Microsoft Certified: Azure for SAP Workloads Specialty - Certifications
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This article discusses migration away from the Consumption Usage Details API, which is planned for deprecation. The exact date of deprecation is still being determined. We recommend that you don't build your reporting pipelines using this API and migrate away from it as soon as possible.
The Enterprise Agreement (EA) reporting APIs, that use an API key for authentication and are accessed through the URI endpoint, are retired. EA customers using these APIs should migrate to the Cost Management Cost Details API. These older EA reporting APIs are only available to customers with an Enterprise Agreement.
If you use the Consumption Usage Details API we recommend, but don't require that you migrate to the Cost Management Cost Details API.
Consumption and Cost Management APIs are available for both EA Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) customers. So, Azure Government customers that remain under an EA aren't negatively affected.
When you migrate from EA to MCA, we recommend that you move from the EA reporting Usage Details API to Cost Management Cost Details API and use Exports.
Read the Choose a cost details solution article before you choose which solution is right for your workload. Generally, we recommend Exports if you have ongoing data ingestion needs and or a large monthly usage details dataset. For more information, see Ingest usage details data.
If you have a smaller usage details dataset or a scenario that doesn't get met by Exports, consider using the Cost Details report instead. For more information, see Get small cost datasets on demand.
The Cost Details report is only available for customers with an Enterprise Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. If you have an MSDN, pay-as-you-go, or Visual Studio subscription, you can migrate to Exports or continue using the Consumption Usage Details API.
New solutions provide many benefits over the Consumption Usage Details API. Here's a summary:
The following table summarizes the field differences between the Consumption Usage Details API and Exports/Cost Details API. Exports and the Cost Details API provide a CSV file download instead of the paginated JSON response that's provided by the Consumption API.
Enterprise Agreement customers who are using the Consumption Usage Details API have usage details records of the kind legacy
. All Enterprise Agreement customers have records of this kind due to the underlying billing system that's used for them. Here's an example legacy usage details record:
"value": [
"id": "{id}",
"name": "{name}",
"type": "Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails",
"kind": "legacy",
"tags": {
"env": "newcrp",
"dev": "tools"
"properties": {
A full example legacy Usage Details record is shown at Usage Details - List - REST API (Azure Consumption)
The following table provides a mapping between the old and new fields. New properties are available in the CSV files produced by Exports and the Cost Details API. To learn more about the fields, see Understand usage details fields.
Bold property names are unchanged.
Old Property | New Property |
accountName | AccountName |
AccountOwnerId | AccountOwnerId |
additionalInfo | AdditionalInfo |
AvailabilityZone | AvailabilityZone |
billingAccountId | BillingAccountId |
billingAccountName | BillingAccountName |
billingCurrency | BillingCurrencyCode |
billingPeriodEndDate | BillingPeriodEndDate |
billingPeriodStartDate | BillingPeriodStartDate |
billingProfileId | BillingProfileId |
billingProfileName | BillingProfileName |
chargeType | ChargeType |
consumedService | ConsumedService |
cost | CostInBillingCurrency |
costCenter | CostCenter |
date | Date |
effectivePrice | EffectivePrice |
frequency | Frequency |
invoiceSection | InvoiceSectionName |
InvoiceSectionId | InvoiceSectionId |
isAzureCreditEligible | IsAzureCreditEligible |
meterCategory | MeterCategory |
meterId | MeterId |
meterName | MeterName |
MeterRegion | MeterRegion |
meterSubCategory | MeterSubCategory |
offerId | OfferId |
partNumber | PartNumber |
PayGPrice | PayGPrice |
PlanName | PlanName |
PricingModel | PricingModel |
product | ProductName |
ProductOrderId | ProductOrderId |
ProductOrderName | ProductOrderName |
PublisherName | PublisherName |
PublisherType | PublisherType |
quantity | Quantity |
ReservationId | ReservationId |
ReservationName | ReservationName |
resourceGroup | ResourceGroup |
resourceId | ResourceId |
resourceLocation | ResourceLocation |
resourceName | ResourceName |
serviceFamily | ServiceFamily |
ServiceInfo1 | ServiceInfo1 |
ServiceInfo2 | ServiceInfo2 |
subscriptionId | SubscriptionId |
subscriptionName | SubscriptionName |
Tags | Tags |
Term | Term |
unitOfMeasure | UnitOfMeasure |
unitPrice | UnitPrice |
CostAllocationRuleName | CostAllocationRuleName |
Microsoft Customer Agreement customers that use the Consumption Usage Details API have usage details records of the kind modern
. All Microsoft Customer Agreement customers have records of this kind due to the underlying billing system that is used for them. Here's an example MCA usage details record:
"value": [
"id": "{id}",
"name": "{name}",
"type": "Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails",
"kind": "modern",
"tags": {
"env": "newcrp",
"dev": "tools"
"properties": {
A full example legacy Usage Details record is shown at Usage Details - List - REST API (Azure Consumption)
A mapping between the old and new fields are shown in the following table. New properties are available in the CSV files produced by Exports and the Cost Details API. Fields that need a mapping due to differences across the solutions are shown in bold text.
