17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdajTa brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
When you plan and develop your individual functions to run in Azure Functions, you're typically focused on the code itself. Azure Functions makes it easy to deploy just your code project to a function app in Azure. When you deploy your code project to a function app that runs on Linux, the project runs in a container that is created for you automatically. This container is managed by Functions.
Functions also supports containerized function app deployments. In a containerized deployment, you create your own function app instance in a local Docker container from a supported based image. You can then deploy this containerized function app to a hosting environment in Azure. Creating your own function app container lets you customize or otherwise control the immediate runtime environment of your function code.
When creating your own containers, you are required to keep the base image of your container updated to the latest supported base image. Supported base images for Azure Functions are language-specific and are found in the Azure Functions base image repos.
The Functions team is committed to publishing monthly updates for these base images. Regular updates include the latest minor version updates and security fixes for both the Functions runtime and languages. You should regularly update your container from the latest base image and redeploy the updated version of your container.
There are several options for hosting your containerized function apps in Azure:
Hosting option | Benefits |
Azure Container Apps | Azure Functions provides integrated support for developing, deploying, and managing containerized function apps on Azure Container Apps. This enables you to manage your apps using the same Functions tools and pages in the Azure portal. Use Azure Container Apps to host your function app containers when you need to run your event-driven functions in Azure in the same environment as other microservices, APIs, websites, workflows, or any container hosted programs. Container Apps hosting lets you run your functions in a managed Kubernetes-based environment with built-in support for open-source monitoring, mTLS, Dapr, and KEDA. Supports scale-to-zero and provides a serverless pay-for-what-you-use hosting model. You can also request dedicated hardware, even GPUs, by using workload profiles. Recommended hosting option for running containerized function apps on Azure. |
Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes clusters (preview) | You can host your function apps on Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes clusters as either a code-only deployment or in a custom Linux container. Azure Arc lets you attach Kubernetes clusters so that you can manage and configure them in Azure. Hosting Azure Functions containers on Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes clusters is currently in preview. For more information, see Working with containers and Azure Functions. |
Azure Functions | You can host your containerized function apps in Azure Functions by running the container in either an Elastic Premium plan or a Dedicated plan. Premium plan hosting provides you with the benefits of dynamic scaling. You might want to use Dedicated plan hosting to take advantage of existing unused App Service plan resources. |
Kubernetes | Because the Azure Functions runtime provides flexibility in hosting where and how you want, you can host and manage your function app containers directly in Kubernetes clusters. KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling) pairs seamlessly with the Azure Functions runtime and tooling to provide event driven scale in Kubernetes. Just keep in mind that running your containerized function apps on Kubernetes, either by using KEDA or by direct deployment, is an open-source effort that you can use free of cost, with best-effort support provided by contributors and from the community. You're responsible for maintaining your own function app containers in a cluster, even when deploying to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). |
The degree to which various features and behaviors of Azure Functions are supported when running your function app in a container depends on the container hosting option you choose.
Feature/behavior | Container Apps (integrated) | Container Apps (direct) | Premium plan | Dedicated plan | Kubernetes |
Product support | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Functions portal integration | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Event-driven scaling | Yes5 | Yes (scale rules) | Yes | No | No |
Maximum scale (instances) | 10001 | 10001 | 1002 | 10-303 | Varies by cluster |
Scale-to-zero instances | Yes | Yes | No | No | KEDA |
Execution time limit | Unbounded6 | Unbounded6 | Unbounded7 | Unbounded8 | None |
Core Tools deployment | func azurecontainerapps |
No | No | No | func kubernetes |
Revisions | No | Yes | No | No | No |
Deployment slots | No | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Streaming logs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Console access | Not currently available4 | Yes | Yes (using Kudu) | Yes (using Kudu) | Yes (in pods using kubectl ) |
Cold start mitigation | Minimum replicas | Scale rules | Always-ready/pre-warmed instances | n/a | n/a |
App Service authentication | Not currently available4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Custom domain names | Not currently available4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Private key certificates | Not currently available4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Virtual networks | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Availability zones | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Diagnostics | Not currently available4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Dedicated hardware | Yes (workload profiles) | Yes (workload profiles) | No | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated GPUs | Yes (workload profiles) | Yes (workload profiles) | No | No | Yes |
Configurable memory/CPU count | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
"Free grant" option | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Pricing details | Container Apps billing | Container Apps billing | Premium plan billing | Dedicated plan billing | AKS pricing |
Service name requirements | 2-32 characters: limited to lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric character. | 2-32 characters: limited to lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric character. | Less than 64 characters: limited to alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Can't start with or end in a hyphen. | Less than 64 characters: limited to alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Can't start with or end in a hyphen. | Less than 253 characters: limited to alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Must start and end with an alphanumeric character. |
Use these links to get started working with Azure Functions in Linux containers:
I want to... | See article: |
Create my first containerized functions | Create a function app in a local Linux container |
Create and deploy functions to Azure Container Apps | Create your first containerized functions on Azure Container Apps |
Create and deploy containerized functions to Azure Functions | Create your first containerized Azure Functions |
17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdajUsposabljanje
Vodeno učenje
Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps AZ-2003 - Training
Learn how to build, deploy, scale, and manage containerized cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Pipelines. (AZ-2003)
Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate - Certifications
Build end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure to create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, and more.