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Deploy VMs on your Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU device via Azure PowerShell script

APPLIES TO: Yes for Pro GPU SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro - GPUYes for Pro 2 SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro 2Yes for Pro R SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro RYes for Mini R SKUAzure Stack Edge Mini R                  

This tutorial describes how to create and manage a VM on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device using an Azure PowerShell script.


Before you begin creating and managing a VM on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device using this script, you need to make sure you have completed the prerequisites listed in the following steps:

For Azure Stack Edge Pro device via the local web UI

Before you can deploy VMs on your Azure Stack Edge device, you must configure your client to connect to the device via Azure Resource Manager over Azure PowerShell. For detailed instructions, see Connect to Azure Resource Manager on your Azure Stack Edge device.

Make sure that you can use the following steps to access the device from your client. You've already done this configuration when you connected to Azure Resource Manager, and now you're verifying that the configuration was successful.

  1. Verify that Azure Resource Manager communication is working by running the following command:

    Add-AzEnvironment -Name <Environment Name> -ARMEndpoint "https://management.<appliance name>.<DNSDomain>"
  2. To call the local device APIs to authenticate, enter:

    login-AzAccount -EnvironmentName <Environment Name> -TenantId c0257de7-538f-415c-993a-1b87a031879d

    To connect via Azure Resource Manager, provide the username EdgeArmUser and your password.

  3. If you configured compute for Kubernetes, you can skip this step. Otherwise, ensure that you've enabled a network interface for compute by doing the following:

    a. On your local user interface, go to Compute settings.
    b. Select the network interface that you want to use to create a virtual switch. The VMs you create will be attached to a virtual switch that's attached to this port and the associated network. Be sure to choose a network that matches the IP address you'll use for the VM.

    Screenshot of the Compute configuration network settings pane.

    c. Under Enable for compute on the network interface, select Yes. Azure Stack Edge will create and manage a virtual switch that corresponds to that network interface. Don't enter specific IPs for Kubernetes at this time. It can take several minutes to enable compute.


    If you're creating GPU VMs, select a network interface that's connected to the internet. Doing so enables you to install a GPU extension on your device.

For your Windows client

  1. Make sure that you have modified:

    • The host file on the client, OR,
    • The DNS server configuration


    We recommend that you modify the DNS server configuration for endpoint name resolution.

    1. Start Notepad as an administrator (Administrator privileges is required to save the file), and then open the hosts file located at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc.

      Windows Explorer hosts file

    2. Add the following entries to your hosts file replacing with appropriate values for your device:

      <device IP> login.<appliance name>.<DNS domain>
      <device IP> management.<appliance name>.<DNS domain>
      <device IP> <storage name>.blob.<appliance name>.<DNS domain>

      For the storage account, you can provide a name that you want the script to use later to create a new storage account. The script does not check if that storage account is existing.

    3. Use the following image for reference. Save the hosts file.

      hosts file in Notepad

  2. Download the PowerShell script used in this procedure.

  3. Make sure that your Windows client is running PowerShell 5.0 or later.

  4. Make sure that the Azure.Storage Module version 4.5.0 is installed on your system. You can get this module from the PowerShell Gallery. To install this module, type:

    Install-Module -Name Azure.Storage -RequiredVersion 4.5.0

    To verify the version of the installed module, type:

    Get-InstalledModule -name Azure.Storage

    To uninstall any other version modules, type:

    Uninstall-Module -Name Azure.Storage

  5. Download AzCopy 10 to your Windows client. Make a note of this location as you will pass it as a parameter while running the script.

  6. Make sure that your Windows client is running TLS 1.2 or later.

Create a VM

  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Go to the folder where you downloaded the script on your client.

  3. Before you run the script, make sure you are still connected to the local Azure Resource Manager of the device and the connection has not expired.

    PS C:\windows\system32> login-AzureRMAccount -EnvironmentName aztest1 -TenantId c0257de7-538f-415c-993a-1b87a031879d
    Account               SubscriptionName              TenantId                             Environment
    -------               ----------------              --------                             -----------
    EdgeArmUser@localhost Default Provider Subscription c0257de7-538f-415c-993a-1b87a031879d aztest1
    PS C:\windows\system32> cd C:\Users\v2
    PS C:\Users\v2>
  4. Use the following command to run the script:

    .\ArmPowershellClient.ps1 -NicPrivateIp <Private IP> -VHDPath <Path> -VHDFile <VHD File, with extension> -StorageAccountName <Name> -OS <Windows/Linux> -VMSize <Supported VM Size> -VMUserName <Username to be used to sign in to VM> -VMPassword <Password for the VM> --AzCopy10Path <Absolute Path>

    If you want the IP to be dynamically allocated to the VM, omit the -NicPrivateIp parameter.

    Here are the examples when the script is run to create a Windows VM and a Linux VM.

    For a Windows VM:

    Here is a sample output for a Windows VM that was created.

