
Deli z drugimi prek

Integrate with CallKit

In this document, we'll go through how to integrate CallKit with your iOS application.


CallKit Integration (within SDK)

CallKit Integration in the Azure Communication Services iOS SDK handles interaction with CallKit for us. To perform any call operations like mute/unmute, hold/resume, we only need to call the API on the Azure Communication Services SDK.

Initialize call agent with CallKitOptions

With configured instance of CallKitOptions, we can create the CallAgent with handling of CallKit.

let options = CallAgentOptions()
let callKitOptions = CallKitOptions(with: createProviderConfig())
options.callKitOptions = callKitOptions

// Configure the properties of `CallKitOptions` instance here

self.callClient!.createCallAgent(userCredential: userCredential,
    options: options,
    completionHandler: { (callAgent, error) in
    // Initialization

Specify call recipient info for outgoing calls

First we need to create an instance of StartCallOptions() for outgoing calls, or JoinCallOptions() for group call:

let options = StartCallOptions()


let options = JoinCallOptions()

Then create an instance of CallKitRemoteInfo

options.callKitRemoteInfo = CallKitRemoteInfo()
  1. Assign value for callKitRemoteInfo.displayNameForCallKit to customize display name for call recipients and configure CXHandle value. This value specified in displayNameForCallKit is exactly how it shows up in the last dialed call log. in the last dialed call log.
options.callKitRemoteInfo.displayNameForCallKit = "DISPLAY_NAME"
  1. Assign the cxHandle value is what the application receives when user calls back on that contact
options.callKitRemoteInfo.cxHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: "VALUE_TO_CXHANDLE")

Specify call recipient info for incoming calls

First we need to create an instance of CallKitOptions:

let callKitOptions = CallKitOptions(with: createProviderConfig())

Configure the properties of CallKitOptions instance:

Block that is passed to variable provideRemoteInfo will be called by the SDK when we receive an incoming call and we need to get a display name for the incoming caller, which we need to pass to the CallKit.

callKitOptions.provideRemoteInfo = self.provideCallKitRemoteInfo

func provideCallKitRemoteInfo(callerInfo: CallerInfo) -> CallKitRemoteInfo
    let callKitRemoteInfo = CallKitRemoteInfo()
    callKitRemoteInfo.displayName = "CALL_TO_PHONENUMBER_BY_APP"      
    callKitRemoteInfo.cxHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: "VALUE_TO_CXHANDLE")
    return callKitRemoteInfo

Configure audio session

Configure audio session will be called before placing or accepting incoming call and before resuming the call after it has been put on hold.

callKitOptions.configureAudioSession = self.configureAudioSession

public func configureAudioSession() -> Error? {
    let audioSession: AVAudioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
    var configError: Error?
    do {
        try audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord)
    } catch {
        configError = error
    return configError

NOTE: In cases where Contoso has already configured audio sessions DO NOT provide nil but return nil error in the block

callKitOptions.configureAudioSession = self.configureAudioSession

public func configureAudioSession() -> Error? {
    return nil

if nil is provided for configureAudioSession then SDK calls the default implementation in the SDK.

Handle incoming push notification payload

When the app receives incoming push notification payload, we need to call handlePush to process it. Azure Communication Services Calling SDK will raise the IncomingCall event.

public func handlePushNotification(_ pushPayload: PKPushPayload)
    let callNotification = PushNotificationInfo.fromDictionary(pushPayload.dictionaryPayload)
    if let agent = self.callAgent {
        agent.handlePush(notification: callNotification) { (error) in }

// Event raised by the SDK
public func callAgent(_ callAgent: CallAgent, didRecieveIncomingCall incomingcall: IncomingCall) {

We can use reportIncomingCall to handle push notifications when the app is closed or otherwise.

if let agent = self.callAgent {
  /* App is not in a killed state */
  agent.handlePush(notification: callNotification) { (error) in }
} else {
  /* App is in a killed state */
  CallClient.reportIncomingCall(with: callNotification, callKitOptions: callKitOptions) { (error) in
      if (error == nil) {
          DispatchQueue.global().async {
              self.callClient = CallClient()
              let options = CallAgentOptions()
              let callKitOptions = CallKitOptions(with: createProviderConfig())
              callKitOptions.provideRemoteInfo = self.provideCallKitRemoteInfo
              callKitOptions.configureAudioSession = self.configureAudioSession
              options.callKitOptions = callKitOptions
              self.callClient!.createCallAgent(userCredential: userCredential,
                  options: options,
                  completionHandler: { (callAgent, error) in
                  if (error == nil) {
                      self.callAgent = callAgent
                      self.callAgent!.handlePush(notification: callNotification) { (error) in }
      } else {
          os_log("SDK couldn't handle push notification", log:self.log)

CallKit Integration (within App)

If you wish to integrate the CallKit within the app and not use the CallKit implementation in the SDK, refer to the quickstart sample here. But one of the important things to take care of is to start the audio at the right time. Like following

let outgoingAudioOptions = OutgoingAudioOptions()
outgoingAudioOptions.muted = true

let incomingAudioOptions = IncomingAudioOptions()
incomingAudioOptions.muted = true

var copyAcceptCallOptions = AcceptCallOptions()
copyStartCallOptions.outgoingAudioOptions = outgoingAudioOptions
copyStartCallOptions.incomingAudioOptions = incomingAudioOptions

callAgent.startCall(participants: participants,
                    options: copyStartCallOptions,
                    completionHandler: completionBlock)

Muting speaker and microphone ensure that physical audio devices aren't used until the CallKit calls the didActivateAudioSession on CXProviderDelegate. Otherwise the call may get dropped or audio will not work. When didActivateAudioSession is when the audio streams should be started.

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
    Task {
        guard let activeCall = await self.callKitHelper.getActiveCall() else {
            print("No active calls found when activating audio session !!")

        try await startAudio(call: activeCall)

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didDeactivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
    Task {
        guard let activeCall = await self.callKitHelper.getActiveCall() else {
            print("No active calls found when deactivating audio session !!")

        try await stopAudio(call: activeCall)

private func stopAudio(call: Call) async throws {
    try await self.callKitHelper.muteCall(callId: call.id, isMuted: true)
    try await call.stopAudio(stream: call.activeOutgoingAudioStream)

    try await call.stopAudio(stream: call.activeIncomingAudioStream)
    try await call.muteIncomingAudio()

private func startAudio(call: Call) async throws {
    try await call.startAudio(stream: LocalOutgoingAudioStream())
    try await self.callKitHelper.muteCall(callId: call.id, isMuted: false)

    try await call.startAudio(stream: RemoteIncomingAudioStream())
    try await call.unmuteIncomingAudio()

It's important to also mute the outgoing audio before stopping the audio in cases when CallKit does not invoke didActivateAudioSession. The user can then manually unmute the microphone.


In some cases CallKit doesn't call didActivateAudioSession even though the app has elevated audio permissions, in that case the audio will stay muted until the call back is received. And the UI has to reflect the state of the speaker and microphone. The remote participant/s in the call will see that the user has muted audio as well. User will have to manually unmute in those cases.

Next steps