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Retrieve activity log data using Azure monitor REST API

The Azure Activity Log is a log that provides insight into operations performed on resources in your subscription. Operations include create, update, delete, and other actions taken on resources. The Activity Log is a platform-wide log and isn't limited to a particular service. This article explains how to retrieve activity log data using the Azure Monitor REST API. For more information about the activity log, see Azure Activity Log event schema.


To retrieve resource logs, you must authenticate with Microsoft Entra. For more information, see Azure monitoring REST API walkthrough.

Retrieve activity log data

Use the Azure Monitor REST API to query activity log data.

The following request format is used to request activity log data.

GET /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/eventtypes/management/values \
?api-version=2015-04-01 \
&$filter=<filter> \
host: management.azure.com
authorization: Bearer <token>


$filter reduces the set of data collected. This argument is required and it also requires at least the start date/time. The $filter argument accepts the following patterns:

  • List events for a resource group: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z' and resourceGroupName eq <resourceGroupName>.
  • List events for a specific resource: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z' and resourceUri eq <resourceURI>.
  • List events for a subscription in a time range: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z'.
  • List events for a resource provider: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z' and resourceProvider eq <resourceProviderName>.
  • List events for a correlation ID: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z' and correlationId eq '<correlationID>.


$select fetches a specified list of properties for the returned events. The $select argument is a comma separated list of property names to be returned. Valid values are: authorization, claims, correlationId, description, eventDataId, eventName, eventTimestamp, httpRequest, level, operationId, operationName, properties, resourceGroupName, resourceProviderName, resourceId, status, submissionTimestamp, subStatus, and subscriptionId.

The following sample requests use the Azure Monitor REST API to query an activity log.

Get activity logs with filter:

The following example gets the activity logs for resource group MSSupportGroup between the dates 2023-03-21T20:00:00Z and 2023-03-24T20:00:00Z

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/12345678-abcd-98765432-abcdef012345/providers/microsoft.insights/eventtypes/management/values?api-version=2015-04-01&$filter=eventTimestamp ge '2023-03-21T20:00:00Z' and eventTimestamp le '2023-03-24T20:00:00Z' and resourceGroupName eq 'MSSupportGroup'

Get activity logs with filter and select:

The following example gets the activity logs for resource group MSSupportGroup, between the dates 2023-03-21T20:00:00Z and 2023-03-24T20:00:00Z, returning the elements eventName, operationName, status, eventTimestamp, correlationId, submissionTimestamp, and level.

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/12345678-abcd-98765432-abcdef012345/providers/microsoft.insights/eventtypes/management/values?api-version=2015-04-01&$filter=eventTimestamp ge '2023-03-21T20:00:00Z' and eventTimestamp le '2023-03-24T20:00:00Z'and resourceGroupName eq 'MSSupportGroup'&$select=eventName,operationName,status,eventTimestamp,correlationId,submissionTimestamp,level

Next steps

Stream Azure Monitor activity log data. Azure Activity Log event schema.