seconds. If a VM instance has triggered one of these rules, the recovery process is an overlapping restart of the instance. Set to false to disable this recovery behavior. The default is true . For more information, see Proactive Auto Heal. |
Whenever the w3wp.exe process on a VM instance of your app crashes due to an unhandled exception for more than three times in 24 hours, a debugger process is attached to the main worker process on that instance, and collects a memory dump when the worker process crashes again. This memory dump is then analyzed and the call stack of the thread that caused the crash is logged in your App Service's logs. Set to false to disable this automatic monitoring behavior. The default is true . For more information, see Proactive Crash Monitoring. |
During crash monitoring (proactive or manual), the memory dumps are deleted by default. To save the memory dumps to a storage blob container, specify the SAS URI. |
Set to true to enable crash monitoring manually. You must also set WEBSITE_DAAS_STORAGE_SASURI and WEBSITE_CRASHMONITORING_SETTINGS . The default is false . This setting has no effect if remote debugging is enabled. Also, if this setting is set to true , proactive crash monitoring is disabled. |
A JSON with the following format:{"StartTimeUtc": "2020-02-10T08:21","MaxHours": "<elapsed-hours-from-StartTimeUtc>","MaxDumpCount": "<max-number-of-crash-dumps>"} . Required to configure crash monitoring if WEBSITE_CRASHMONITORING_ENABLED is specified. To only log the call stack without saving the crash dump in the storage account, add ,"UseStorageAccount":"false" in the JSON. |
Remote debugging version. |
By default, App Service creates a shared storage for you at app creation. To use a custom storage account instead, set to the connection string of your storage account. For functions, see App settings reference for Functions. |
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<name>;AccountKey=<key> |
When you use specify a custom storage account with WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING , App Service creates a file share in that storage account for your app. To use a custom name, set this variable to the name you want. If a file share with the specified name doesn't exist, App Service creates it for you. |
myapp123 |
Read-only. Shows whether Always On is enabled (1 ) or not (0 ). |
Read-only. Shows whether the Kudu app is running in a separate process (1 ) or not (0 ). |
Number of times to try name resolve. |
Number of seconds to wait for name resolve |
The amount of time (in seconds) that the platform will wait for a container to become ready on startup. This setting applies to both code-based and container-based apps on App Service for Linux. The default value is 230 . When a container starts up, repeated pings are made against the container to gauge its readiness to serve organic traffic (see WEBSITE_WARMUP_PATH and WEBSITE_WARMUP_STATUSES ). These pings are continuously made until either of the following is true: (1) a successful response is received, or (2) the start time limit is reached. If the container isn't deemed ready within the configured timeout, the platform will fail the startup attempt and retry, which will result in 503 errors. For App Service for Windows Containers, the default start time limit is 10 mins . You can change the start time limit by specifying a timespan like this 00:05:00 , which indicates 5 minutes. |