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Deprecated Cognitive Skills in Azure AI Search

This document describes cognitive skills that are considered deprecated (retired). Use the following guide for the contents:

  • Skill Name: The name of the skill that will be deprecated; it maps to the @odata.type attribute.
  • Last available api version: The last version of the Azure AI Search public API through which skillsets containing the corresponding deprecated skill can be created/updated. Indexers with attached skillsets with these skills will continue to run even in future API versions until the "End of support" date, at which point they start failing.
  • End of support: The day after which the corresponding skill is considered unsupported and stops working. Previously created skillsets should still continue to function, but users are recommended to migrate away from a deprecated skill.
  • Recommendations: Migration path forward to use a supported skill. Users are advised to follow the recommendations to continue to receive support.

If you're using the Microsoft.Skills.Text.EntityRecognitionSkill (Entity Recognition cognitive skill (v2)), this article helps you upgrade your skillset to use the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill which is generally available and introduces new features.

If you're using the Microsoft.Skills.Text.SentimentSkill (Sentiment cognitive skill (v2)), this article helps you upgrade your skillset to use the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.SentimentSkill which is generally available and introduces new features.

If you're using the Microsoft.Skills.Text.NamedEntityRecognitionSkill (Named Entity Recognition cognitive skill (v2)), this article helps you upgrade your skillset to use the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill which is generally available and introduces new features.


Last available api version


End of support

August 31, 2024


Use Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill instead. It provides most of the functionality of the EntityRecognitionSkill at a higher quality. It also has richer information in its complex output fields.

To migrate to the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill, make one or more of the following changes to your skill definition. You can update the skill definition using the Update Skillset API.

  1. (Required) Change the @odata.type from "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.EntityRecognitionSkill" to "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill".

  2. (Optional) The includeTypelessEntities parameter is no longer supported as the new skill only returns entities with known types, so if your previous skill definition referenced it, it should now be removed.

  3. (Optional) If you're making use of the namedEntities output, there are a few minor changes to the property names.

    1. value is renamed to text
    2. confidence is renamed to confidenceScore

    If you need to generate the exact same property names, add a ShaperSkill to reshape the output with the required names. For example, this ShaperSkill renames the properties to their old values.

        "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
        "name": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
        "description": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
        "context": "/document/namedEntitiesV3",
        "inputs": [
                "name": "old_format",
                "sourceContext": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*",
                "inputs": [
                        "name": "value",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/text"
                        "name": "offset",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/offset"
                        "name": "category",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/category"
                        "name": "confidence",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/confidenceScore"
        "outputs": [
                "name": "output",
                "targetName": "namedEntities"
  4. (Optional) If you're making use of the entities output to link entities to well-known entities, this feature is now a new skill, the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityLinkingSkill. Add the entity linking skill to your skillset to generate the linked entities. There are also a few minor changes to the property names of the entities output between the EntityRecognitionSkill and the new EntityLinkingSkill.

    1. wikipediaId is renamed to id
    2. wikipediaLanguage is renamed to language
    3. wikipediaUrl is renamed to url
    4. The type and subtype properties are no longer returned.

    If you need to generate the exact same property names, add a ShaperSkill to reshape the output with the required names. For example, this ShaperSkill renames the properties to their old values.

        "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
        "name": "LinkedEntitiesShaper",
        "description": "LinkedEntitiesShaper",
        "context": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3",
        "inputs": [
                "name": "old_format",
                "sourceContext": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*",
                "inputs": [
                        "name": "name",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/name"
                        "name": "wikipediaId",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/id"
                        "name": "wikipediaLanguage",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/language"
                        "name": "wikipediaUrl",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/url"
                        "name": "bingId",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/bingId"
                        "name": "matches",
                        "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/matches"
        "outputs": [
                "name": "output",
                "targetName": "entities"
  5. (Optional) If you don't explicitly specify the categories, the EntityRecognitionSkill V3 can return different type of categories besides those that were supported by the EntityRecognitionSkill. If this behavior is undesirable, make sure to explicitly set the categories parameter to ["Person", "Location", "Organization", "Quantity", "Datetime", "URL", "Email"].

    Sample Migration Definitions

    • Simple migration

      (Before) EntityRecognition skill definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"

      (After) EntityRecognition skill V3 definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
    • Complicated migration

      (Before) EntityRecognition skill definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person", "Location", "Organization" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "minimumPrecision": 0.1,
          "includeTypelessEntities": true,
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
                  "name": "namedEntities",
                  "targetName": "namedEntities"
                  "name": "entities",
                  "targetName": "entities"

