Azure permissions for Identity
This article lists the permissions for the Azure resource providers in the Identity category. You can use these permissions in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Permission strings have the following format: {Company}.{ProviderName}/{resourceType}/{action}
Join Azure virtual machines to a domain without domain controllers.
Azure service: Microsoft Entra Domain Services
Action | Description |
Microsoft.AAD/register/action | Subscription Registration Action |
Microsoft.AAD/unregister/action | Unregister Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/register/action | Register Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/read | Read Domain Services |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/write | Write Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/delete | Delete Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/read | Read Ou Containers |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/write | Write Ou Container |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/delete | Delete Ou Container |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read | Get the network endpoints of all outbound dependencies |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Domain Service resource |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets metrics for Domain Service |
Microsoft.AAD/locations/operationresults/read | |
Microsoft.AAD/Operations/read |
Azure service: Azure Active Directory
Action | Description |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/read | Read Azure AD Metrics Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/write | Create and Update Azure AD Metrics Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/delete | Delete Azure AD Metrics Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource |
microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for azureADMetrics |
microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/write | Writing a diagnostic setting |
microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/read | Reading a diagnostic setting |
microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/delete | Deleting a diagnostic setting |
microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettingscategories/read | Reading a diagnostic setting categories |
microsoft.aadiam/metricDefinitions/read | Reading Tenant-Level Metric Definitions |
microsoft.aadiam/metrics/read | Reading Tenant-Level Metrics |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/read | Read Private Link Policy Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/write | Create and Update Private Link Policy Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/delete | Delete Private Link Policy Definition |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnections |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read Private Link Proxies |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete Private Link Proxies |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate Private Link Proxies |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnections |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/write | Create and Update PrivateEndpointConnections |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnections |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/read | Read PrivateLinkResources |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/write | Create and Update PrivateLinkResources |
microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/delete | Delete PrivateLinkResources |
microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource |
microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource |
microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for tenants |
Robust monitoring of your on-premises identity infrastructure.
Azure service: Microsoft Entra ID
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/action | Updates Tenant Configuration. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/action | Updates a service instance in the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/action | Create a new forest for the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/register/action | Registers the ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider and enables the creation of ADHybrid Health Service resource. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/unregister/action | Unregisters the subscription for ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/write | Creates or Updates the ADDomainService instance for the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/action | Add a server instance to the service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/read | Gets Service details for the specified service name. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/delete | Deletes a Service and it's servers along with Health data. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/addomainservicemembers/read | Gets all servers for the specified service name. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/alerts/read | Gets alerts details for the forest like alertid, alert raised date, alert last detected, alert description, last updated, alert level, alert state, alert troubleshooting links etc. . |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/configuration/read | Gets Service Configuration for the forest. Example- Forest Name, Functional Level, Domain Naming master FSMO role, Schema master FSMO role etc. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/dimensions/read | Gets the domains and sites details for the forest. Example- health status, active alerts, resolved alerts, properties like Domain Functional Level, Forest, Infrastructure Master, PDC, RID master etc. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/features/userpreference/read | Gets the user preference setting for the forest. Example- MetricCounterName like ldapsuccessfulbinds, ntlmauthentications, kerberosauthentications, addsinsightsagentprivatebytes, ldapsearches. Settings for the UI Charts etc. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/forestsummary/read | Gets forest summary for the given forest like forest name, number of domains under this forest, number of sites and sites details etc. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/metricmetadata/read | Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service. For example Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFS service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomainService. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for ADSync service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/metrics/groups/read | Given a service, this API gets the metrics information. For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/premiumcheck/read | This API gets the list of all onboarded ADDomainServices for a premium tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationdetails/read | Gets replication details for all the servers for the specified service name. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationstatus/read | Gets the number of domain controllers and their replication errors if any. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationsummary/read | Gets complete domain controller list along with replication details for the given forest. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/delete | Deletes a server for a given service and tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/credentials/read | During server registration of ADDomainService, this api is called to get the credentials for onboarding new servers. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/write | Creates a Tenant Configuration. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/read | Reads the Tenant Configuration. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/logs/read | Gets agent installation and registration logs for the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/logs/contents/read | Gets the content of agent installation and registration logs stored in blob. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/operations/read | Gets list of operations supported by system. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/availabledeployments/read | Gets list of available regions, used by DevOps to support customer incidents. