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Metadata reference for Test Plans Analytics

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

The Analytics service collects all data for all Azure DevOps test activities. Azure Test Plans supports the definition and execution of planned and exploratory tests. And with Azure Pipelines, you can also execute automated tests with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) workflows.

If you're new to Azure DevOps testing, we recommend viewing the following articles:

The metadata information provided in this article describes the entities, properties, and enumerated types supported for all Azure DevOps test activities.


Descriptions of the entities, properties, and enumerated types supported by the Analytics data model are provided. This is an early draft. Please provide feedback on areas you would like to have more information. To query the data model, see Construct OData queries for Analytics.

Entity sets and entity types

To query Analytics for Test Plan data, use one or more of the entity types and entity sets described in the following table.


Analytics for Azure DevOps testing is supported with v3.0-preview and v4.0-preview versions.
Analytics stores all test-related work items as work items. You can query and generate reports on this data using the work tracking entities described in Work tracking metadata reference for Azure Boards Analytics.

EntitySet EntityType Description
Tests Test Properties for a test case, such as test name and test owner. For details on defining test cases, see Create manual test cases.
TestConfigurations TestConfiguration Test plan configuration information. For details on configuring tests, see Test different configurations.
TestPoints TestPoint Execution information for test points. A test point is a unique combination of test case, test suite, configuration, and tester. For a sample report, see Progress status sample report.
TestPointHistorySnapshot TestPointHistorySnapshot (Composite) Individual execution results for a specific Test associated with a TestRun. For a sample report, see Manual test execution trend sample report.
TestResults TestResult Individual execution results for a specific Test associated with a TestRun.
TestResultsDaily TestResultDaily A daily snapshot aggregate of TestResult executions, grouped by Test (not TestRun). For a sample report, see Test summary trend sample report.
TestRuns TestRun Execution information with aggregated test results for tests that are run under a pipeline.
TestSuites TestSuite Test suites information. For details on defining test suites, see Create test plans and test suites.


The following properties are valid for the Test entity type and Tests entity set. Surrogate key is TestSK.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Container Name ContainerName String Name of the job container containing the test task within a pipeline.
Fully Qualified Test Name FullyQualifiedTestName String The name created for the test. The fully qualified name format corresponds to Namespace.Testclass.Methodname with a character limit of 512. If the test is data driven and has parameters, the character limit includes the parameters.
Priority Priority Int32 Specifies the degree of importance or criticality of a test. Priority is typically specified as an attribute in the test code.
Test Case Reference Id TestCaseReferenceId Int32 The number (not the ID) assigned to a test case.
Test Name TestName String The name of the test.
Test Owner TestOwner String Owner of a test or test run. The test owner is typically specified as an attribute in the test code. See Publish Test Results task to view the mapping of the Owner attribute for supported test result formats.


Test configurations specify different environments in which you run tests as described in Test different configurations.

The following properties are valid for the TestConfiguration entity type and TestConfigurations entity set and their surrogate key TestConfigurationSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
Test Configuration Id TestConfigurationId Int32 The number (not the ID) assigned to a test case.
Test Configuration Name Name String Name assigned to the test configuration.
Test Configuration State State String The state of the test configuration, either Active or Inactive.

Navigational properties include Project and its referential constraint ProjectSK.


A test point is a unique combination of test case, test suite, configuration, and tester. The following properties are valid for the TestPoint EntityType and TestPoints EntitySet. Surrogate key is TestPointSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AssignedToUserSK GUID The GUID assigned to the tester associated with the test point.
TesterUserSK GUID The GUID assigned to the tester associated with the test point.
Automation Status AutomationStatus Enumerated The status of a test case, such as Automated, Not Automated, or Planned. Corresponds to the Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus work item field.
Changed Date ChangedDate DateTime The date-time when the test point last changed.
Last Result State LastResultState Enumerated The state of the test point, such as pending, queued, or in progress. Valid values are listed as follows for TestResultState.
Priority Priority Int32 The priority assigned to the associated test case.
Test Case Id TestCaseId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test case.
Test Configuration Id TestConfigurationId Int32 The number assigned to the associated test configuration.
Test Plan Id TestPlanId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test plan.
Test Result Outcome LastResultOutcome Enumerated Specifies the last test result outcome. Valid values are listed as follows for TestOutcome.
Test Suite Id TestSuiteId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test suite.