    PS C:\Users\v2> .\ArmPowershellClient.ps1 -VHDPath \\asefs\Logs\vmvhd -VHDFile WindowsServer2016Datacenter.vhd -StorageAccountName myasesatest -OS Windows -VMSize Standard_D1_v2 -VMUserName Administrator -VMPassword Password1 -AzCopy10Path C:\Users\AzCopy10\AzCopy.exe
    New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name rg201221071831 -Location DBELocal -Force
    Successfully created Resource Group:rg201221071831
    Successfully created Resource Group:StorAccRG
    Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name myasesatest -ResourceGroupName StorAccRG -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    New-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name myasesatest  -ResourceGroupName StorAccRG -SkuName Standard_LRS -Location DBELocal
    Created New Storage Account
    Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -name myasesatest -resourcegroupname
    StorageAccountName ResourceGroupName Location SkuName     Kind    AccessTier CreationTime          ProvisioningState EnableHttpsTrafficOnly
    ------------------ ----------------- -------- -------     ----    ---------- ------------          ----------------- ----------------------
    myasesatest        StorAccRG         DBELocal StandardLRS Storage            12/22/2020 3:18:38 AM Succeeded         False
    myasesatest        StorAccRG         DBELocal StandardLRS Storage            12/22/2020 3:18:38 AM Succeeded         False
     Uploading Vhd to Storage Account
    New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName myasesatest -StorageAccountKey hyibjhbVlOROgTlU1nQJIlxrg94eGDhF+RIQ71Z7UVZIxoOPMlHP274NUhZtA1hMxGBcpk2BVApiFasFPEhY/A== -Endpoint https://myasesatest.blob.myasegpuvm.wdshcsso.com/
    New-AzureStorageAccountSASToken -Service Blob,File,Queue,Table -ResourceType Container,Service,Object -Permission
    SAS Token : ?sv=2017-07-29&sig=TXaGbjum9tFFaJnu3SFmDuslJuqNiNQwvuHfpPJMYN0%3D&spr=https&se=2020-12-22T04%3A18%3A43Z&srt=sco&ss=bfqt&sp=racwdl
     C:\Users\AzCopy10\AzCopy.exe make https://myasesatest.blob.myasegpuvm.wdshcsso.com/vmimages?sv=2017-07-29&sig=TXaGbjum9tFFaJnu3SFmDuslJuqNiNQwvuHfpPJMYN0%3D&spr=https&se=2020-12-22T04%3A18%3A43Z&srt=sco&ss=bfqt&sp=racwdl
    Successfully created the resource.
     AzCopy cp \\asefs\Logs\vmvhd\WindowsServer2016Datacenter.vhd https://myasesatest.blob.myasegpuvm.wdshcsso.com/vmimages?sv=2017-07-29&sig=TXaGbjum9tFFaJnu3SFmDuslJuqNiNQwvuHfpPJMYN0%3D&spr=https&se=2020-12-22T04%3A18%3A43Z&srt=sco&ss=bfqt&sp=racwdl
    INFO: Scanning...
    Job b6f54665-93c4-2f47-4770-5f3b7b0de2dc has started
    Log file is located at: C:\Users\Administrator\.azcopy\b6f54665-93c4-2f47-4770-5f3b7b0de2dc.log
    INFO: AzCopy.exe: A newer version 10.8.0 is available to download
    99.9 %, 0 Done, 0 Failed, 1 Pending, 0 Skipped, 1 Total,  (Disk may be limiting speed)
    Job b6f54665-93c4-2f47-4770-5f3b7b0de2dc summary
    Elapsed Time (Minutes): 12.7717
    Total Number Of Transfers: 1
    Number of Transfers Completed: 1
    Number of Transfers Failed: 0
    Number of Transfers Skipped: 0
    TotalBytesTransferred: 13958644224
    Final Job Status: Completed
    VHD Upload Done
     Creating a new managed disk
      = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -Location DBELocal -CreateOption Import -SourceUri
     New-AzureRmDisk -ResourceGroupName rg201221071831 -DiskName ld201221071831 -Disk
    ResourceGroupName  : rg201221071831
    ManagedBy          :
    Sku                : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskSku
    Zones              :
    TimeCreated        : 12/21/2020 7:31:35 PM
    OsType             :
    CreationData       : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.CreationData
    DiskSizeGB         : 13
    EncryptionSettings :
    ProvisioningState  : Succeeded
    Id                 : /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ld201221071831
    Name               : ld201221071831
    Type               : Microsoft.Compute/disks
    Location           : DBELocal
    Tags               : {}
     Created a new managed disk
     Creating a new Image out of managed disk
    ResourceGroupName    :
    SourceVirtualMachine :
    StorageProfile       : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.ImageStorageProfile
    ProvisioningState    :
    Id                   :
    Name                 :
    Type                 :
    Location             : DBELocal
    Tags                 :
     New-AzureRmImage -Image Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSImage -ImageName ig201221071831  -ResourceGroupName rg201221071831 -HyperVGeneration V1
    ResourceGroupName    : rg201221071831
    SourceVirtualMachine :
    StorageProfile       : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.ImageStorageProfile
    ProvisioningState    : Succeeded
    Id                   : /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/ig201221071831
    Name                 : ig201221071831
    Type                 : Microsoft.Compute/images
    Location             : dbelocal
    Tags                 : {}
     Created a new Image
     Using Vnet /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/ASERG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/ASEVNET
     Creating a new Newtork Interface
    WARNING: The output object type of this cmdlet will be modified in a future release.
    VirtualMachine              :
    IpConfigurations            : {ip201221071831}
    DnsSettings                 : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSNetworkInterfaceDnsSettings
    MacAddress                  : 001DD87D7216
    Primary                     :
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking : False