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/badpassword/read | Gets the list of bad password attempts for all the users in Active Directory Federation Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/badpassworduseridipfrequency/read | Gets Blob SAS URI containing status and eventual result of newly enqueued report job for frequency of Bad Username/Password attempts per UserId per IPAddress per Day for a given Tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/consentedtodevopstenants/read | Gets the list of DevOps consented tenants. Typically used for customer support. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/isdevops/read | Gets a value indicating whether the tenant is DevOps Consented or not. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/selectdevopstenant/read | Updates userid(objectid) for the selected dev ops tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/selecteddeployment/read | Gets selected deployment for the given tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/tenantassigneddeployment/read | Given a tenant id gets the tenant storage location. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/updateselecteddeployment/read | Gets the geo location from which data will be accessed. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/write | Creates a service instance in the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/read | Reads the service instances in the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/delete | Deletes a service instance in the tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/action | Creates or updates a server instance in the service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/alerts/read | Reads the alerts for a service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/alerts/read | Reads the alerts for a service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/checkservicefeatureavailibility/read | Given a feature name verifies if a service has everything required to use that feature. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/exporterrors/read | Gets the export errors for a given sync service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/exportstatus/read | Gets the export status for a given service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/feedbacktype/feedback/read | Gets alerts feedback for a given service and server. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregates/read | Reads the bad IPs which attempted to access the service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregateSettings/read | Reads alarm thresholds for bad IPs. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregateSettings/write | Writes alarm thresholds for bad IPs. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metricmetadata/read | Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service. For example Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFS service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomainService. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for ADSync service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/read | Given a service, this API gets the metrics information. For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/average/read | Given a service, this API gets the average for metrics for a given service. For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/sum/read | Given a service, this API gets the aggregated view for metrics for a given service. For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfiguration/write | Add or updates monitoring configuration for a service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfigurations/read | Gets the monitoring configurations for a given service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfigurations/write | Add or updates monitoring configurations for a service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/premiumcheck/read | This API gets the list of all onboarded services for a premium tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/generateBlobUri/action | Generates Risky IP report and returns a URI pointing to it. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/blobUris/read | Gets all Risky IP report URIs for the last 7 days. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/details/read | Gets report of top 50 users with bad password errors from last 7 days |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/read | Reads the server instance in the service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/delete | Deletes a server instance in the service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/alerts/read | Reads the alerts for a server. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/credentials/read | During server registration, this api is called to get the credentials for onboarding new servers. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/datafreshness/read | For a given server, this API gets a list of datatypes that are being uploaded by the servers and the latest time for each upload. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/exportstatus/read | Gets the Sync Export Error details for a given Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/metrics/read | Gets the list of connectors and run profile names for the given service and service member. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/metrics/groups/read | Given a service, this API gets the metrics information. For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/serviceconfiguration/read | Gets service configuration for a given tenant. |
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/tenantwhitelisting/read | Gets feature allowlisting status for a given tenant. |
Synchronize on-premises directories and enable single sign-on.
Azure service: Azure Active Directory B2C
Action | Description |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/register/action | Register subscription for Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/write | Create or update B2C Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/read | View B2C Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/delete | Delete B2C Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2ctenants/read | Lists all B2C tenants where the user is a member |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/write | Create or update CIAM Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/read | View CIAM Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/delete | Delete CIAM Directory resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/write | Create or update Guest Usages resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/read | View Guest Usages resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/delete | Delete Guest Usages resource |
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/operations/read | Read all API operations available for Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider |
An automatically managed identity in Microsoft Entra ID that authenticates to any service that supports Microsoft Entra
Azure service: Managed identities for Azure resources
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/register/action | Registers the subscription for the managed identity resource provider |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/identities/read | Gets an existing system assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/operations/read | Lists operations available on Microsoft.ManagedIdentity resource provider |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/assign/action | RBAC action for assigning an existing user assigned identity to a resource |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/delete | Deletes an existing user assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/listAssociatedResources/action | Lists all associated resources for an existing user assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read | Gets an existing user assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/write | Creates a new user assigned identity or updates the tags associated with an existing user assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/revokeTokens/action | Revoked all the existing tokens on a user assigned identity |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/read | Get or list Federated Identity Credentials |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/write | Add or update a Federated Identity Credential |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/delete | Delete a Federated Identity Credential |