To review test points via the user interface, see Run manual tests, Save results, close the session, and review results.

The following table lists those navigation properties for the TestPoint entity type and TestPoints entity set.

Display Name Name Referential constraint Referenced property
ChangedOn ChangedDateSK DateSK
Assigned To AssignedTo AssignedToUserSK UserSK
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Test Case Work Item TestCase TestCaseId WorkItemId
Test Configuration TestConfiguration TestConfigurationSK TestConfigurationSK
Test Suite TestSuite TestSuiteSK TestSuiteSK
Tester User Name Tester TesterUserSK UserSK

TestResultState enumerated type members

A test result can be in one of the six states summarized in the following table for the TestResultState enumerated type.

Member name Value Display name
None 0 None
Pending 1 Pending
Queued 2 Queued
InProgress 3 In Progress
Paused 4 Paused
Completed 5 Completed

TestOutcome enumerated type members

The 15 outcomes for a test are listed in the following table and are the members are defined for the TestOutcome enumerated type.

Member name Value Display name Description
Unspecified 0 Unspecified
None 1 None
Passed 2 Passed Test executed successfully.
Failed 3 Failed Test not meeting the desired outcome.
Inconclusive 4 Inconclusive Test without a definitive outcome.
Timeout 5 Timeout Test execution duration exceeding the specified threshold.
Aborted 6 Aborted Test execution terminated abruptly due to internal or external factors, for example, bad code, environment issues.
Blocked 7 Blocked
NotExecuted 8 Not Executed Test marked as skipped for execution.
Warning 9 Warning
Error 10 Error
NotApplicable 11 Not Applicable
Paused 12 Paused
InProgress 13 In Progress
NotImpacted 14 Not Impacted Test not impacted by the code change that triggered the pipeline.


The following properties are valid for the TestPointHistorySnapshot entity set. Surrogate keys include TestPointSK and DateSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
AssignedToUserSK GUID The GUID assigned to the test work item.
IsLastDayOfPeriod Enumerated Use to filter data to determine if a day finishes in different periods such as days, weeks, months, or years. Valid values are listed here: Period enumerated type members.
TesterUserSK GUID The GUID assigned to the tester associated with the test point.
TestConfigurationSK Int32 The key assigned to the associated test configuration.
Automation Status AutomationStatus Enumerated The status of a test case, such as Automated, Not Automated, or Planned. Corresponds to the Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus work item field.
Priority Priority Int32 The priority assigned to the associated test case.
Test Case Id TestCaseId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test case.
Test Configuration Id TestConfigurationId Int32 The number assigned to the associated test configuration.
Test Plan Id TestPlanId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test plan.
Test Result Outcome ResultOutcome Enumerated Specifies the last test result outcome. Valid values are listed in TestOutcome.
Test Suite Id TestSuiteId Int32 The work item ID assigned to the associated test suite.

The following table lists those navigation properties for the TestPointHistorySnapshot entity type and TestPointHistorySnapshot entity set.

Display Name Name Referential constraint Referenced property
Date DateSK DateSK
Assigned To AssignedTo AssignedToUserSK UserSK
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Test Case Work Item TestCase TestCaseId WorkItemId
Test Configuration TestConfiguration TestConfigurationSK TestConfigurationSK
Test Suite TestSuite TestSuiteSK TestSuiteSK
Tester User Name Tester TesterUserSK UserSK


A test result corresponds to a single instance of execution of a test case with a specific outcome and details.

Test runs occur when you manually run a test or include test tasks within a pipeline definition. For more information, see Build, test, and deploy .NET Core apps, Run your tests.