    EnableIPForwarding          : False
    NetworkSecurityGroup        :
    ProvisioningState           : Succeeded
    VirtualMachineText          : null
    IpConfigurationsText        : [
                                      "Name": "ip201221071831",
                                      "Etag": "W/\"27785dd5-d12a-4d73-9495-ffad7847261a\"",
                                      "Id": "/subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic201221071831/ipConfigurations/ip201221071831",
                                      "PrivateIpAddress": "",
                                      "PrivateIpAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
                                      "Subnet": {
                                        "Id": "/subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/ASERG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/ASEVNET/subnets/ASEVNETsubNet",
                                        "ResourceNavigationLinks": [],
                                        "ServiceEndpoints": []
                                      "ProvisioningState": "Succeeded",
                                      "PrivateIpAddressVersion": "IPv4",
                                      "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools": [],
                                      "LoadBalancerInboundNatRules": [],
                                      "Primary": true,
                                      "ApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPools": [],
                                      "ApplicationSecurityGroups": []
    DnsSettingsText             : {
                                    "DnsServers": [],
                                    "AppliedDnsServers": [],
                                    "InternalDomainNameSuffix": "qgotb4hjdh4efnhn0vz5adtb3f.a--x.internal.cloudapp.net"
    NetworkSecurityGroupText    : null
    ResourceGroupName           : rg201221071831
    Location                    : dbelocal
    ResourceGuid                : e6327ab9-0855-4f04-9b36-17bbf31b5bd8
    Type                        : Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
    Tag                         :
    TagsTable                   :
    Name                        : nic201221071831
    Etag                        : W/"27785dd5-d12a-4d73-9495-ffad7847261a"
    Id                          : /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic201221071831
     Created Network Interface
     Creating a new VM
     New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName VM201221071831 -VMSize Standard_D1_v2
     Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem -VM Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine -Windows -ComputerName COM201221071831 -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
     Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine = Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine -Name osld201221071831 -Caching ReadWrite -CreateOption FromImage -Windows -StorageAccountType StandardLRS
     Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine -Id /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic201221071831.Id
     Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -VM Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine -Id /subscriptions/947b3cfd-7a1b-4a90-7cc5-e52caf221332/resourceGroups/rg201221071831/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/ig201221071831
     New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName rg201221071831 -Location DBELocal -VM Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine -Verbose
    WARNING: Since the VM is created using premium storage or managed disk, existing standard storage account, myasesa1, is used for boot
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "New" on target "VM201221071831".
    Ticks             : 1533424841
    Days              : 0
    Hours             : 0
    Milliseconds      : 342
    Minutes           : 2
    Seconds           : 33
    TotalDays         : 0.00177479726967593
    TotalHours        : 0.0425951344722222
    TotalMilliseconds : 153342.4841
    TotalMinutes      : 2.55570806833333
    TotalSeconds      : 153.3424841
    RequestId           :
    IsSuccessStatusCode : True
    StatusCode          : OK
    ReasonPhrase        : OK
    PS C:\Users\v2>

    For a Linux VM:

    Here is the sample of the command that was used to create a Linux VM.

    .\ArmPowershellClient.ps1 -VHDPath \\asefs\Logs\vmvhd -VHDFile ubuntu13.vhd -StorageAccountName myasesatest -OS Linux -VMSize Standard_D1_v2 -VMUserName Administrator -VMPassword Password1 -AzCopy10Path C:\Users\AzCopy10\AzCopy.exe
    New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name rg201221075546 -Location DBELocal -Force    
  5. Once you have successfully created the VMs, these VMs should show up in the list of virtual machines in the Azure portal. To view the VMs, in the Azure Stack Edge resource for your device in Azure portal, go to Edge services > Virtual machines.

    View list of virtual machines

    To view the details of a VM, select the VM name. Note the dynamic allocation of IP for this VM.

    View VM details

  6. To clean up the resources that the script created, use the following commands:

    Get-AzureRmVM | Remove-AzureRmVM -Force
    Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface | Remove-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Force
    Get-AzureRmImage | Remove-AzureRmImage -Force
    Get-AzureRmDisk | Remove-AzureRmDisk -Force
    Get-AzureRmStorageAccount | Remove-AzureRmStorageAccount -Force

Next steps

Deploy VMs using Azure PowerShell cmdlets