For more information, see Understand usage details fields.
Old property | New property |
invoiceId | invoiceId |
previousInvoiceId | previousInvoiceId |
billingAccountId | billingAccountId |
billingAccountName | billingAccountName |
billingProfileId | billingProfileId |
billingProfileName | billingProfileName |
invoiceSectionId | invoiceSectionId |
invoiceSectionName | invoiceSectionName |
partnerTenantId | partnerTenantId |
partnerName | partnerName |
resellerName | resellerName |
resellerMpnId | resellerMpnId |
customerTenantId | customerTenantId |
customerName | customerName |
costCenter | costCenter |
billingPeriodEndDate | billingPeriodEndDate |
billingPeriodStartDate | billingPeriodStartDate |
servicePeriodEndDate | servicePeriodEndDate |
servicePeriodStartDate | servicePeriodStartDate |
date | date |
serviceFamily | serviceFamily |
productOrderId | productOrderId |
productOrderName | productOrderName |
consumedService | consumedService |
meterId | meterId |
meterName | meterName |
meterCategory | meterCategory |
meterSubCategory | meterSubCategory |
meterRegion | meterRegion |
productIdentifier | ProductId |
product | ProductName |
subscriptionGuid | SubscriptionId |
subscriptionName | subscriptionName |
publisherType | publisherType |
publisherId | publisherId |
publisherName | publisherName |
resourceGroup | resourceGroupName |
instanceName | ResourceId |
resourceLocationNormalized | location |
resourceLocation | location |
effectivePrice | effectivePrice |
quantity | quantity |
unitOfMeasure | unitOfMeasure |
chargeType | chargeType |
billingCurrencyCode | billingCurrency |
pricingCurrencyCode | pricingCurrency |
costInBillingCurrency | costInBillingCurrency |
costInPricingCurrency | costInPricingCurrency |
costInUsd | costInUsd |
paygCostInBillingCurrency | paygCostInBillingCurrency |
paygCostInUSD | paygCostInUsd |
exchangeRatePricingToBilling | exchangeRatePricingToBilling |
exchangeRateDate | exchangeRateDate |
isAzureCreditEligible | isAzureCreditEligible |
serviceInfo1 | serviceInfo1 |
serviceInfo2 | serviceInfo2 |
additionalInfo | additionalInfo |
tags | tags |
partnerEarnedCreditRate | partnerEarnedCreditRate |
partnerEarnedCreditApplied | partnerEarnedCreditApplied |
marketPrice | PayGPrice |
frequency | frequency |
term | term |
reservationId | reservationId |
reservationName | reservationName |
pricingModel | pricingModel |
unitPrice | unitPrice |
exchangeRatePricingToBilling | exchangeRatePricingToBilling |
Microsoft Certified: Azure for SAP Workloads Specialty - Certifications
Demonstrate planning, migration, and operation of an SAP solution on Microsoft Azure while you leverage Azure resources.
Migrate from the EA Usage Details APIs - Microsoft Cost Management
This article has information to help you migrate from the EA Usage Details APIs.
This article provides an overview about migrating from Azure Enterprise Reporting to Microsoft Cost Management APIs.
Cost Management automation overview - Microsoft Cost Management
This article covers common scenarios for Cost Management automation and options available based on your situation.