The following properties are valid for the TestResults entity set. Surrogate key is TestResultSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Completed Date CompletedDate DateTime The date-time when the test result completed execution.
Duration Seconds DurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds it took for the test to execute.
Is Flaky IsFlaky Boolean Indicates if the test is marked as flaky (True) or not (False). A flaky Test is a test that intermittently fails for no apparent reason, such as a change to the code or test.**** For more information, see Manage flaky tests.
Release Id ReleaseId Int32 The number assigned to the release associated with the test result.
Release Environment Id ReleaseEnvironmentId Int32 The number assigned to the release environment associated with the test result.
Release Pipeline Id ReleasePipelineId Int32 The number assigned to the release pipeline associated with the test result.
Release Stage Id ReleaseStageId Int32 The number assigned to the release stage associated with the test result.
Started Date StartedDate DateTime The date-time when the test result started execution.
Test Result Id TestResultId Int32 The number assigned to a test result.
Test Run Id TestRunId Int32 The number assigned to a test run.
Test Run Type TestRunType Enumerated Indicates if it's a manual or automated test type. Valid values are listed as follows for TestRunType.
Test Outcome Outcome Enumerated The test run outcome. There are 15 possible outcomes for a test result: Aborted, Blocked, Error, Failed, Inconclusive, In progress, None, Not applicable, Not executed, Not impacted, Passed, Paused, Timeout, Unspecified, and Warning. Valid values are listed as follows for TestOutcome.
Workflow Workflow Enumerated The pipeline workflow type. Valid values are listed as follows for SourceWorkflow.

The following table lists the navigation properties valid for a TestResult entity type.

Name Referential constraint Referenced property
CompletedOn CompletedDateSK DateSK
StartedOn StartedDateSK DateSK
Branch BranchSK BranchSK
Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
PipelineRun PipelineRunSK PipelineRunSK
Test TestSK TestSK
TestRun TestRunSK TestRunSK

SourceWorkflow enumerated type members

The following table lists the members defined for the SourceWorkflow enumerated type.

Display name Member name Value
Build Build 1
Release Release 2
Manual Manual 3

TestRunType enumerated type members

The following table lists the members defined for the SourceWorkflow enumerated type.

Member name Value Display name
Automated 1 Automated
Manual 2 Manual


The following properties are valid for the TestResultsDaily entity set. Surrogate key isTestResultsDailySK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Release Pipeline Id ReleasePipelineId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release pipeline.
Release Stage Id ReleaseStageId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release pipeline stage.
Result Aborted Count ResultAbortedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Aborted for the test result daily.
Result Blocked Count ResultBlockedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Blocked for the test result daily.
Result Count ResultCount Int32 The total number of test results reported.
Result Duration Seconds ResultDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds that the test result required to execute.
Result Error Count ResultErrorCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Error for the test result daily.
Result Fail Count ResultFailCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Failed for the test result daily.
Result Flaky Count ResultFlakyCount Int32 The number of flaky results. A flaky Test is a test that intermittently fails for no apparent reason, such as a change to the code or test. For more information, see Manage flaky tests.
Result Inconclusive Count ResultInconclusiveCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Inconclusive for the test result daily.
Result Pass Count ResultPassCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Passed for the test result daily.
Result None Count ResultNoneCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as None for the test result daily.
Result Timeout Count ResultTimeoutCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Timeout for the test result daily.
Result Not Executed Count ResultNotExecutedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Executed for the test result daily.
Result Warning Count ResultWarningCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Warning for the test result daily.
Result Not Applicable Count ResultNotApplicableCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Applicable for the test result daily.
Result Not Impacted Count ResultNotImpactedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Impacted for the test result daily.
Result Duration Seconds ResultDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds it took for the test result to complete.
Started Date StartedDate String The date-time of the start of the test result.
Test Run Type TestRunType Enumerated Indicates if it's a manual or automated test type. Valid values are listed under TestRunType.
Workflow Workflow Enumerated The pipeline workflow type. Valid values are listed under SourceWorkflow.

The following table lists the navigation properties that are valid for a TestResultDaily entity type.

Name Referential constraint Referenced property
Branch BranchSK BranchSK
Date StartedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Test TestSK TestSK


Test runs occur when you manually run a test or include test tasks within a pipeline definition. For more information, see Build, test, and deploy .NET Core apps, Run your tests.

