
Deli z drugimi prek

AppCenterDistribute@1 - App Center distribute v1 task

Use this task to distribute app builds to testers and users via App Center and Visual Studio App Center.


This task is deprecated and will be retired January 31, 2024. Use AppCenterDistribute@3.

Use this task to distribute app builds to testers and users via App Center and Visual Studio App Center.

This task is deprecated; use AppCenterDistribute@3.

Use this task to distribute app builds to testers and users via App Center and Visual Studio App Center.

Distribute app builds to testers and users via App Center.


# App Center distribute v1
# Distribute app builds to testers and users via Visual Studio App Center.
- task: AppCenterDistribute@1
    serverEndpoint: # string. Required. App Center service connection. 
    appSlug: # string. Required. App slug. 
    appFile: # string. Alias: app. Required. Binary file path. 
    releaseNotesOption: 'input' # 'input' | 'file'. Alias: releaseNotesSelection. Required. Create release notes. Default: input.
    releaseNotesInput: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = input. Release notes. 
    #releaseNotesFile: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = file. Release notes file. 
    #isMandatory: false # boolean. Require users to update to this release. Default: false.
    #distributionGroupId: # string. Alias: destinationId. Destination ID. 
  # Symbols
    #symbolsOption: 'Apple' # 'Apple'. Alias: symbolsType. Symbols type. Default: Apple.
    #symbolsPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == AndroidNative || symbolsType = Windows. Symbols path. 
    #symbolsPdbFiles: '**/*.pdb' # string. Alias: pdbPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Symbols path (*.pdb). Default: **/*.pdb.
    #symbolsDsymFiles: # string. Alias: dsymPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. dSYM path. 
    #symbolsMappingTxtFile: # string. Alias: mappingTxtPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = AndroidJava. Mapping file. 
    #symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: # boolean. Alias: packParentFolder. Include all items in parent folder.
# App Center Distribute v1
# Distribute app builds to testers and users via App Center.
- task: AppCenterDistribute@1
    serverEndpoint: # string. Required. App Center service connection. 
    appSlug: # string. Required. App slug. 
    appFile: # string. Alias: app. Required. Binary file path. 
    releaseNotesOption: 'input' # 'input' | 'file'. Alias: releaseNotesSelection. Required. Create release notes. Default: input.
    releaseNotesInput: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = input. Release notes. 
    #releaseNotesFile: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = file. Release notes file. 
    #distributionGroupId: # string. Alias: destinationId. Destination ID. 
  # Symbols
    #symbolsOption: 'Apple' # 'Apple'. Alias: symbolsType. Symbols type. Default: Apple.
    #symbolsPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == AndroidNative || symbolsType = Windows. Symbols path. 
    #symbolsPdbFiles: '**/*.pdb' # string. Alias: pdbPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Symbols path (*.pdb). Default: **/*.pdb.
    #symbolsDsymFiles: # string. Alias: dsymPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. dSYM path. 
    #symbolsMappingTxtFile: # string. Alias: mappingTxtPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = AndroidJava. Mapping file. 
    #symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: # boolean. Alias: packParentFolder. Include all items in parent folder.


serverEndpoint - App Center service connection
string. Required.

Selects the service connection for Visual Studio App Center. To create one, click the Manage link and create a new service connection.

appSlug - App slug
string. Required.

The app slug is in the format of {username}/{app_identifier}. To locate {username} and {app_identifier} for an app, click on its name from App Center. The resulting URL is in the format of https://appcenter.ms/users/**{username}**/apps/**{app_identifier}**. If you are using orgs, the app slug is of the format {orgname}/{app_identifier}.

appFile - Binary file path
Input alias: app. string. Required.

The relative path from the repo root to the APK or IPA file you want to publish.

symbolsOption - Symbols type
Input alias: symbolsType. string. Allowed values: Apple. Default value: Apple.

Includes symbol files to receive symbolicated stack traces in App Center Diagnostics.

symbolsPath - Symbols path
string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == AndroidNative || symbolsType = Windows.

The relative path from the repo root to the symbols folder.

symbolsPdbFiles - Symbols path (*.pdb)
Input alias: pdbPath. string. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Default value: **/*.pdb.

The relative path from the repo root to .pdb symbols files. Path may contain wildcards.

symbolsDsymFiles - dSYM path
Input alias: dsymPath. string. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple.

The relative path from the repo root to the dSYM folder. Path may contain wildcards.

symbolsMappingTxtFile - Mapping file
Input alias: mappingTxtPath. string. Optional. Use when symbolsType = AndroidJava.

The relative path from the repo root to Android's mapping.txt file.

symbolsIncludeParentDirectory - Include all items in parent folder
Input alias: packParentFolder. boolean.

Uploads the selected symbols file or folder and all other items inside the same parent folder. This is required for React Native apps.

releaseNotesOption - Create release notes
Input alias: releaseNotesSelection. string. Required. Allowed values: input (Enter Release Notes), file (Select Release Notes File). Default value: input.

The release notes are attached to the release and shown to testers on the installation page.

releaseNotesInput - Release notes
string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = input.

The release notes for this version.

releaseNotesFile - Release notes file
string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = file.

Selects a UTF-8 encoded text file which contains the release notes for this version.

isMandatory - Require users to update to this release
boolean. Default value: false.

The App Center Distribute SDK required to mandate an update. Testers are automatically prompted to update.

distributionGroupId - Destination ID
Input alias: destinationId. string.

The IDs of the distribution stores or groups who will receive the build release. Leave it empty to use the default group.

Task control options

All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. For more information, see Control options and common task properties.

Output variables



This task is deprecated. Use AppCenterDistribute@3.


Requirement Description
Pipeline types YAML, Classic build, Classic release
Runs on Agent, DeploymentGroup
Demands None
Capabilities This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job.
Command restrictions Any
Settable variables Any
Agent version 2.144.0 or greater
Task category Deploy
Requirement Description
Pipeline types YAML, Classic build, Classic release
Runs on Agent, DeploymentGroup
Demands None
Capabilities This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job.
Command restrictions Any
Settable variables Any
Agent version All supported agent versions.
Task category Deploy