      (After) EntityRecognition skill V3 definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person", "Location", "Organization" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "minimumPrecision": 0.1,
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
                  "name": "namedEntities",
                  "targetName": "namedEntitiesV3"
          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
          "name": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
          "description": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
          "context": "/document/namedEntitiesV3",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "old_format",
                  "sourceContext": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*",
                  "inputs": [
                          "name": "value",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/text"
                          "name": "offset",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/offset"
                          "name": "category",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/category"
                          "name": "confidence",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntitiesV3/*/confidenceScore"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "output",
                  "targetName": "namedEntities"
          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityLinkingSkill",
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "minimumPrecision": 0.1,
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "entities",
                  "targetName": "linkedEntities"
          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
          "name": "LinkedEntitiesShaper",
          "description": "LinkedEntitiesShaper",
          "context": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "old_format",
                  "sourceContext": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*",
                  "inputs": [
                          "name": "name",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/name"
                          "name": "wikipediaId",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/id"
                          "name": "wikipediaLanguage",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/language"
                          "name": "wikipediaUrl",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/url"
                          "name": "bingId",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/bingId"
                          "name": "matches",
                          "source": "/document/linkedEntitiesV3/*/matches"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "output",
                  "targetName": "entities"


Last available api version


End of support

August 31, 2024


Use Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.SentimentSkill instead. It provides an improved model and includes the option to add opinion mining or aspect-based sentiment. As the skill is significantly more complex, the outputs are also very different.

To migrate to the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.SentimentSkill, make one or more of the following changes to your skill definition. You can update the skill definition using the Update Skillset API.


The skill outputs for the Sentiment Skill V3 are not compatible with the index definition based on the SentimentSkill. You will have to make changes to the index definition, skillset (later skill inputs and/or knowledge store projections) and indexer output field mappings to replace the sentiment skill with the new version.

  1. (Required) Change the @odata.type from "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.SentimentSkill" to "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.SentimentSkill".

  2. (Required) The Sentiment Skill V3 provides a positive, neutral, and negative score for the overall text and the same scores for each sentence in the overall text, whereas the previous SentimentSkill only provided a single double that ranged from 0.0 (negative) to 1.0 (positive) for the overall text. You will need to update your index definition to accept the three double values in place of a single score, and make sure all of your downstream skill inputs, knowledge store projections, and output field mappings are consistent with the naming changes.

It's recommended to replace the old SentimentSkill with the SentimentSkill V3 entirely, update your downstream skill inputs, knowledge store projections, indexer output field mappings, and index definition to match the new output format, and reset your indexer so that all of your documents have consistent sentiment results going forward.


If you need any additional help updating your enrichment pipeline to use the latest version of the sentiment skill or if resetting your indexer is not an option for you, please open a new support request where we can work with you directly.


Last available api version


End of support

August 31, 2024


Use Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill instead. It provides most of the functionality of the NamedEntityRecognitionSkill at a higher quality. It also has richer information in its complex output fields.

To migrate to the Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill, make one or more of the following changes to your skill definition. You can update the skill definition using the Update Skillset API.

  1. (Required) Change the @odata.type from "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.NamedEntityRecognitionSkill" to "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill".

  2. (Optional) If you're making use of the entities output, use the namedEntities complex collection output from the EntityRecognitionSkill V3 instead. There are a few minor changes to the property names of the new namedEntities complex output:

    1. value is renamed to text
    2. confidence is renamed to confidenceScore

    If you need to generate the exact same property names, add a ShaperSkill to reshape the output with the required names. For example, this ShaperSkill renames the properties to their old values.

        "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
        "name": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
        "description": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
        "context": "/document/namedEntities",
        "inputs": [
                "name": "old_format",
                "sourceContext": "/document/namedEntities/*",
                "inputs": [
                        "name": "value",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/text"
                        "name": "offset",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/offset"
                        "name": "category",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/category"
                        "name": "confidence",
                        "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/confidenceScore"
        "outputs": [
                "name": "output",
                "targetName": "entities"
  3. (Optional) If you don't explicitly specify the categories, the EntityRecognitionSkill V3 can return different type of categories besides those that were supported by the NamedEntityRecognitionSkill. If this behavior is undesirable, make sure to explicitly set the categories parameter to ["Person", "Location", "Organization"].

    Sample Migration Definitions

    • Simple migration

      (Before) NamedEntityRecognition skill definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.NamedEntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"

      (After) EntityRecognition skill V3 definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
    • Slightly complicated migration

      (Before) NamedEntityRecognition skill definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.NamedEntityRecognitionSkill",
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "minimumPrecision": 0.1,
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
                  "name": "entities"

      (After) EntityRecognition skill V3 definition

          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.V3.EntityRecognitionSkill",
          "categories": [ "Person", "Location", "Organization" ],
          "defaultLanguageCode": "en",
          "minimumPrecision": 0.1,
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "source": "/document/content"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "persons",
                  "targetName": "people"
                  "name": "namedEntities"
          "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Util.ShaperSkill",
          "name": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
          "description": "NamedEntitiesShaper",
          "context": "/document/namedEntities",
          "inputs": [
                  "name": "old_format",
                  "sourceContext": "/document/namedEntities/*",
                  "inputs": [
                          "name": "value",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/text"
                          "name": "offset",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/offset"
                          "name": "category",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/category"
                          "name": "confidence",
                          "source": "/document/namedEntities/*/confidenceScore"
          "outputs": [
                  "name": "output",
                  "targetName": "entities"

See also