The following properties are valid for TestRuns and its surrogate key TestRunSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Has Detail HasDetail Boolean Indicates whether details are provided for the test run (True) or not (False).
Is Automated IsAutomated Boolean Indicates whether details are provided for the test run (True) or not (False).
Priority Priority Int32 The version assigned to a pipeline task.
Completed Date CompletedDate DateTime The date-time of the completion of the test run or test result.
Release Id ReleaseId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release definition.
Release Environment Id ReleaseEnvironmentId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release environment.
Release Pipeline Id ReleasePipelineId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release pipeline.
Release Stage Id ReleaseStageId Int32 The number assigned to the associated release pipeline stage.
Result Aborted Count ResultAbortedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Aborted for the test run or test result daily.
Result Blocked Count ResultBlockedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Blocked for the test run or test result daily.
Result Count ResultCount Int32 The total number of test results reported.
Result Duration Seconds ResultDurationSeconds Decimal The number of seconds that the test run required to execute.
Result Error Count ResultErrorCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Error for the test run or test result daily.
Result Fail Count ResultFailCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Failed for the test run or test result daily.
Result Flaky Count ResultFlakyCount Int32 The number of test outcomes marked as flaky. A flaky test is a test that intermittently fails for no apparent reason, such as a change to the code or test. For more information, see Manage flaky tests.
Result Inconclusive Count ResultInconclusiveCount String The number of test outcomes reported as Inconclusive for the test run or test result daily.
Result Pass Count ResultPassCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Passed for the test run or test result daily.
Result Timeout Count ResultTimeoutCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Timeout for the test run or test result daily.
Result Not Executed Count ResultNotExecutedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Executed for the test run or test result daily.
Result Warning Count ResultWarningCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Warning for the test run or test result daily.
Result Not Applicable Count ResultNotApplicableCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Applicable for the test run or test result daily.
Result Not Impacted Count ResultNotImpactedCount Int32 The number of test outcomes reported as Not Impacted for the test run or test result daily.
Run Duration Seconds RunDurationSeconds Decimal The state of the test configuration, either Active or Inactive.
Started Date StartedDate DateTime The date-time of the start of the test run.
Test Run Id TestRunId Int32 The number assigned to a test run.
Test Run Type TestRunType Enumerated Indicates if it's a manual or automated test type. Valid values are listed under TestRunType.
Title Title String The GUID assigned to a pipeline task.
Workflow Workflow Enumerated The pipeline workflow type. Valid values are listed under SourceWorkflow.

The following table lists the navigation properties that are valid for a TestRun entity type.

Name Referential constraint Referenced property
Branch BranchSK BranchSK
CompletedOn CompletedDateSK DateSK
Pipeline PipelineSK PipelineSK
PipelineRun PipelineRunSK PipelineRunSK
Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
StartedOn StartedDateSK DateSK


Test suites are defined for test plans and specify the tests to run. For more information, see Create test plans and test suites.

The following properties are valid for TestSuites and its surrogate key TestSuiteSK.

Display name Name Data type Description
AnalyticsUpdatedDate DateTime Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated.
Test Plan Id TestPlanId Int32 The number (not the ID) assigned to a test case.
Test Suite Id TestSuiteId Int32 Name assigned to the test configuration.
Test Plan Title TestPlanTitle String The state of the test configuration, either Active or Inactive.
Test Suite Title Title Int32 The number (not the ID) assigned to a test case.
OrderId OrderId Int32 Name assigned to the test configuration.
Test Suite Level 1 Id through Test Suite Level 14 Id IdLevel1 throughIdLevel14 Int32 The level of a nested test suite.
Test Suite Level 1 Title through Test Suite Level 14 Title TitleLevel1 through TitleLevel14 String The name of the nested test suite level.
Test Suite Depth Depth Byte The nested level of a test suite within a test plan.
Test Suite Type Type Enumerated Specifies the type of test suite. Valid values are listed for TestSuiteType enumerated type.
Test Plan Id TestPlanId Int32 The number (not the ID) assigned to a test plan.
Requirement Work Item Id RequirementWorkItemId Int32 ID of the work item user story, product backlog item, or other requirement-category work item associated with the test suite.
Test Plan Title TestPlanTitle String The title defined for the test plan.

The following table lists the navigation properties that are valid for a TestSuite entity type.

Display Name Name Referential constraint Referenced property
Project Project ProjectSK ProjectSK
Requirement Work Item RequirementWorkItem RequirementWorkItemId WorkItemId
Test Plan Work Item TestPlanWorkItem TestPlanId WorkItemId
Test Suite Work Item TestSuiteWorkItem TestSuiteId WorkItemId

TestSuiteType enumerated type members

The following members are defined for the TestSuiteType enumerated type.

Member name Value Display name
None 0 None
QueryBased 1 Query Based
Static 2 Static
RequirementBased 3 Requirement Based