Use a deployment button to deploy remote templates
This article describes how to use the Deploy to Azure button to deploy remote ARM JSON templates from a GitHub repository or an Azure storage account. You can add the button directly to the file in your GitHub repository. Or, you can add the button to a web page that references the repository. This method doesn't support deploying remote Bicep files.
The deployment scope is determined by the template schema. For more information, see:
To deploy a Bicep file or ARM template, you need write access on the resources you're deploying and access to all operations on the Microsoft.Resources/deployments resource type. For example, to deploy a virtual machine, you need Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write and Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* permissions. The what-if operation has the same permission requirements.
To deploy a template or reference a linked template that is stored in a private GitHub repo, see a custom solution documented in Creating a Custom and Secure Azure Portal Offering. You can create an Azure function that pulls the GitHub token out of Azure Key Vault.
If you're using Git with Azure Repos instead of a GitHub repo, you can still use the Deploy to Azure button. Make sure your repo is public. Use the Items operation to get the template. Your request should be in the following format:
Once you have the URL, you need to convert the URL to a URL-encoded value. You can use an online encoder or run a command. The following PowerShell example shows how to URL encode a value.
To add the button with Markdown in the file in your GitHub repository or a web page, use:
For Git with Azure repo, the button is in the format:
Deploy the template
To test the full solution, select the following button:
The portal displays a pane that allows you to easily provide parameter values. The parameters are pre-filled with the default values from the template. The camel-cased parameter name, storageAccountType, defined in the template is turned into a space-separated string when displayed on the portal.
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